EVN Wiki
Association Summary Preamble Intro Missions Merrol Filler Offshoot Final Missions

In the final Association missions, you assemble a crew for a Carrier, set up a trap for Pirate raiders, use the Rebels to decrypt info connecting the Federation to the Pirates, then slay rival Guildmaster McGowan.

Pick Up Blind Charlie (Pirate 6)[]

mission #706

Available from
Nova rleD 2028
Bar, 75%, Combat rating 300 (Average Ability+50%)
AvailBits: b604 & (b653 & !b605)

"The complex details of organizing so many different convoys and where they are headed, and whose ships are better equipped for handling which freight soon becomes too much for you."

You discuss the options open to you with Olaf, and promote some more trusted members to help with the workload. As soon as you create this board you realize why your father had done it all those years ago. The Association begins to run smoother, and Olaf helps you to decide, with the help of the Advisers how best the money should be spent. There are some troubles, but most can be dealt with.

Olaf organizes some clandestine outfitting yards, and soon pirate versions of many ships begin to ply the space-lanes. The Federation are dealt some bloody noses by the likes of the modified 'Enterprise', and the modified 'Starbridge' becomes the ship of preference for blockade runners.

One day Olaf pulls you aside to deliver some news.


""I have been working on something for ye, but it is a surprise, and I need ye to travel around and pick up a few people for me before it will be ready."

First I need Blind Charlie from Dunroamin in the Journey's End system. Now many folks think to look down on Charlie because he is blind, but he is the best communications operator I have ever met. His ear is incredible. He'll tell ye if the guy on the other end of a hailing channel is lying, because he'll be able to pick the tension in his voice. He's that good. So go and pick him up."
While active[]
Mission Log Entry
Go and pick up Blind Charlie from Dunroamin in the Journey's End system and return to Viking in the Tichel system.
Special Ships
4 ships of type Pirates that follow and attack the player
"Pirate" (Warship) of govt Pirate:
  • 6% Manticore thumb Manticore; Original Version (#146)
  • 13% Pirate Viper thumb Pirate Viper; Heavy Fighter Class (#166)
  • 18% Pirate Valkyrie thumb Pirate Valkyrie; Class II (#149)
  • 17% Pirate Starbridge thumb Pirate Starbridge; Class B (#148)
  • 2% Manticore thumb Manticore; Light Weapons Version (#227)
  • 2% Manticore thumb Manticore; Anti-Fighter Version (#228)
  • 2% Manticore thumb Manticore; Heavy Weapons Version (#229)
  • 2% Manticore thumb Manticore; Light Carrier Version (#230)
  • 3% Pirate Starbridge thumb Pirate Starbridge; Class C (#231)
  • 3% Pirate Starbridge thumb Pirate Starbridge; Class C #2 (#232)
  • 3% Pirate Starbridge thumb Pirate Starbridge; Class C #3 (#233)
  • 3% Pirate Starbridge thumb Pirate Starbridge; Class D (#234)
  • 3% Pirate Starbridge thumb Pirate Starbridge; Class C #4 (#235)
  • 15% Pirate Thunderhead thumb Pirate Thunderhead; Pirate Upgrade (#275)
  • 4% Pirate Valkyrie thumb Pirate Valkyrie; Class II #2 (#288)
  • 4% Pirate Valkyrie thumb Pirate Valkyrie; Class III (#289)
Loading Cargo[]
Travel to:
Journey's End
Nova rleD 2012
2 tons of passengers, illegal to Pirates
Auxiliary Ships
2 ships of type Pirates in Journey's End
"Pirate" (Warship) of govt Pirate:
  • 6% Manticore thumb Manticore; Original Version (#146)
  • 13% Pirate Viper thumb Pirate Viper; Heavy Fighter Class (#166)
  • 18% Pirate Valkyrie thumb Pirate Valkyrie; Class II (#149)
  • 17% Pirate Starbridge thumb Pirate Starbridge; Class B (#148)
  • 2% Manticore thumb Manticore; Light Weapons Version (#227)
  • 2% Manticore thumb Manticore; Anti-Fighter Version (#228)
  • 2% Manticore thumb Manticore; Heavy Weapons Version (#229)
  • 2% Manticore thumb Manticore; Light Carrier Version (#230)
  • 3% Pirate Starbridge thumb Pirate Starbridge; Class C (#231)
  • 3% Pirate Starbridge thumb Pirate Starbridge; Class C #2 (#232)
  • 3% Pirate Starbridge thumb Pirate Starbridge; Class C #3 (#233)
  • 3% Pirate Starbridge thumb Pirate Starbridge; Class D (#234)
  • 3% Pirate Starbridge thumb Pirate Starbridge; Class C #4 (#235)
  • 15% Pirate Thunderhead thumb Pirate Thunderhead; Pirate Upgrade (#275)
  • 4% Pirate Valkyrie thumb Pirate Valkyrie; Class II #2 (#288)
  • 4% Pirate Valkyrie thumb Pirate Valkyrie; Class III (#289)

"Blind Charlie turns out to be quite easy to find. You find him working in a safe house for the Association, making money off the others there by telling them what the people in the next room are doing or saying."

Loading Cargo
Another of his favorite tricks is to get people to throw things in the air, and let Charlie catch them. When you ask him how it is done, he smiles and tells you that he can hear them moving through the air, and the sound of the air being pushed aside. It is all pretty amazing.

You shake your head, and start going through your pre-flight routine.

Return to:
Nova rleD 2028

"On the return trip, he tells you that the port engine is having difficulty, and sure enough, once you land, it becomes apparent that the fuel intake valves were leaking."

At this point it was only a hairpin leak, but if left too long the engine would have either seized or blown. Neither option appealed to you.

"I reckon we should see if Olaf is in at the bar," murmurs Blind Charlie in his quiet voice. "It will be good to catch up with him again... "

On success
Legal changes
Clean status with Federation

Pick Up Sven Fjordnham (Pirate 7)[]

mission 707

Available from
Nova rleD 2028
Bar, 100%, Combat rating 300 (Average Ability+50%)
AvailBits: (P0 & b605) & !b606

"Olaf and Charlie embrace warmly, and you get the impression that there is a lot of history between them. That night at the bar they reminisce about old times, and there is much laughter."

"So," Charlie waves at you, "when are you going to go and get the others? God knows you'll need them."

