EVN Wiki
EVN Wiki
Nova Intro 1

Deimos-class colony ships setting out on a journey.

The Deimos-Class Colony Ships, named for a Martian moon, were giant starships that carried all the necessary supplies and personnel to build colonies on other planets. They were too big for a standard hyperdrive, so when fully loaded, they travelled via the hypergate system to their destinations. Aurora, Dani, Tekel, Heraan, Moash, Vella and Kel'ar Iy were settled by Deimos-class ships.

The Auroran Empire eventually turned the vast colony ships into orbital defense stations such as Resolution in the Heraan System.

Escape Velocity Nova
Portal IntroTimelineUniverseShips
Concepts Ory'haraFrandallHyperspace
Technical MissionsSpace ObjectsSpace Object TypesOutfitsWallpapersTech LevelsRanksSoundsPersonsDudesShipsFleetsScan Masks
Gameplay StarshipShieldsArmorCreditsBoardingEscorts
Strategy Monty Python Maneuver (how to outrange and destroy pursuing craft) • Not the Nine O'clock News Maneuver (how to evade a blockade to land) • Qaanol maneuver (how to help your escorts do your dirty work) • Close Combat Guide (how to fight in close quarters) • AgGro's New Pilot GuideMaking MoneyMass TrickCommon Abbreviations
History HypergatesHumanDeimos-Class Colony ShipColonial CouncilArmetisEarth GovernmentThe Creature That Lives In Deep SpaceThose Who Came Before
Outfits Projectile WeaponsBeam WeaponsMissile WeaponsLife UpgradesJammersFuel OutfitsOther Outfits
Development Word of ATMOSWho was involved in making EVN?
Nova Aurorans
Sub-factions: Family HeraanFamily MoashFamily DaniFamily TekelFamily VellaDechtakarHouseless
Auroran Ships: Firebird (v) (i) 150k, Phoenix (v) (i) 150k, Argosy (v) (i) 200k, Abomination (v) (i) 400k, Enterprise (v) (i) 450k, Cruiser (v) (i) 2M, Carrier (v) (i) 12M, Thunderforge (i) 14M
Heraan Storyline (PreambleIntro MissionsMain StoryGaiden 1Gaiden 2Final Missions)
Auroran OutfitsAuroran Weapons
Auroran fauna: CunjoDrop Bear