A list of Fleet templates in EV Nova.
128 Small Federation Fleet[]
"Small Federation Fleet" of govt Federation:
Leader: Fed Destroyer; Destroyer Class (#141)
- 0 to 1 of Fed Viper; Heavy Fighter Variant (#223)
- 0 to 1 of Fed Viper; Auroran Outfits Detected (#224)
Appears in systems of govt Federation.
129 Federation Carrier + Escorts[]
"Federation Carrier + Escorts" of govt Federation:
Leader: Fed Carrier; Flagship Class (#143)
- 0 to 1 of Fed Destroyer; Destroyer Class (#141)
- 0 to 1 of Fed Destroyer; Auroran Outfits Detected (#211)
Appears in systems of govt Federation.
130 Leviathan + Escorts[]
"Leviathan + Escorts" of govt Civvies:
Leader: Leviathan; 31d Model (#131)
Appears in any system.
131 Smaller Private Freighters[]
"Smaller Private Freighters" of govt Civvies:
Leader: Pegasus; 12b Model (#132)
- 1 to 2 of Terrapin; Standard (#136)
- 1 to 2 of Viper; Fighter Class (#167)
- 0 to 1 of Viper; Heavy Fighter Class (#335)
Appears in systems of govt Federation.
132 Liner + Escorts[]
"Liner + Escorts" of govt Civvies:
Leader: Star Liner; 8e model (#134)
- 0 to 2 of Viper; Fighter Class (#167)
- 0 to 1 of Viper; Heavy Fighter Class (#335)
- 0 to 1 of Viper; Auroran Outfits Detected (#336)
Appears in systems of govt Federation.
133 Little Traders[]
"Little Traders" of govt Civvies:
Leader: Heavy Shuttle; Version A (#129)
- 1 to 2 of Shuttle; Version A (#128)
- 0 to 2 of Terrapin; Standard (#136)
- 0 to 1 of Viper; Fighter Class (#167)
Appears in systems of govt Federation.
134 Pirate Raiders[]
"Pirate Raiders" of govt Pirate:
Leader: Manticore; Original Version (#146)
- 0 to 1 of Pirate Valkyrie; Class II (#149)
- 0 to 1 of Pirate Starbridge; Class B (#148)
- 0 to 1 of Pirate Viper; Heavy Fighter Class (#166)
- 0 to 1 of Pirate Thunderhead; Pirate Upgrade (#275)
Appears in systems of govt Federation.
135 Pirates[]
"Pirates" of govt Pirate:
Leader: Pirate Valkyrie; Class II (#149)
- 0 to 2 of Pirate Viper; Heavy Fighter Class (#166)
- 0 to 2 of Pirate Thunderhead; Pirate Upgrade (#275)
- 0 to 1 of Pirate Viper; Missile Variant (#333)
- 0 to 1 of Pirate Viper; Beam Variant (#334)
Appears in systems of govt Federation.
136 Auroran Task Force[]
"Auroran Task Force" of govt Auroran Empire:
Leader: Aurora Cruiser; Gjinchar Class (#154)
- 0 to 2 of Abomination; Frunch'ek Class (#152)
- 1 to 2 of Firebird; Thamgiir Class (#155)
- 0 to 1 of Phoenix; Va Thamgiir (#156)
Appears in systems of govt Auroran Empire.
137 Auroran Fleet[]
"Auroran Fleet" of govt Auroran Empire:
Leader: Aurora Carrier; Ytrack Class (#153)
- 1 to 2 of Aurora Cruiser; Gjinchar Class (#154)
- 0 to 1 of Firebird; Thamgiir Class (#155)
- 0 to 1 of Phoenix; Va Thamgiir (#156)
Appears in systems of govt Auroran Empire.
138 Small Polaris Fleet[]
"Small Polaris Fleet" of govt Nil'kemorya:
Leader: Arachnid; Untitled (#158)
- 0 to 2 of Manta; Untitled (#161)
- 0 to 1 of Striker; Untitled (#163)
- 0 to 1 of Zephyr; Wild Prototype (#186)
Appears in systems of govt Polaris.