"Others? What others," you ask, "and why will I need them?"

"All in good time, <PN>," Olaf slaps you on the back. "Firstly, tomorrow I'll need ye to go and fetch Sven Fjordnham, the best radar operator in the known galaxy. Ye'll find him at Serenity in the Lotus system. So go get him and come back. I have further things to organize here"

You feel a bit like an errand runner, but you have trusted Olaf your whole life, so you are not about to stop now.


"Once you are able to raise your head, you make your way to the spaceport."

The journey to Serenity will take some time, but then again, you have a feeling that Olaf is sending you away for some time for a reason. It makes you a little mad that no-one will tell you what is going on, with but you realize that you have yet to earn all your stripes.
While active[]
Mission Log Entry
Go to Serenity in the Lotus system and collect Sven Fjordnham for Olaf. He is meant to be some sort of good with radar and sensors.
Auxiliary Ships
2 ships of type Pirates that attack the player
"Pirate" (Warship) of govt Pirate:
  • 6% Manticore thumb Manticore; Original Version (#146)
  • 13% Pirate Viper thumb Pirate Viper; Heavy Fighter Class (#166)
  • 18% Pirate Valkyrie thumb Pirate Valkyrie; Class II (#149)
  • 17% Pirate Starbridge thumb Pirate Starbridge; Class B (#148)
  • 2% Manticore thumb Manticore; Light Weapons Version (#227)
  • 2% Manticore thumb Manticore; Anti-Fighter Version (#228)
  • 2% Manticore thumb Manticore; Heavy Weapons Version (#229)
  • 2% Manticore thumb Manticore; Light Carrier Version (#230)
  • 3% Pirate Starbridge thumb Pirate Starbridge; Class C (#231)
  • 3% Pirate Starbridge thumb Pirate Starbridge; Class C #2 (#232)
  • 3% Pirate Starbridge thumb Pirate Starbridge; Class C #3 (#233)
  • 3% Pirate Starbridge thumb Pirate Starbridge; Class D (#234)
  • 3% Pirate Starbridge thumb Pirate Starbridge; Class C #4 (#235)
  • 15% Pirate Thunderhead thumb Pirate Thunderhead; Pirate Upgrade (#275)
  • 4% Pirate Valkyrie thumb Pirate Valkyrie; Class II #2 (#288)
  • 4% Pirate Valkyrie thumb Pirate Valkyrie; Class III (#289)
Loading Cargo[]
Travel to:
Nova rleD 2026
Special Ships
4 ships of type Pirates in Lotus that attack the player
"Pirate" (Warship) of govt Pirate:
  • 6% Manticore thumb Manticore; Original Version (#146)
  • 13% Pirate Viper thumb Pirate Viper; Heavy Fighter Class (#166)
  • 18% Pirate Valkyrie thumb Pirate Valkyrie; Class II (#149)
  • 17% Pirate Starbridge thumb Pirate Starbridge; Class B (#148)
  • 2% Manticore thumb Manticore; Light Weapons Version (#227)
  • 2% Manticore thumb Manticore; Anti-Fighter Version (#228)
  • 2% Manticore thumb Manticore; Heavy Weapons Version (#229)
  • 2% Manticore thumb Manticore; Light Carrier Version (#230)
  • 3% Pirate Starbridge thumb Pirate Starbridge; Class C (#231)
  • 3% Pirate Starbridge thumb Pirate Starbridge; Class C #2 (#232)
  • 3% Pirate Starbridge thumb Pirate Starbridge; Class C #3 (#233)
  • 3% Pirate Starbridge thumb Pirate Starbridge; Class D (#234)
  • 3% Pirate Starbridge thumb Pirate Starbridge; Class C #4 (#235)
  • 15% Pirate Thunderhead thumb Pirate Thunderhead; Pirate Upgrade (#275)
  • 4% Pirate Valkyrie thumb Pirate Valkyrie; Class II #2 (#288)
  • 4% Pirate Valkyrie thumb Pirate Valkyrie; Class III (#289)

"You meet Sven working in the back room of a dingy nightclub. He shakes your hand warmly, and tells you that his father was a sensor-man for your Father."

You observe him security scanning all of the patrons as they enter. The scanners strip those waiting in line, first of their clothes, then their skin, showing all biological enhancement. You start to laugh at one man, who has had the "Mr. Wonderful" nether region enhancement, when you realize that it was YOU standing outside scant moments before. You think of Sven inspecting you, and blush a deep scarlet.

As if reading your thoughts Sven smiles apologetically. "Sorry Cap'n, I only looked for a moment, I swear." Something tells you he enjoyed that moment though.

"Interesting software, Mr. Fjordnham," you tell him coolly.

"Yes, Cap'n, it is. I designed it myself. It's called the Nightprobe. Olaf funded me during its creation, and it is fast becoming the industry standard. Of course, the Association makes a fair cut from the profits."

You both leave, and head back to your ship, wondering how many "little projects" Olaf has set up. If they are all this clever, you'll surely make enough money to buy your own Universe and leave all the troubles of the one you are in behind.

On success
b606 S805

Return to Viking with Sven[]

mission 805

0 tons of Sven Fjordnham
While active[]
Mission Log Entry
Head back to Olaf Viking in the Tichel system with Sven.
Return to:
Nova rleD 2028
As you quickly go through your post-flight routine you decide to get Sven settled as soon as possible before heading to the bar to find Olaf.

Pick Up Ferret and Dizzy (Pirate 8)[]

mission #708

Available from
Nova rleD 2028
Bar, 100%, Combat rating 300 (Average Ability+50%)
AvailBits: (P0 & b606) & !b607

"After settling Sven, you surprise Olaf. He quickly shuts down the design terminal he was working at, and meets you as you cross the room."

The other Association staff laugh at his behavior, and you know that they know what Olaf is planning.

"Only two more. Ye may as well pick 'em up at the same time. On Boral I in the Arcturus system is Ferret, the best damn crew chief I have ever met. Ferret knows how to deal with crew, from the Roughheads to the Bastards. From idiots to lazy good-for-nothings. Most crew are good, but Ferret, he can make the simplest of men perform better than ever.

