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See Also[]


"Again, I prefer the Hellhound. It doesn't have as much damage, but it ionizes more, has a bit more impact, and is damn fast. While the EW launcher is lighter than the Hellhound launcher, for 10 tons you get 1 EW launcher and 3 EW missiles, as opposed to 1 Hellhound launcher and up to 50 missiles. You do the math." ― EVula Survival Guide

Despite the description, the weapon will not track a cloaked ship. Their only redeeming feature is that they aren’t affected by most jammers; but as with all homing missiles, they can still be destroyed by point defense systems. Polaris Jammer, Nil'kemorya Jammer, and Distract Sensors can still jam this missile, though it's less likely to get jammed than Radar or Infrared Missiles.


Nova pict 6012

Etheric Wake Missile Launcher on a RAGE Gunboat

"The launcher for the new Etheric Wake missile is a streamlined unit perhaps as long as three fully grown men. It contains ultra high-tech cybernetic connectors for the next generation of onboard ship computers, and damping field generators for the positron warhead that the evil-looking missile carries. Cooling vents longer than baseball bats hiss and squeal as the EW missiles load into place inside it."

The Etheric Wake Missile Launcher is a weapon that uses Etheric Wake Missiles as ammunition. The only places to purchase this weapon are GLi-Tech and Rebel II. You must have completed part of the GLi-Tech missions to have it available for purchase. You'll be given a free launcher and ammunition in that storyline, even if you don't have the space for it.

Nova pict 6013

Etheric Wake Missile and a RAGE Gunboat

"Because of the unique graviton emissions of the Wraith, a new targetable fire-and-forget weapon had to be devised to combat them. The Etheric Wake missile uses a little-known principle of subspace disturbance to track Wraith through their flight path by detecting their wash in space-time. Since the Wraith and the Polaris both use Etheric Wave hyperdrives (although the Wraith version is much more sophisticated), it has been theorized that this weapon will work well versus Polaris jamming."

A maxxed out load of Etheric Wake Missiles will set you back 150k and 75 tons.