139 Polaris Freighters + escorts[]
"Polaris Freighters + escorts" of govt Polaris:
Leader: Sprite; Untitled (#182)
- 0 to 1 of Cambrian; Untitled (#160)
- 0 to 2 of Manta; Untitled (#161)
- 0 to 1 of Striker; Untitled (#163)
- 1 to 2 of Sprite; Untitled (#182)
Appears in systems of govt Polaris.
140 Kick-the-butt Polaris Serious Fleet[]
"Kick-the-butt Polaris Serious Fleet" of govt Nil'kemorya:
Leader: Scarab; Untitled (#162)
- 0 to 1 of Arachnid; Untitled (#158)
- 0 to 1 of Striker; Untitled (#163)
- 0 to 2 of Manta; Untitled (#161)
- 0 to 1 of Zephyr; Wild Prototype (#186)
Appears in systems of govt Polaris.
141 Auroran Traders[]
"Auroran Traders" of govt Civvies (2):
Leader: Enterprise; Untitled (#139)
- 0 to 1 of Enterprise; Untitled (#139)
- 0 to 1 of Firebird; Thamgiir Class (#155)
- 0 to 1 of Phoenix; Va Thamgiir (#156)
Appears in systems of govt Auroran Empire.
142 Wraith Tribe (nice)[]
"Wraith Tribe (nice)" of govt Wraith (2):
Leader: Wraith Adult; alien (#168)
- 0 to 1 of Wraith Adult; alien (#168)
- 0 to 2 of Wraith Youth; alien (#169)
- 0 to 1 of Wraith Child; alien (#170)
Appears in systems of govt Wraith (2).
143 Wraith Tribe (nasty)[]
"Wraith Tribe (nasty)" of govt Wraith:
Leader: Wraith Adult; alien (#168)
- 0 to 1 of Wraith Adult; alien (#168)
- 1 to 2 of Wraith Youth; alien (#169)
- 0 to 1 of Wraith Child; alien (#170)
Appears in systems of govt Wraith.
144 Wild Geese[]
"Wild Geese" of govt Wild Geese:
Leader: Mod Starbridge; Class C (#165)
- 0 to 1 of Starbridge; Class A (#133)
- 0 to 2 of Thunderhead; Gunboat Class (#157)
- 0 to 2 of Valkyrie; Class I (#137)
- 1 to 3 of Viper; Fighter Class (#167)
Appears in systems of govt Wild Geese.
145 Vell-os Armada[]
"Vell-os Armada" of govt Vell-os:
Leader: Vell-os Javelin; T1 Vellosian (#175)
Appears in Sol system.
146 Roughnecks[]
"Roughnecks" of govt Roughnecks (3):
Leader: Fed Carrier; Flagship Class (#143)
- 0 to 1 of Fed Carrier; Flagship Class (#143)
- 1 to 1 of Fed Destroyer; Destroyer Class (#141)
- 1 to 2 of Fed Patrol Boat; Gunboat Class (#142)
- 1 to 2 of Fed Anaconda; Heavy Fighter Class (#145)
Appears in systems of govt Roughnecks.
147 Wild Geese[]
"Wild Geese" of govt Wild Geese:
Leader: Mod Starbridge; Class C (#165)
- 0 to 1 of Starbridge; Class A (#133)
- 0 to 2 of Thunderhead; Gunboat Class (#157)
- 0 to 2 of Valkyrie; Class I (#137)
- 1 to 3 of Viper; Fighter Class (#167)
Appears in systems of govt Wild Geese.
148 Hyperioids[]
"Hyperioids" of govt Hyperioid:
Leader: Hyperioid; alien (#171)
Appears in systems of govt Wraith.
149 Rebels[]
"Rebels" of govt Rebellion:
Leader: Rebel Destroyer; Destroyer Class (#181)
- 0 to 1 of Rebel Starbridge; Class B (#178)
- 0 to 1 of Rebel Valkyrie; Class II (#179)
- 0 to 1 of Rebel Dragon; Heavy Destroyer Class (#180)
- 1 to 2 of Rebel Viper; Fighter Class (#177)
Appears in systems of govt Federation if !(b332 | b148).