"The second man I need you to fetch is Flynn "Dizzy" McHugh. He usually hangs around Ferret. If he's not around with Ferret, than at least Ferret should be able to point you in the right direction. Now Dizzy could make a destroyer out-fly a fighter if he wanted. Not that he hasn't in the past by the way. He learned to fly the hard way, earning a keep for his family. Even now the lad is barely old enough to shave. One bright captain realized that Flynn was far too smart to grow up being some ship's boy, and discovered his knack for flying.

"If it's a civvy ship, then Dizzy has flown it. He got the nickname while piloting leviathans at 14. Apparently he made the crew dizzy with the things he was able to make that leviathan do. So go get both of them and get back here. I reckon I'll have something waiting for you."

On the way to your ship you begin to piece together what Olaf is up to. First a Comms man, followed by a sensor-man. A crew chief and a Helmsman ... was Olaf forming a crew? But for what?
While active[]
Mission Log Entry
Pick up Ferret on Boral I in the Arcturus system, and then find Dizzy before returning to Viking.
Auxiliary Ships
2 ships of type Pirates that follow and attack the player
"Pirate" (Warship) of govt Pirate:
  • 6% Manticore thumb Manticore; Original Version (#146)
  • 13% Pirate Viper thumb Pirate Viper; Heavy Fighter Class (#166)
  • 18% Pirate Valkyrie thumb Pirate Valkyrie; Class II (#149)
  • 17% Pirate Starbridge thumb Pirate Starbridge; Class B (#148)
  • 2% Manticore thumb Manticore; Light Weapons Version (#227)
  • 2% Manticore thumb Manticore; Anti-Fighter Version (#228)
  • 2% Manticore thumb Manticore; Heavy Weapons Version (#229)
  • 2% Manticore thumb Manticore; Light Carrier Version (#230)
  • 3% Pirate Starbridge thumb Pirate Starbridge; Class C (#231)
  • 3% Pirate Starbridge thumb Pirate Starbridge; Class C #2 (#232)
  • 3% Pirate Starbridge thumb Pirate Starbridge; Class C #3 (#233)
  • 3% Pirate Starbridge thumb Pirate Starbridge; Class D (#234)
  • 3% Pirate Starbridge thumb Pirate Starbridge; Class C #4 (#235)
  • 15% Pirate Thunderhead thumb Pirate Thunderhead; Pirate Upgrade (#275)
  • 4% Pirate Valkyrie thumb Pirate Valkyrie; Class II #2 (#288)
  • 4% Pirate Valkyrie thumb Pirate Valkyrie; Class III (#289)
Loading Cargo[]
Travel to:
Nova rleD 2044
Boral I
Special Ships
4 ships of type Pirates in Arcturus that attack the player
"Pirate" (Warship) of govt Pirate:
  • 6% Manticore thumb Manticore; Original Version (#146)
  • 13% Pirate Viper thumb Pirate Viper; Heavy Fighter Class (#166)
  • 18% Pirate Valkyrie thumb Pirate Valkyrie; Class II (#149)
  • 17% Pirate Starbridge thumb Pirate Starbridge; Class B (#148)
  • 2% Manticore thumb Manticore; Light Weapons Version (#227)
  • 2% Manticore thumb Manticore; Anti-Fighter Version (#228)
  • 2% Manticore thumb Manticore; Heavy Weapons Version (#229)
  • 2% Manticore thumb Manticore; Light Carrier Version (#230)
  • 3% Pirate Starbridge thumb Pirate Starbridge; Class C (#231)
  • 3% Pirate Starbridge thumb Pirate Starbridge; Class C #2 (#232)
  • 3% Pirate Starbridge thumb Pirate Starbridge; Class C #3 (#233)
  • 3% Pirate Starbridge thumb Pirate Starbridge; Class D (#234)
  • 3% Pirate Starbridge thumb Pirate Starbridge; Class C #4 (#235)
  • 15% Pirate Thunderhead thumb Pirate Thunderhead; Pirate Upgrade (#275)
  • 4% Pirate Valkyrie thumb Pirate Valkyrie; Class II #2 (#288)
  • 4% Pirate Valkyrie thumb Pirate Valkyrie; Class III (#289)

"It takes you less than an hour to locate Ferret, and it only takes him a quick phone call to get Dizzy to drop by, making your job very easy indeed."

Dizzy and Ferret seem to get along famously... which makes you think that the return trip will be extremely trying. With a deep sigh you decide to head back to Viking to see if you can find out what Olaf is up to.
On success
b607 S806

Return to Viking with Ferret and Dizzy[]

mission #806

While active[]
Mission Log Entry
Head back to Olaf Viking in the Tichel system with Ferret and Dizzy.
Return to:
Nova rleD 2028

"Right from the start of the trip Dizzy and Ferret made work impossible as they carry on like two old friends, until you asked Ferret how was he supposed to control a crew if he couldn't control himself?"

Abruptly the trouble stopped. You allowed Mr. McHugh to take the Helm, and became slightly jealous when he made your own ship fly better than you could. As time goes by you become used to buzzing through spaces that most pilots would have left well alone.

Ferret kept the crew so well in line that you only noticed them when you told them about a job well done. By the end of the trip, you are surprised to find that you are enjoying their company quite a lot.

One thing that has been troubling you is the fact that one of your biggest trade routes has fallen prey to raiders far too many times. There has been talk of a large pirate group specifically targeting Association convoys, and mostly when they are carrying Rebel supplies. The rebels have been getting more than a little worried. You will have to sort it out, and quickly. As you land you see some sort of strife at the shipyards. The blast-shields have been closed and there are warning lights flashing all over the base. You decide to head to the shipyard as soon as you land.

Investigate Incidents (Pirate 9)[]

mission #709

Available from
Nova rleD 2028
Shipyard, 100%, Combat rating 300 (Average Ability+50%)
AvailBits: (P0 & b607) & !b666

"You burst into the shipyards to finds the production floor hung with bunting and streamers. Balloons and laser light shows burst into life as soon as you enter, and everyone yells "SURPRISE"."

Out through the main view-port you can see the most vicious looking Carrier you have ever seen. It has six huge engines that look more than capable for blasting it through Federation blockades. The Weapons platform is immense, with more cannons than you have ever seen.

Olaf approaches you and smiles at the stunned look on your face. "I take it ye like yer new ship. I have built a ship for ye the same way I built a ship for your Father. This is yer birthright. I have made her an updated version of the old 'Unrelenting'. I'm glad that ye like her. With a ship like this, ye can go about making the Association safe and strong like it used to be." You feel tears spring to your eyes, and Olaf puts his arm around you.

