EVN Wiki

Bis'usoca is a solar system in EV Nova.


There are no asteroids in Bis'usoca.


3 ships on average appear in this system, chosen from the following düdes:

20% chance: "Large Polaris" (Warship) of govt Nil'kemorya:

  • 26% Arachnid thumb Arachnid; Untitled (#158)
  • 14% Scarab thumb Scarab; Untitled (#162)
  • 2% Arachnid thumb Arachnid;Nil'kimas, cloak and tunneling (#326)
  • 26% Arachnid thumb Arachnid;Cloaking (#259)
  • 14% Scarab thumb Scarab;Cloaking (#261)
  • 2% Raven thumb Raven;Cloaking, mk0 (#263)
  • 2% Dragon thumb Dragon;Nil'kimas, cloak and tunneling (#327)
  • 2% Arachnid thumb Arachnid; Nil'kimas (#311)
  • 2% Scarab thumb Scarab; Nil'kimas (#316)
  • 2% Arachnid thumb Arachnid;Nil'kimas, cloaking (#319)
  • 2% Scarab thumb Scarab;Nil'kimas, cloaking (#321)
  • 2% Arachnid thumb Arachnid;Nil'kimas, cloak and tunneling (#326)
  • 2% Scarab thumb Scarab;Nil'kimas, cloak and tunneling (#328)
  • 2% Dragon thumb Dragon; Nil'kimas (#313)

40% chance: "Lone Polaris" (Warship) of govt Nil'kemorya:

  • 11% Manta thumb Manta; Untitled (#161)
  • 23% Zephyr thumb Zephyr; Wild Prototype (#186)
  • 1% Dragon thumb Dragon; Untitled (#159)
  • 14% Striker thumb Striker; Untitled (#163)
  • 23% Zephyr thumb Zephyr;Cloaking, mk1 (#257)
  • 18% Striker thumb Striker;Cloaking (#262)
  • 1% Manta thumb Manta; kemi (#314)
  • 1% Manta thumb Manta; Nil'kimas (#315)
  • 1% Striker thumb Striker; Nil'kimas (#317)
  • 1% Striker thumb Striker; kemi (#318)
  • 1% Striker thumb Striker;Nil'kimas, cloaking (#322)
  • 1% Striker thumb Striker;Nil'kimas, cloak and tunneling (#329)
  • 1% Dragon thumb Dragon; kemi (#312)
  • 1% Dragon thumb Dragon; Nil'kimas (#313)
  • 1% Dragon thumb Dragon;Nil'kimas, cloaking (#320)
  • 1% Dragon thumb Dragon;Nil'kimas, cloak and tunneling (#327)

20% chance: "Small Polaris" (Interceptor) of govt Nil'kemorya:

  • 20% Manta thumb Manta; Untitled (#161)
  • 3% Dragon thumb Dragon;Nil'kimas, cloak and tunneling (#327)
  • 17% Striker thumb Striker; Untitled (#163)
  • 10% Zephyr thumb Zephyr;Cloaking, mk2 (#258)
  • 10% Zephyr thumb Zephyr;Cloaking, mk1 (#257)
  • 17% Striker thumb Striker;Cloaking (#262)
  • 2% Manta thumb Manta; kemi (#314)
  • 3% Manta thumb Manta; Nil'kimas (#315)
  • 2% Striker thumb Striker; Nil'kimas (#317)
  • 2% Striker thumb Striker; kemi (#318)
  • 3% Striker thumb Striker;Nil'kimas, cloaking (#322)
  • 2% Striker thumb Striker;Nil'kimas, cloak and tunneling (#329)
  • 2% Dragon thumb Dragon; Untitled (#159)
  • 3% Dragon thumb Dragon; kemi (#312)
  • 2% Dragon thumb Dragon; Nil'kimas (#313)
  • 2% Dragon thumb Dragon;Nil'kimas, cloaking (#320)

20% chance: "Polaris Sprite shuttle" (Wimpy Trader) of govt Polaris:

  • 100% Sprite thumb Sprite; economy at work (#394)

No persons can appear in this system.

This system has a reinforcement fleet of type "Small Polaris Fleet" of govt Nil'kemorya:

Leader: Arachnid thumb Arachnid; Untitled (#158)


  • 0 to 2 of Manta thumb Manta; Untitled (#161)
  • 0 to 1 of Striker thumb Striker; Untitled (#163)
  • 0 to 1 of Zephyr thumb Zephyr; Wild Prototype (#186)

Appears in systems of govt Polaris. It takes 12 seconds to arrive and regenerates in 2 days.

Space Objects[]

Space Object Coordinates
Space Objects in Bis'usoca
Number Name x y Type
Planet 1
Nova rleD 2007
Ar'Bis Usoca
0 0 Trial Seclusion World for new Polaris Leaders
Planet 2
Nova rleD 2022
200 -150 Mu'Hari Outpost