150 Rebel Fleet[]
"Rebel Fleet" of govt Rebellion:
Leader: Rebel Destroyer; Destroyer Class (#181)
- 0 to 1 of Rebel Destroyer; Destroyer Class (#181)
- 0 to 1 of Rebel Dragon; Heavy Destroyer Class (#180)
- 1 to 2 of Rebel Valkyrie; Class II (#179)
- 1 to 2 of Rebel Starbridge; Class B (#178)
Appears in systems of govt Federation if !(b332 | b148).
151 Moash Task Force[]
"Moash Task Force" of govt Family Moash:
Leader: Aurora Cruiser; Moash - Dechanik (#251)
- 0 to 1 of Abomination; Moash - Va Themgiir (#242)
- 1 to 2 of Firebird; Thamgiir Class (#155)
- 0 to 1 of Phoenix; Va Thamgiir (#156)
- 0 to 1 of Phoenix; Va Thamgiir (#156)
Appears in systems of govt Family Moash.
152 Moash Fleet[]
"Moash Fleet" of govt Family Moash:
Leader: Aurora Carrier; Moash - Ytrack (#298)
- 1 to 2 of Aurora Cruiser; Moash - Dechanik (#251)
- 0 to 1 of Firebird; Thamgiir Class (#155)
- 0 to 1 of Phoenix; Va Thamgiir (#156)
Appears in systems of govt Family Moash.
153 Tekel Task Force[]
"Tekel Task Force" of govt Family Tekel:
Leader: Aurora Cruiser; Tekel - Gjinchar (#254)
- 0 to 2 of Abomination; Tekel - Frunch'ek (#245)
- 1 to 2 of Firebird; Thamgiir Class (#155)
- 0 to 2 of Phoenix; Va Thamgiir (#156)
Appears in systems of govt Family Dani.
154 Vella Task Force[]
"Vella Task Force" of govt Family Vella:
Leader: Aurora Cruiser; Vella - Se Gjunchek (#253)
- 0 to 1 of Abomination; Vella - Frunch'ek (#244)
- 1 to 2 of Firebird; Thamgiir Class (#155)
- 0 to 2 of Phoenix; Va Thamgiir (#156)
Appears in systems of govt Family Vella.
155 Dani Task Force[]
"Dani Task Force" of govt Family Dani:
Leader: Aurora Cruiser; Dani - Se Gjunchek (#252)
- 0 to 1 of Abomination; Dani - Va Themgiir (#243)
- 1 to 2 of Firebird; Thamgiir Class (#155)
- 0 to 2 of Phoenix; Va Thamgiir (#156)
Appears in systems of govt Family Dani.
156 Heraan Task Force[]
"Heraan Task Force" of govt Family Heraan:
Leader: Aurora Cruiser; Heraan - Va Gjencha (#255)
- 0 to 2 of Abomination; Heraan - Va French'ek (#246)
- 1 to 3 of Firebird; Thamgiir Class (#155)
- 0 to 2 of Phoenix; Va Thamgiir (#156)
Appears in systems of govt Family Heraan.
157 Tekel Fleet[]
"Tekel Fleet" of govt Family Tekel:
Leader: Aurora Carrier; Tekel - Va Ytreck (#301)
- 1 to 3 of Aurora Cruiser; Tekel - Gjinchar (#254)
- 0 to 1 of Firebird; Thamgiir Class (#155)
- 0 to 2 of Phoenix; Va Thamgiir (#156)
Appears in systems of govt Family Tekel.
158 Vella Fleet[]
"Vella Fleet" of govt Family Vella:
Leader: Aurora Carrier; Vella - Ytrack (#300)
- 1 to 2 of Aurora Cruiser; Vella - Se Gjunchek (#253)
- 0 to 1 of Firebird; Thamgiir Class (#155)
- 0 to 2 of Phoenix; Va Thamgiir (#156)
Appears in systems of govt Family Vella.
159 Dani Fleet[]
"Dani Fleet" of govt Family Dani:
Leader: Aurora Carrier; Dani - Ytrack (#299)
- 1 to 2 of Aurora Cruiser; Dani - Se Gjunchek (#252)
- 0 to 1 of Firebird; Thamgiir Class (#155)
- 0 to 2 of Phoenix; Va Thamgiir (#156)
Appears in systems of govt Family Dani.