"Ahh, enough of that Bonnie, or yer new crew will think ye are a softie and try to walk all over ye. Now come and meet them." Most of the bridge crew you have already met, and Olaf surprises you by telling you that he will handle the engineering section himself. At least now you know why Olaf has been so secretive lately.

The player cannot refuse this mission.

On accept
H374 T25043

The pilot's ship is changed to a Heavily Upgraded Pirate Carrier with the name 'Unrelenting'.

"Olaf suggests that the maiden voyage of the best carrier in the universe should be to head out to Outcast in the Aral system and try to discover why the Association has been losing so many ships so near the small supply depot Olaf recently opened on the planets surface."

Bright and early, you meet your new bridge crew on your new ship. The surfaces of the various consoles gleam with a freshness that you find enticing. With a happy heart you order Flynn McHugh to break contact with the base and head for the Aral system.

As the ship makes its way out of the port, you set the course into the ships computer Dala. Dala calculates the best course for and you drop into warp. One way or the other you will discover what is happening in Aral.

While active[]
Mission Log Entry
Take your new ship on its maiden voyage and investigate the disappearance of Association convoys near the Aral system.
Travel to:
Observe carnage
Special Ships
6 ships of type Association - disabled
Association - disabled
"Association - disabled" (Warship) of govt Association of Free Traders (2):
  • 5% Manticore thumb Manticore; Original Version (#146)
  • 9% Pirate Carrier thumb Pirate Carrier; Standard (#147)
  • 17% Pirate Argosy thumb Pirate Argosy; Stolen Tech (#150)
  • 17% Pirate Enterprise thumb Pirate Enterprise; Stolen Tech (#151)
  • 2% Manticore thumb Manticore; Light Weapons Version (#227)
  • 2% Manticore thumb Manticore; Anti-Fighter Version (#228)
  • 2% Manticore thumb Manticore; Heavy Weapons Version (#229)
  • 2% Manticore thumb Manticore; Light Carrier Version (#230)
  • 5% Pirate Enterprise thumb Pirate Enterprise; Modified (#236)
  • 5% Pirate Enterprise thumb Pirate Enterprise; Heavily Modified (#237)
  • 5% Pirate Enterprise thumb Pirate Enterprise; Heavily Modified #2 (#238)
  • 17% Pirate Thunderhead thumb Pirate Thunderhead; Pirate Upgrade (#275)
  • 2% Pirate Carrier thumb Pirate Carrier; Upgraded (#285)
  • 2% Pirate Carrier thumb Pirate Carrier; Extra Fighters Detected (#286)
  • 2% Pirate Carrier thumb Pirate Carrier; Heavy Weapons Platform (#287)
  • 6% Pirate Valkyrie thumb Pirate Valkyrie; Class IV (#291)
Travel to:
Nova rleD 2011
On success

Report Incident to Rebels[]

mission #807

Available from
Nova rleD 2011
Spaceport, 100%, Combat rating 300 (Average Ability+50%)
AvailBits: (P0 & b666) & !b608

"As your ship drops out of warp, you see the remnants of an Association fleet. The burnt out hulks of their vessels drift through the blackness of space."

The debris field is huge, and the size of it indicates that the enemy that attacked them pounded them to dust. The desolation is so complete.

When you finally land after looking around, you see that even the supply depot was raided. Your irritation boils over and you make a snap decision to go and see the rebels and inform them of the situation. In a voice made icy by rage you give orders to your bridge crew who snap to comply with an alacrity beyond even their normal excellence. You tell Dala to set course to Rebel II in the Koria system.

While active[]
Mission Log Entry
Head to Rebel II in the Koria system to report recent attacks on Association convoys to the Rebels.
Return to:
Nova rleD 2034
Rebel II

"You meet with the Rebel High Command. After the news that the latest shipment has been lost the Rebels grow very long in the face."

A plan is hatched after some long discussion. Frandall suggests that the best way to flush out the enemy is to create a shipment that is too tempting a target to pass up. The plan is made to create a bogus convoy, packed full of important supplies and carrying the rebel high command. A series of communications is sent back and forth, and the fleet is assembled. The convoy contains very few freighters, and many warships. The rebels are happy for you to deal with the enemy. The fleet sets out to head back to <DST>, with every intention of being attacked by the enemy.
On success
b608 S807

Set Up Trap (Pirate 10)[]

mission #807

While active[]
Mission Log Entry
Head to Outcast in the Aral system to set up the trap.
Special Ships
6 ships of type Association that jump in after a delay and protect the player
"Association" (Warship) of govt Association of Free Traders:
  • 100% Pirate Valkyrie thumb Pirate Valkyrie; Class III (#289)
Travel to:
Nova rleD 2011

Launch Trap[]

mission #710

Available from
Nova rleD 2011
Spaceport, 100%, Combat rating 300 (Average Ability+50%)
AvailBits: (P0 & b608) & !(b609 | b838)

"The trap being set, the fleet sets out to flush out the enemy. The mood on board is one of tense expectation."

The plan calls for you to disable enemy ships, so that they can be boarded and prisoners taken. It goes without saying that the fighting will be brutal and fierce. The possibility of death hangs on everyone, but the current situation must stop. The enemy crews themselves will not be the chief source of information, but the enemy databanks will. So you will have to disable and board whichever ship of theirs seems to be their command vessel.

Getting ahold of the databanks will enable you to trace the movements of specific ships, tracking them to secret bases and rendezvous points. It will also make it possible for you to read encoded messages, and decipher the identity of their senders. Once you know that, you will be able to cross-reference with membership lists of the Association. A long process, but necessary. Only by doing this will you discover the trail of the killers, and destroy them all.

Then a sudden warning comes through the comm; it looks like this party is about to warm up. The bad guys have sent a fleet to destroy your 'convoy'. You smile savagely, preparing to take off and deal with scumbags in orbit who have been trying to stop you from the minute you started looking successful.

You send off a grim message packet to Olaf telling him to meet you on Rebel II in the Koria system if you survive this little encounter...

