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See also[]


"Same as (the fixed 100mm), only turreted. Very helpful on larger ships with slower turning rates, such as the Carriers." ― EVula Survival Guide

Due to the amount of space it uses, many players avoid using this outfit over the 100mm Railgun, especially since any ship will have the time to turn and aim long range weaponry. Furthermore, since all the "fixed" Railguns are actually forward quadrant turrets, the benefits of a full turret are comparatively minor.

Compared to the 100mm Railgun, the turret has inferior speed and duration (and therefore greatly reduced range), inferior armor damage and reload speed. The only thing it has over the fixed 100mm is slightly increased shield damage and slower decay.

This weapon is also fired from every Listening Post as a planetary weapon.


Nova pict 6046

Turreted 100mm Railgun on a Aurora Carrier

"While railguns are normally fixed-position weapons, something turreted was required for the immense Auroran Carrier. Thus the evergreen 100mm railgun was mounted on a Storm Chaingun swivel mount. The combo has proved quite successful, with several other fighting ships being retrofitted with similar guns."

The 100mm Turreted Railgun is simply a 100mm Railgun on a Storm Chaingun swivel mount.

It is not nearly as widely available as standard Railguns. It's mounted as standard only on the Aurora Carrier and Pirate Valkyrie IV.

You must have completed part of the Heraan Storyline to purchase this outfit. Specifically, after you have completed the Fight to be Thurokiir mission.