160 Heraan Fleet[]
"Heraan Fleet" of govt Family Heraan:
Leader: Aurora Carrier; Heraan - Va Ytreck (#302)
- 1 to 3 of Aurora Cruiser; Heraan - Va Gjencha (#255)
- 0 to 2 of Firebird; Thamgiir Class (#155)
- 0 to 2 of Phoenix; Va Thamgiir (#156)
Appears in systems of govt Family Heraan.
161 Rimertan Fleet[]
"Rimertan Fleet" of govt Rimerta:
Leader: Aurora Carrier; Heraan - Va Ytreck (#302)
- 1 to 3 of Aurora Cruiser; Heraan - Va Gjencha (#255)
- 0 to 2 of Firebird; Thamgiir Class (#155)
- 0 to 2 of Phoenix; Va Thamgiir (#156)
Appears in systems of govt Rimerta.
162 Rimertan Task Force[]
"Rimertan Task Force" of govt Rimerta:
Leader: Aurora Cruiser; Heraan - Va Gjencha (#255)
- 0 to 2 of Abomination; Heraan - Va French'ek (#246)
- 1 to 3 of Firebird; Thamgiir Class (#155)
- 0 to 2 of Phoenix; Va Thamgiir (#156)
Appears in systems of govt Federation.
163 Moash Task Force[]
"Moash Task Force" of govt Family Moash:
Leader: Aurora Cruiser; Moash - Dechanik (#251)
- 0 to 1 of Abomination; Moash - Va Themgiir (#242)
- 1 to 1 of Firebird; Thamgiir Class (#155)
- 0 to 2 of Phoenix; Va Thamgiir (#156)
Appears in systems of govt Family Heraan.
164 Tekel Task Force[]
"Tekel Task Force" of govt Family Tekel:
Leader: Aurora Cruiser; Tekel - Gjinchar (#254)
- 0 to 2 of Abomination; Tekel - Frunch'ek (#245)
- 1 to 3 of Firebird; Thamgiir Class (#155)
- 0 to 2 of Phoenix; Va Thamgiir (#156)
Appears in systems of govt Family Dani.
165 Dani Task Force[]
"Dani Task Force" of govt Family Dani:
Leader: Aurora Cruiser; Dani - Se Gjunchek (#252)
- 0 to 1 of Abomination; Dani - Va Themgiir (#243)
- 1 to 2 of Firebird; Thamgiir Class (#155)
- 0 to 2 of Phoenix; Va Thamgiir (#156)
Appears in systems of govt Family Tekel.
166 Heraan Task Force[]
"Heraan Task Force" of govt Family Heraan:
Leader: Aurora Cruiser; Heraan - Va Gjencha (#255)
- 0 to 2 of Abomination; Heraan - Va French'ek (#246)
- 1 to 3 of Firebird; Thamgiir Class (#155)
- 0 to 2 of Phoenix; Va Thamgiir (#156)
Appears in systems of govt Family Moash.
167 Heraan Task Force[]
"Heraan Task Force" of govt Family Heraan:
Leader: Aurora Cruiser; Heraan - Va Gjencha (#255)
- 0 to 2 of Abomination; Heraan - Va French'ek (#246)
- 1 to 3 of Firebird; Thamgiir Class (#155)
- 0 to 2 of Phoenix; Va Thamgiir (#156)
Appears in systems of govt Family Moash.
168 Cargo Drones[]
"Cargo Drones" of govt Civvies:
Leader: Cargo Drone; Standard model (#130)
Appears in systems of govt Federation.
169 Cargo Drones[]
"Cargo Drones" of govt Civvies:
Leader: Cargo Drone; Standard model (#130)
Appears in systems of govt Federation.
170 Cargo Drones[]
"Cargo Drones" of govt Civvies:
Leader: Cargo Drone; Standard model (#130)
Appears in systems of govt Federation.
171 Cargo Drones[]
"Cargo Drones" of govt Civvies:
Leader: Cargo Drone; Standard model (#130)
Appears in systems of govt Federation.
172 Cargo Drones[]
"Cargo Drones" of govt Civvies:
Leader: Cargo Drone; Standard model (#130)
Appears in systems of govt Federation.
173 Cargo Drones[]
"Cargo Drones" of govt Civvies:
Leader: Cargo Drone; Standard model (#130)
Appears in systems of govt Federation.