On accept
S827 S808
Pirate Attackers[]

mission #827

Special Ships
7 ships of type Pirates in Aral that jump in after a delay and attack the player
"Pirates" (Warship) of govt Pirate:
  • 9% Manticore thumb Manticore; Original Version (#146)
  • 5% Pirate Carrier thumb Pirate Carrier; Standard (#147)
  • 17% Pirate Argosy thumb Pirate Argosy; Stolen Tech (#150)
  • 17% Pirate Enterprise thumb Pirate Enterprise; Stolen Tech (#151)
  • 2% Manticore thumb Manticore; Light Weapons Version (#227)
  • 2% Manticore thumb Manticore; Anti-Fighter Version (#228)
  • 2% Manticore thumb Manticore; Heavy Weapons Version (#229)
  • 2% Manticore thumb Manticore; Light Carrier Version (#230)
  • 5% Pirate Enterprise thumb Pirate Enterprise; Modified (#236)
  • 5% Pirate Enterprise thumb Pirate Enterprise; Heavily Modified (#237)
  • 5% Pirate Enterprise thumb Pirate Enterprise; Heavily Modified #2 (#238)
  • 17% Pirate Thunderhead thumb Pirate Thunderhead; Pirate Upgrade (#275)
  • 2% Pirate Carrier thumb Pirate Carrier; Upgraded (#285)
  • 2% Pirate Carrier thumb Pirate Carrier; Extra Fighters Detected (#286)
  • 2% Pirate Carrier thumb Pirate Carrier; Heavy Weapons Platform (#287)
  • 6% Pirate Valkyrie thumb Pirate Valkyrie; Class IV (#291)
PVIII escorts[]

mission #808

Special Ships
6 ships of type Association that jump in after a delay and protect the player
"Association" (Warship) of govt Association of Free Traders:
  • 100% Pirate Valkyrie thumb Pirate Valkyrie; Class III (#289)
While active[]
On abort
A827 A808
Mission Log Entry
Board one of the ships attacking your 'convoy' in the Aral system and then head to Rebel II in the Koria system with any information you gain.
Travel to:
Board Pirate Raider
Special Ships
1 ships of type Pirates in Aral that jumps in and attacks the player
"Pirates" (Warship) of govt Pirate (2):
  • 9% Manticore thumb Manticore; Original Version (#146)
  • 5% Pirate Carrier thumb Pirate Carrier; Standard (#147)
  • 17% Pirate Argosy thumb Pirate Argosy; Stolen Tech (#150)
  • 17% Pirate Enterprise thumb Pirate Enterprise; Stolen Tech (#151)
  • 2% Manticore thumb Manticore; Light Weapons Version (#227)
  • 2% Manticore thumb Manticore; Anti-Fighter Version (#228)
  • 2% Manticore thumb Manticore; Heavy Weapons Version (#229)
  • 2% Manticore thumb Manticore; Light Carrier Version (#230)
  • 5% Pirate Enterprise thumb Pirate Enterprise; Modified (#236)
  • 5% Pirate Enterprise thumb Pirate Enterprise; Heavily Modified (#237)
  • 5% Pirate Enterprise thumb Pirate Enterprise; Heavily Modified #2 (#238)
  • 17% Pirate Thunderhead thumb Pirate Thunderhead; Pirate Upgrade (#275)
  • 2% Pirate Carrier thumb Pirate Carrier; Upgraded (#285)
  • 2% Pirate Carrier thumb Pirate Carrier; Extra Fighters Detected (#286)
  • 2% Pirate Carrier thumb Pirate Carrier; Heavy Weapons Platform (#287)
  • 6% Pirate Valkyrie thumb Pirate Valkyrie; Class IV (#291)

Target ship is named one of the following: Howling Wolf, Hell-Hound, Old Grey Fox, Black Dragon, Footpad, Silent Footfall, Ball and Chain, Raven Stone, Lone Horseman or Old Veteran.

On ship done
S711 b8910
Cargo loaded
0 tons of information, illegal to Feds and Pirates
Silent Mission for Extra special ships[]

mission #711

Special Ships
5 ships of type Pirates that follow and attack the player
Auxiliary Ships
2 ships of type Lone Federation Ship that infinitely regenerate
"Pirates" (Warship) of govt Pirate:
  • 9% Manticore thumb Manticore; Original Version (#146)
  • 5% Pirate Carrier thumb Pirate Carrier; Standard (#147)
  • 17% Pirate Argosy thumb Pirate Argosy; Stolen Tech (#150)
  • 17% Pirate Enterprise thumb Pirate Enterprise; Stolen Tech (#151)
  • 2% Manticore thumb Manticore; Light Weapons Version (#227)
  • 2% Manticore thumb Manticore; Anti-Fighter Version (#228)
  • 2% Manticore thumb Manticore; Heavy Weapons Version (#229)
  • 2% Manticore thumb Manticore; Light Carrier Version (#230)
  • 5% Pirate Enterprise thumb Pirate Enterprise; Modified (#236)
  • 5% Pirate Enterprise thumb Pirate Enterprise; Heavily Modified (#237)
  • 5% Pirate Enterprise thumb Pirate Enterprise; Heavily Modified #2 (#238)
  • 17% Pirate Thunderhead thumb Pirate Thunderhead; Pirate Upgrade (#275)
  • 2% Pirate Carrier thumb Pirate Carrier; Upgraded (#285)
  • 2% Pirate Carrier thumb Pirate Carrier; Extra Fighters Detected (#286)
  • 2% Pirate Carrier thumb Pirate Carrier; Heavy Weapons Platform (#287)
  • 6% Pirate Valkyrie thumb Pirate Valkyrie; Class IV (#291)
Lone Federation Ship
"Lone Federation Ship" (Interceptor) of govt Federation:
  • 11% Patrol Boat thumb Fed Patrol Boat; Gunboat Class (#142)
  • 20% RAGE Gunboat thumb RAGE Gunboat; Corvette Class (#172)
  • 11% Fed Viper thumb Fed Viper; Fighter Class (#144)
  • 11% Anaconda thumb Fed Anaconda; Heavy Fighter Class (#145)
  • 10% Scout Ship thumb Fed Scout Ship; Heavy Fighter Class (#187)
  • 3% Patrol Boat thumb Fed Patrol Boat; Auroran Outfits Detected (#215)
  • 3% Patrol Boat thumb Fed Patrol Boat; Close-Quarters Variant (#216)
  • 3% Patrol Boat thumb Fed Patrol Boat; Heavily Armed Variant (#217)
  • 5% Fed Viper thumb Fed Viper; Heavy Fighter Variant (#223)
  • 4% Fed Viper thumb Fed Viper; Auroran Outfits Detected (#224)
  • 5% Anaconda thumb Fed Anaconda; Light Missile Variant (#225)
  • 4% Anaconda thumb Fed Anaconda; Auroran Outfits Detected (#226)
  • 10% Scout Ship thumb Fed Scout Ship; Fighter Class (#351)
Return to:
Nova rleD 2034
Rebel II

"Olaf hands you a full stein of ale, and you silently raise it in memory of those who will never drink with you again."

