See Also[]
"So just how much firepower do you need? As much as I love the Hellhound, the EMP Torpedo is a very dangerous weapon. It ionizes 5 times as much as the Hellhound, and does 11 times more damage to shields (not to mention the huge impact for it). However, each torpedo weighs 4 tons, which severly limits how many of these you can have for backup. The EMP Torpedo is an awesome weapon, if you have the space for it. More than one of these launchers may be overkill, but then again, overkill is the name of the game." ― EVula Survival Guide
The EMP Torpedo is one of the most devastating missiles in the game, dealing immense damage to shielding; on top of that, it has a wide blast radius. However, its effectiveness ends there, as it does only one-tenth of the damage to armor that it does to shielding. Furthermore, it moves extremely slowly, making it easily avoided by smaller ships, and the EMP Torpedo is banned in Polaris, Auroran and Federation space. Lastly, the ammunition is the heaviest in the game, at 4 tons per unit, making regular use of the weapon prohibitive for all but the largest of ships.
When combating the EMP Torpedo, it is best not to rely on point defense as the blast radius is very large and the heavy torpedoes are very durable. Most ships can avoid the missile outright with careful Afterburner use, but an impact or two will typically ionize most ships, making avoiding further torpedoes potentially more difficult.

EMP Torpedo Tube on a Pirate Carrier
"EMP weapons have not changed much since the first days of nuclear power. This tube fires torpedos carrying an EMP weapon with a yield of a gigaton or more of TNT. EMP weapons, as with all nuclear-type weapons, are generally the province of pirates and military dictators, as their use has been severely limited by all civilized people."
The EMP Torpedo Tube is a weapon that uses EMP Torpedoes as ammunition. It fires a slow missile that does immense damage to shields and causes intense ionization (a slowing effect).
This weapon is mounted standard on the Pirate Carrier, Manticore, and the heavy missile variants of the Fed Destroyer and the Fed Carrier.

EMP Torpedo and a Pirate Carrier
"The EMP Torpedo was constructed from stolen Federation technology. It is an awesome weapon, with only two real uses: mass destruction and ionization. The Pirate Carrier carries four EMP torps as a blockade running tool; simply fire the weapon at the opposing line, and wait for them to scatter like sheep. Not to be detonated at close range."
A maxxed out load of EMP Torpedoes will set you back 100k and 80 tons.