174 Cargo Drones[]
"Cargo Drones" of govt Civvies:
Leader: Cargo Drone; Standard model (#130)
Appears in systems of govt Federation.
175 Cargo Drones[]
"Cargo Drones" of govt Civvies:
Leader: Cargo Drone; Standard model (#130)
Appears in systems of govt Federation.
176 Cargo Drones[]
"Cargo Drones" of govt Civvies:
Leader: Cargo Drone; Standard model (#130)
Appears in systems of govt Federation.
177 Cargo Drones[]
"Cargo Drones" of govt Civvies (2):
Leader: Cargo Drone; Standard model (#130)
Appears in systems of govt Auroran Empire.
178 Cargo Drones[]
"Cargo Drones" of govt Civvies (2):
Leader: Cargo Drone; Standard model (#130)
Appears in systems of govt Auroran Empire.
179 Cargo Drones[]
"Cargo Drones" of govt Civvies (2):
Leader: Cargo Drone; Standard model (#130)
Appears in systems of govt Auroran Empire.
180 Cargo Drones[]
"Cargo Drones" of govt Civvies (2):
Leader: Cargo Drone; Standard model (#130)
Appears in systems of govt Auroran Empire.
181 Cargo Drones[]
"Cargo Drones" of govt Civvies (2):
Leader: Cargo Drone; Standard model (#130)
Appears in systems of govt Auroran Empire.
182 Cargo Drones[]
"Cargo Drones" of govt Civvies (2):
Leader: Cargo Drone; Standard model (#130)
Appears in systems of govt Auroran Empire.
183 Cargo Drones[]
"Cargo Drones" of govt Civvies (2):
Leader: Cargo Drone; Standard model (#130)
Appears in systems of govt Auroran Empire.
184 Cargo Drones[]
"Cargo Drones" of govt Civvies (2):
Leader: Cargo Drone; Standard model (#130)
Appears in systems of govt Auroran Empire.
185 Cargo Drones[]
"Cargo Drones" of govt Civvies (2):
Leader: Cargo Drone; Standard model (#130)
Appears in systems of govt Auroran Empire.
186 Cargo Drones[]
"Cargo Drones" of govt Civvies (2):
Leader: Cargo Drone; Standard model (#130)
Appears in systems of govt Auroran Empire.
187 Cargo Drones[]
"Cargo Drones" of govt Civvies (2):
Leader: Cargo Drone; Standard model (#130)
Appears in systems of govt Auroran Empire.
188 Cargo Drones[]
"Cargo Drones" of govt Civvies (2):
Leader: Cargo Drone; Standard model (#130)
Appears in systems of govt Auroran Empire.
189 Fed +S. Vell[]
"Fed +S. Vell" of govt Federation:
Leader: Fed Carrier; Flagship Class (#143)
- 0 to 1 of Fed Destroyer; Destroyer Class (#141)
- 0 to 1 of Fed Patrol Boat; Gunboat Class (#142)
- 0 to 2 of Vell-os Dart; T3 Vellosian (#173)
- 0 to 1 of Vell-os Arrow; T2 Vellosian (#174)
Appears in system Tichel.
190 Fed +S. Vell[]
"Fed +S. Vell" of govt Federation:
Leader: Fed Carrier; Flagship Class (#143)
- 0 to 1 of Fed Destroyer; Destroyer Class (#141)
- 0 to 1 of Fed Patrol Boat; Gunboat Class (#142)
- 0 to 2 of Fed Viper; Fighter Class (#144)
- 0 to 1 of Vell-os Dart; T3 Vellosian (#173)
Appears in system Nesre Primus.
191 Fed +S. Vell[]
"Fed +S. Vell" of govt Federation:
Leader: Fed Carrier; Flagship Class (#143)
- 0 to 1 of Fed Destroyer; Destroyer Class (#141)
- 0 to 1 of Fed Patrol Boat; Gunboat Class (#142)
- 0 to 2 of Fed Viper; Fighter Class (#144)
- 0 to 1 of Vell-os Dart; T3 Vellosian (#173)
Appears in systems of govt Federation.