The rebels were already prepared for your arrival, and the wounded are swiftly taken to hospitals and to medical stations whose doctors ask no questions. As their repair crew gets to work you take stock of the situation. Your ammunition stocks are depleted and there are some badly damaged ships in your fleet. Others will never sail again...

"We'll need to take those captured databanks to Rebel I in the Evlei system," muses Olaf quietly, obviously uncomfortable to disturb you during your reverie. "That is the place where the rebel code-breakers are currently hiding. Those guys and their computers will soon have the ciphers broken and the information pouring out to us." You nod in agreement, hoping that the decoding won't take too long.

Once the supplies have been loaded and the damaged sections have been repaired, you instruct Mr. Flynn to take her out, and ask Dala to set course for Rebel I. You hope that this trip will be less action packed than the last, but you doubt it, and so you take along what's left of your fleet to ensure that the data package reaches the decoders...

On success
b838 S842
Legal changes
Clean record with Federation

Head to Rebel I[]

mission #842

While active[]
Mission Log Entry
Head to Rebel I in the Evlei system with the databanks for decryption.
On abort
A827 A808
Travel to:
Nova rleD 2022
Rebel I

"You are happy to make a safe planet-fall on Rebel I. Dizzy slumps in his chair, gladly letting the helm sit idle. It has not been an easy trip for him. Sven has spent far too long at his post, and his eyes are so bloodshot that you can barely see any whites in them."

"Stand down, gentlemen, and see to it that you both get plenty of rest."

They both salute and leave the bridge. You pick up the hailer and inform Mr. Ferret to begin off-loading the databanks. You remind him of their importance and ask him to place the best fighters on the cargo duty that day. He chuckles, and tells you to relax, as he has already hand-picked the cargo crews for today, making sure that there are some hulking, but fast-reflexed lads among them. You break the connection and sit back. All you have to do now is wait, and you inform the Rebels that you will keep checking by the bar to see if they have unravelled all the information in the databanks and to look for you there when they do.

On success
b609 b6666 S895 A808
Legal changes
Clean record with Federation

Completing this mission disbands your PVIII escorts.

Penultimate Pirate Link[]

mission #895

Mission Log Entry
Keep checking by the bar on Rebel I to see if the Rebel code-breakers have managed to extract the information you need.

There's a wait of 10 days before the information is decrypted...

Destroy McGowan (Pirate 11)[]

mission #712

Available from
Nova rleD 2022
Rebel I
Spaceport, 50%, Combat rating 300 (Average Ability+50%)
AvailBits: (P0 & b610) & !(b611 | b6666)

"Just when you think that you are going to go insane hanging around this tinpot hole on the edge of nowhere, as you sit sipping your drink, a man comes over to you and tells you that they have managed to crack the crypto on the Databanks."

You quickly follow him into the Rebel HQ.

As you arrive, the rebels' tactical computer, Horatio, is starting to deliver his analysis.

"The security leak is from cargo handler Jimrin Forge in the Tichel system. I have linked him to the Bureau and the pirate group lead by Chade McGowan. McGowan's fleets are evading us by using the Federation outposts to resupply.

"My assessment of the situation is that McGowan is in the direct employ of the Federation, and is controlled by the Bureau. They supply him with the routes and times of Federation patrol sweeps. This enables him to attack our fleets without fear of Federation intervention.

"It is my suggestion that the McGowan fleet be destroyed. Removing him would decrease Federation intervention by 75%."

McGowan, the man who stole your parents from you; McGowan, the man who has been killing your friends and associates without fear of retribution. The rebels are discussing how best to destroy McGowan. You on the other hand, have every intention of doing it first. You can't let them take away your revenge. Now is the time for blood.


"You enter the bridge of the Unrelenting to find all of your crew sitting expectantly at their consoles. You pick up the hailer, and ask for Olaf and Ferret to report to the bridge."

The two men appear in moments, and you begin to tell them about the findings of Horatio. When you have finished, the faces before you are full of a grim purpose.

"I know that many of you have reasons for hating McGowan, and I say that letting the rebels go and remove him from this world would be betraying all the memories that we hold dear, and disregarding the very tenets upon which the Association of Free Traders was built. Tyranny and injustice must be fought, and they must be fought by those who have stomach for the fight.

"Mr. Ferret, inform the crew that we are headed for battle. Olaf, make ready the engines. I want optimum power by the time we reach Harbor.

"Dizzy, make sure that you are ready to fly like you have never flown before, and Mr. Fjordnham, keep the information coming to my screens. I need to know which ships are weakening, and which ships are still in full flight. Blind Charlie, signal the rest of the fleet to form on The Unrelenting and make themselves ready for battle. We go to end a great evil, and by all that is sacred, we will succeed in our task."

Auxiliary Ships
6 ships of type Association that follow the player
"Association" (Warship) of govt Association of Free Traders:
  • 5% Manticore thumb Manticore; Original Version (#146)
  • 9% Pirate Carrier thumb Pirate Carrier; Standard (#147)
  • 17% Pirate Argosy thumb Pirate Argosy; Stolen Tech (#150)
  • 17% Pirate Enterprise thumb Pirate Enterprise; Stolen Tech (#151)
  • 2% Manticore thumb Manticore; Light Weapons Version (#227)
  • 2% Manticore thumb Manticore; Anti-Fighter Version (#228)
  • 2% Manticore thumb Manticore; Heavy Weapons Version (#229)
  • 2% Manticore thumb Manticore; Light Carrier Version (#230)
  • 5% Pirate Enterprise thumb Pirate Enterprise; Modified (#236)
  • 5% Pirate Enterprise thumb Pirate Enterprise; Heavily Modified (#237)
  • 5% Pirate Enterprise thumb Pirate Enterprise; Heavily Modified #2 (#238)
  • 17% Pirate Thunderhead thumb Pirate Thunderhead; Pirate Upgrade (#275)
  • 2% Pirate Carrier thumb Pirate Carrier; Upgraded (#285)
  • 2% Pirate Carrier thumb Pirate Carrier; Extra Fighters Detected (#286)
  • 2% Pirate Carrier thumb Pirate Carrier; Heavy Weapons Platform (#287)
  • 6% Pirate Valkyrie thumb Pirate Valkyrie; Class IV (#291)

These auxiliary ships have a tendency to disappear suddenly, leaving the player to complete the mission alone.

On accept
S713 A895
Extra Pirates in and out of Scheall[]

mission 713

This mission adds a large number of pirates in Scheall and a smaller number that continuously harass the player outside of Scheall.

Special Ships
6 ships of type Pirates in Scheall that attack the player
"Pirates" (Warship) of govt Pirate:
  • 9% Manticore thumb Manticore; Original Version (#146)
  • 5% Pirate Carrier thumb Pirate Carrier; Standard (#147)
  • 17% Pirate Argosy thumb Pirate Argosy; Stolen Tech (#150)
  • 17% Pirate Enterprise thumb Pirate Enterprise; Stolen Tech (#151)
  • 2% Manticore thumb Manticore; Light Weapons Version (#227)
  • 2% Manticore thumb Manticore; Anti-Fighter Version (#228)
  • 2% Manticore thumb Manticore; Heavy Weapons Version (#229)
  • 2% Manticore thumb Manticore; Light Carrier Version (#230)
  • 5% Pirate Enterprise thumb Pirate Enterprise; Modified (#236)
  • 5% Pirate Enterprise thumb Pirate Enterprise; Heavily Modified (#237)
  • 5% Pirate Enterprise thumb Pirate Enterprise; Heavily Modified #2 (#238)
  • 17% Pirate Thunderhead thumb Pirate Thunderhead; Pirate Upgrade (#275)
  • 2% Pirate Carrier thumb Pirate Carrier; Upgraded (#285)
  • 2% Pirate Carrier thumb Pirate Carrier; Extra Fighters Detected (#286)
  • 2% Pirate Carrier thumb Pirate Carrier; Heavy Weapons Platform (#287)
  • 6% Pirate Valkyrie thumb Pirate Valkyrie; Class IV (#291)
Auxiliary Ships
3 ships of type Pirates that infinitely regenerate and follow the player
"Pirate" (Warship) of govt Pirate:
  • 6% Manticore thumb Manticore; Original Version (#146)
  • 13% Pirate Viper thumb Pirate Viper; Heavy Fighter Class (#166)
  • 18% Pirate Valkyrie thumb Pirate Valkyrie; Class II (#149)
  • 17% Pirate Starbridge thumb Pirate Starbridge; Class B (#148)
  • 2% Manticore thumb Manticore; Light Weapons Version (#227)
  • 2% Manticore thumb Manticore; Anti-Fighter Version (#228)
  • 2% Manticore thumb Manticore; Heavy Weapons Version (#229)
  • 2% Manticore thumb Manticore; Light Carrier Version (#230)
  • 3% Pirate Starbridge thumb Pirate Starbridge; Class C (#231)
  • 3% Pirate Starbridge thumb Pirate Starbridge; Class C #2 (#232)
  • 3% Pirate Starbridge thumb Pirate Starbridge; Class C #3 (#233)
  • 3% Pirate Starbridge thumb Pirate Starbridge; Class D (#234)
  • 3% Pirate Starbridge thumb Pirate Starbridge; Class C #4 (#235)
  • 15% Pirate Thunderhead thumb Pirate Thunderhead; Pirate Upgrade (#275)
  • 4% Pirate Valkyrie thumb Pirate Valkyrie; Class II #2 (#288)
  • 4% Pirate Valkyrie thumb Pirate Valkyrie; Class III (#289)

When the Pirates in Scheall are destroyed, additional Rebel and Federation fleets will jump in.

On ship done
S714 S715
Federation Reinforcements in Scheall[]

mission 714

Special Ships
4 ships of type Lone Federation Ship that jump in after a delay and attack the player
Lone Federation Ship
"Lone Big Federation Ship" (Warship) of govt Federation:
  • 30% Destroyer thumb Fed Destroyer; Destroyer Class (#141)
  • 14% Destroyer thumb Fed Destroyer; Auroran Outfits Detected (#211)
  • 14% Destroyer thumb Fed Destroyer; Missile Variant (#212)
  • 14% Destroyer thumb Fed Destroyer; Heavy Missile Variant (#213)
  • 14% Destroyer thumb Fed Destroyer; Carrier Version (#214)
  • 5% Fed Carrier thumb Fed Carrier; Flagship Class (#143)
  • 2% Fed Carrier thumb Fed Carrier; Non-Missile Variant (#218)
  • 2% Fed Carrier thumb Fed Carrier; Heavy Missile Variant (#219)
  • 2% Fed Carrier thumb Fed Carrier; Heavy Fighter Variant (#220)
  • 1% Fed Carrier thumb Fed Carrier; Light Missile Variant (#221)
  • 2% Fed Carrier thumb Fed Carrier; Auroran Outfits Detected (#222)
Rebel Reinforcements in Scheall[]

mission 715

These Rebels will leave as soon as they please.