192 Fed +S. Vell[]
"Fed +S. Vell" of govt Federation:
Leader: Fed Carrier; Flagship Class (#143)
- 0 to 1 of Fed Destroyer; Destroyer Class (#141)
- 0 to 1 of Fed Patrol Boat; Gunboat Class (#142)
- 0 to 2 of Fed Viper; Fighter Class (#144)
- 0 to 1 of Vell-os Dart; T3 Vellosian (#173)
Appears in systems of govt Federation.
193 Fed +S. Vell[]
"Fed +S. Vell" of govt Federation:
Leader: Fed Carrier; Flagship Class (#143)
- 0 to 1 of Fed Destroyer; Destroyer Class (#141)
- 0 to 1 of Fed Patrol Boat; Gunboat Class (#142)
- 0 to 2 of Fed Viper; Fighter Class (#144)
- 0 to 1 of Vell-os Dart; T3 Vellosian (#173)
Appears in systems of govt Auroran Empire.
194 Fed +S. Vell[]
"Fed +S. Vell" of govt Federation:
Leader: Fed Carrier; Flagship Class (#143)
- 0 to 1 of Fed Destroyer; Destroyer Class (#141)
- 0 to 1 of Fed Patrol Boat; Gunboat Class (#142)
- 0 to 2 of Fed Viper; Fighter Class (#144)
- 0 to 1 of Vell-os Dart; T3 Vellosian (#173)
Appears in systems of govt Auroran Empire.
195 Vellos[]
"Vellos" of govt Federation:
Leader: Vell-os Javelin; T1 Vellosian (#175)
Appears in system Nesre Secundus.
196 Vellos[]
"Vellos" of govt Federation:
Leader: Vell-os Javelin; T1 Vellosian (#175)
Appears in systems of govt Federation.
197 Vellos[]
"Vellos" of govt Federation:
Leader: Vell-os Javelin; T1 Vellosian (#175)
Appears in systems of govt Auroran Empire.
198 Wraith Tribe (nasty)[]
"Wraith Tribe (nasty)" of govt Wraith:
Leader: Wraith Adult; alien (#168)
- 0 to 1 of Wraith Adult; alien (#168)
- 0 to 1 of Wraith Youth; alien (#169)
- 0 to 2 of Wraith Child; alien (#170)
Appears in system Hot'A'Tanius.
199 Wraith Tribe (nasty)[]
"Wraith Tribe (nasty)" of govt Wraith:
Leader: Wraith Adult; alien (#168)
- 0 to 1 of Wraith Adult; alien (#168)
- 0 to 1 of Wraith Youth; alien (#169)
- 0 to 2 of Wraith Child; alien (#170)
Appears in system Hel'A'Forius.
200 Wraith Tribe (nice)[]
"Wraith Tribe (nice)" of govt Wraith (2):
Leader: Wraith Adult; alien (#168)
- 0 to 1 of Wraith Adult; alien (#168)
- 0 to 1 of Wraith Youth; alien (#169)
- 0 to 2 of Wraith Child; alien (#170)
Appears in system Vel'I'Non #2.
201 Wraith Tribe (nice)[]
"Wraith Tribe (nice)" of govt Wraith (2):
Leader: Wraith Adult; alien (#168)
- 0 to 1 of Wraith Adult; alien (#168)
- 0 to 1 of Wraith Youth; alien (#169)
- 0 to 2 of Wraith Child; alien (#170)
Appears in system Diy'I'Cor #2.
202 Wraith Tribe (nasty)[]
"Wraith Tribe (nasty)" of govt Wraith:
Leader: Wraith Adult; alien (#168)
- 0 to 1 of Wraith Adult; alien (#168)
- 0 to 1 of Wraith Youth; alien (#169)
- 0 to 2 of Wraith Child; alien (#170)
Appears in systems of govt Wraith.
203 Wraith Tribe (nasty)[]
"Wraith Tribe (nasty)" of govt Wraith:
Leader: Wraith Adult; alien (#168)
- 0 to 1 of Wraith Adult; alien (#168)
- 0 to 1 of Wraith Youth; alien (#169)
- 0 to 2 of Wraith Child; alien (#170)
Appears in systems of govt Wraith.
204 Wraith Tribe (nice)[]
"Wraith Tribe (nice)" of govt Wraith (2):
Leader: Wraith Adult; alien (#168)
- 0 to 1 of Wraith Adult; alien (#168)
- 0 to 1 of Wraith Youth; alien (#169)
- 0 to 2 of Wraith Child; alien (#170)
Appears in systems of govt Wraith (2).
205 Wraith Tribe (nice)[]
"Wraith Tribe (nice)" of govt Wraith (2):
Leader: Wraith Adult; alien (#168)
- 0 to 1 of Wraith Adult; alien (#168)
- 0 to 1 of Wraith Youth; alien (#169)
- 0 to 2 of Wraith Child; alien (#170)
Appears in systems of govt Wraith (2).
206 Small Federation Fleet[]
"Small Federation Fleet" of govt Federation:
Leader: Fed Destroyer; Destroyer Class (#141)
- 0 to 1 of Fed Viper; Fighter Class (#144)
- 0 to 1 of Fed Viper; Heavy Fighter Variant (#223)
- 0 to 1 of Fed Viper; Auroran Outfits Detected (#224)
Appears in system Kania.
207 Small Federation Fleet[]
"Small Federation Fleet" of govt Federation:
Leader: Fed Destroyer; Destroyer Class (#141)
- 0 to 1 of Fed Viper; Fighter Class (#144)
- 0 to 1 of Fed Viper; Heavy Fighter Variant (#223)
- 0 to 1 of Fed Viper; Auroran Outfits Detected (#224)
Appears in system Tichel.
208 Small Federation Fleet[]
"Small Federation Fleet" of govt Federation:
Leader: Fed Destroyer; Destroyer Class (#141)
- 0 to 1 of Fed Viper; Fighter Class (#144)
- 0 to 1 of Fed Viper; Heavy Fighter Variant (#223)
- 0 to 1 of Fed Viper; Auroran Outfits Detected (#224)
Appears in systems of govt Federation.
209 Small Federation Fleet[]
"Small Federation Fleet" of govt Federation:
Leader: Fed Destroyer; Destroyer Class (#141)
- 0 to 1 of Fed Viper; Fighter Class (#144)
- 0 to 1 of Fed Viper; Heavy Fighter Variant (#223)
- 0 to 1 of Fed Viper; Auroran Outfits Detected (#224)
Appears in systems of govt Federation.
210 Small Federation Fleet[]
"Small Federation Fleet" of govt Federation:
Leader: Fed Destroyer; Destroyer Class (#141)
- 0 to 1 of Fed Viper; Fighter Class (#144)
- 0 to 1 of Fed Viper; Heavy Fighter Variant (#223)
- 0 to 1 of Fed Viper; Auroran Outfits Detected (#224)
Appears in system Xante.
211 Small Federation Fleet[]
"Federation Carrier + Escorts" of govt Federation:
Leader: Fed Carrier; Flagship Class (#143)
- 0 to 1 of Fed Destroyer; Destroyer Class (#141)
- 0 to 1 of Fed Destroyer; Auroran Outfits Detected (#211)
- 0 to 1 of Fed Destroyer; Missile Variant (#212)
- 0 to 1 of Fed Destroyer; Heavy Missile Variant (#213)
Appears in system Gateway.
212 Small Federation Fleet[]
"Federation Carrier + Escorts" of govt Federation:
Leader: Fed Carrier; Flagship Class (#143)
- 0 to 1 of Fed Destroyer; Destroyer Class (#141)
- 0 to 1 of Fed Destroyer; Auroran Outfits Detected (#211)
- 0 to 1 of Fed Destroyer; Missile Variant (#212)
- 0 to 1 of Fed Destroyer; Heavy Missile Variant (#213)
Appears in systems of govt Federation.
213 Small Federation Fleet[]
"Federation Carrier + Escorts" of govt Federation:
Leader: Fed Carrier; Flagship Class (#143)
- 0 to 1 of Fed Destroyer; Destroyer Class (#141)
- 0 to 1 of Fed Destroyer; Auroran Outfits Detected (#211)
- 0 to 1 of Fed Destroyer; Missile Variant (#212)
Appears in systems of govt Auroran Empire.