Special Ships
4 ships of type Big Rebels that jump in after a delay
Big Rebels
"Big Rebels" (Warship) of govt Rebellion:
  • 7% Rebel Destroyer thumb Rebel Destroyer; Destroyer Class (#181)
  • 7% Rebel Dragon thumb Rebel Dragon; Heavy Destroyer Class (#180)
  • 2% Rebel Dragon thumb Rebel Dragon; Carrier Class (#347)
  • 3% Rebel Destroyer thumb Rebel Destroyer; Heavy Destroyer Class (#348)
  • 9% Mod Starbridge thumb Mod Starbridge; Class C (#165)
  • 20% Rebel IDA Frigate thumb Rebel IDA Frigate; Rebel Upgrade I (#412)
  • 7% Mod Starbridge thumb Mod Starbridge; Class E (#332)
  • 3% Rebel Destroyer thumb Rebel Destroyer; Super Heavy Destroyer Class (#349)
  • 3% Rebel Destroyer thumb Rebel Destroyer; Carrier Class (#350)
  • 9% Pirate Thunderhead thumb Pirate Thunderhead;Upgraded After Capture (#354)
  • 7% Rebel Destroyer thumb Rebel Destroyer; Destroyer Class, missing cloak (#356)
  • 9% Rebel Dragon thumb Rebel Dragon; Heavy Destroyer Class, Cloaking (#355)
  • 2% Rebel Dragon thumb Rebel Dragon; Carrier Class, Cloaking (#357)
  • 4% Rebel Destroyer thumb Rebel Destroyer; Heavy Destroyer Class, Cloaking (#358)
  • 4% Rebel Destroyer thumb Rebel Destroyer; Super Heavy Destroyer Class, Cloaking (#359)
  • 4% Rebel Destroyer thumb Rebel Destroyer; Carrier Class, Cloaking (#360)
While active[]
On accept
A713 A895
Mission Log Entry
Head to Harbor to destroy McGowan.
Travel to:
The Scheall system
Destroy McGowan's ship
Special Ships
1 ship of type McGowan in Scheall that attacks the player
"McGowan" (Warship) of govt Associated Guild of Free Traders:
  • 100% Pirate Carrier thumb Pirate Carrier; Heavy Weapons Platform (#287)

Target is labelled 'McGowan'.

On ship done

Killing McGowan will cause additional Pirates and Feds to appear.

Silent Mission for Extra special ships again[]

mission #711

The infinitely respawning auxiliary Fed ships are not necessarily hostile as the player is no longer carrying illegal cargo.

Special Ships
5 ships of type Pirates that follow and attack the player
Auxiliary Ships
2 ships of type Lone Federation Ship that infinitely regenerate
"Pirates" (Warship) of govt Pirate:
  • 9% Manticore thumb Manticore; Original Version (#146)
  • 5% Pirate Carrier thumb Pirate Carrier; Standard (#147)
  • 17% Pirate Argosy thumb Pirate Argosy; Stolen Tech (#150)
  • 17% Pirate Enterprise thumb Pirate Enterprise; Stolen Tech (#151)
  • 2% Manticore thumb Manticore; Light Weapons Version (#227)
  • 2% Manticore thumb Manticore; Anti-Fighter Version (#228)
  • 2% Manticore thumb Manticore; Heavy Weapons Version (#229)
  • 2% Manticore thumb Manticore; Light Carrier Version (#230)
  • 5% Pirate Enterprise thumb Pirate Enterprise; Modified (#236)
  • 5% Pirate Enterprise thumb Pirate Enterprise; Heavily Modified (#237)
  • 5% Pirate Enterprise thumb Pirate Enterprise; Heavily Modified #2 (#238)
  • 17% Pirate Thunderhead thumb Pirate Thunderhead; Pirate Upgrade (#275)
  • 2% Pirate Carrier thumb Pirate Carrier; Upgraded (#285)
  • 2% Pirate Carrier thumb Pirate Carrier; Extra Fighters Detected (#286)
  • 2% Pirate Carrier thumb Pirate Carrier; Heavy Weapons Platform (#287)
  • 6% Pirate Valkyrie thumb Pirate Valkyrie; Class IV (#291)
Lone Federation Ship
"Lone Federation Ship" (Interceptor) of govt Federation:
  • 11% Patrol Boat thumb Fed Patrol Boat; Gunboat Class (#142)
  • 20% RAGE Gunboat thumb RAGE Gunboat; Corvette Class (#172)
  • 11% Fed Viper thumb Fed Viper; Fighter Class (#144)
  • 11% Anaconda thumb Fed Anaconda; Heavy Fighter Class (#145)
  • 10% Scout Ship thumb Fed Scout Ship; Heavy Fighter Class (#187)
  • 3% Patrol Boat thumb Fed Patrol Boat; Auroran Outfits Detected (#215)
  • 3% Patrol Boat thumb Fed Patrol Boat; Close-Quarters Variant (#216)
  • 3% Patrol Boat thumb Fed Patrol Boat; Heavily Armed Variant (#217)
  • 5% Fed Viper thumb Fed Viper; Heavy Fighter Variant (#223)
  • 4% Fed Viper thumb Fed Viper; Auroran Outfits Detected (#224)
  • 5% Anaconda thumb Fed Anaconda; Light Missile Variant (#225)
  • 4% Anaconda thumb Fed Anaconda; Auroran Outfits Detected (#226)
  • 10% Scout Ship thumb Fed Scout Ship; Fighter Class (#351)
Return to:
Nova rleD 2035

"The rebel fleet arrives to find your battered but victorious fleet."

The Unrelenting will need some time in dry dock in order to repair the badly damaged sections, but all in all, the day has gone well for the Association of Free Traders. The rebel fleet takes up an escort position, and you land on Harbor to celebrate and recuperate.

Frandall signals you that the Rebellion would like to start using the Association in a more offensive role, to make hit and fade attacks on the Federation. He says that the Association ships seem well suited for this role, and that they can be used to make the Federation pay for the crimes and corruptions they have committed against the small man.

You tell him that you will have to ask the remainder of the members, but that you think they will be delighted to take on that role. The thought of fighting the Federation in the open appeals to you.


"It is with a song in your heart that you tell Dala to set course for the great beyond. What was your father's is now yours. For now you are happy to leave things the way they are, and leave the worries of the universe to others, for a while. You wonder who will step forward to take the torch from you.

With a smile you head out into the dark comfort of deep space. It has been a good day...
" ― Epilogue

On success
b611 b9995 b9500 M472 Q25048 A711 A713 A714 A715
Legal changes
Clean status with Federation

This is the final Association mission. This is the only storyline where the player does not necessarily save or dominate humanity by the end.

Completing this mission will cause the player to be transported to S7evyn.

"A mysterious force transports you to an unknown location..."


Nova Pirates
Sub-factions: MaraudersFree TradersThe AssociationHouseless Warriors
Pirate Ships: Viper (v) (i) 110k, Argosy (v) (i) 250k, Thunderhead (v) (i) 425k, Valkyrie (v) (i) 500k, Enterprise (v) (i) 700k, Starbridge (v) (i) 725k, Manticore (v) (i) 12M, Carrier (v) (i) 15M (Unrelenting 1 rich uncle)
Association Storyline (PreambleIntro MissionsFinal MissionsOffshootMerrol Missions)
Pirate OutfitsPirate Weapons