214 Leviathan + Escorts[]
"Leviathan + Escorts" of govt Independents:
Leader: Leviathan; 31d Model (#131)
- 0 to 1 of IDA Frigate; 350NC (#140)
- 1 to 2 of Viper; Fighter Class (#167)
- 0 to 1 of Viper; Heavy Fighter Class (#335)
- 0 to 1 of Viper; Auroran Outfits Detected (#336)
Appears in system Sol.
215 Leviathan + Escorts[]
"Leviathan + Escorts" of govt Independents:
Leader: Leviathan; 31d Model (#131)
- 0 to 1 of IDA Frigate; 350NC (#140)
- 1 to 2 of Viper; Fighter Class (#167)
- 0 to 1 of Viper; Heavy Fighter Class (#335)
- 0 to 1 of Viper; Auroran Outfits Detected (#336)
Appears in system Sol.
216 Smaller Private Freighters[]
"Smaller Private Freighters" of govt Civvies:
Leader: Pegasus; 12b Model (#132)
- 1 to 2 of Terrapin; Standard (#136)
- 1 to 2 of Viper; Fighter Class (#167)
- 0 to 1 of Viper; Heavy Fighter Class (#335)
- 0 to 1 of Viper; Auroran Outfits Detected (#336)
Appears in system Nesre Primus.
217 Smaller Private Freighters[]
"Smaller Private Freighters" of govt Civvies:
Leader: Pegasus; 12b Model (#132)
- 1 to 2 of Terrapin; Standard (#136)
- 0 to 2 of Viper; Fighter Class (#167)
- 0 to 1 of Viper; Heavy Fighter Class (#335)
- 0 to 1 of Viper; Auroran Outfits Detected (#336)
Appears in system Nesre Primus.
218 Smaller Private Freighters[]
"Smaller Private Freighters" of govt Civvies:
Leader: Pegasus; 12b Model (#132)
- 1 to 2 of Terrapin; Standard (#136)
- 0 to 2 of Viper; Fighter Class (#167)
- 0 to 1 of Viper; Heavy Fighter Class (#335)
- 0 to 1 of Viper; Auroran Outfits Detected (#336)
Appears in systems of govt Federation.
219 Smaller Private Freighters[]
"Smaller Private Freighters" of govt Civvies:
Leader: Pegasus; 12b Model (#132)
- 1 to 2 of Terrapin; Standard (#136)
- 1 to 2 of Viper; Fighter Class (#167)
- 0 to 2 of Viper; Heavy Fighter Class (#335)
- 0 to 1 of Viper; Auroran Outfits Detected (#336)
Appears in systems of govt Federation.
220 Smaller Private Freighters[]
"Smaller Private Freighters" of govt Civvies:
Leader: Pegasus; 12b Model (#132)
- 1 to 2 of Terrapin; Standard (#136)
- 1 to 2 of Viper; Fighter Class (#167)
- 0 to 1 of Viper; Heavy Fighter Class (#335)
- 0 to 1 of Viper; Auroran Outfits Detected (#336)
Appears in systems of govt Federation.
221 Smaller Private Freighters[]
"Smaller Private Freighters" of govt Civvies (2):
Leader: Pegasus; 12b Model (#132)
- 1 to 2 of Terrapin; Standard (#136)
- 1 to 2 of Viper; Fighter Class (#167)
- 0 to 1 of Viper; Heavy Fighter Class (#335)
- 0 to 1 of Viper; Auroran Outfits Detected (#336)
Appears in systems of govt Auroran Empire.
222 Smaller Private Freighters[]
"Smaller Private Freighters" of govt Civvies (2):
Leader: Pegasus; 12b Model (#132)
- 1 to 2 of Terrapin; Standard (#136)
- 1 to 2 of Viper; Fighter Class (#167)
- 0 to 1 of Viper; Heavy Fighter Class (#335)
- 0 to 1 of Viper; Auroran Outfits Detected (#336)
Appears in system Aria.
223 Liner + Escorts[]
"Liner + Escorts" of govt Civvies:
Leader: Star Liner; 8e model (#134)
- 0 to 2 of Viper; Fighter Class (#167)
- 0 to 1 of Viper; Heavy Fighter Class (#335)
- 0 to 1 of Viper; Auroran Outfits Detected (#336)
Appears in systems of govt Federation.
224 Liner + Escorts[]
"Liner + Escorts" of govt Civvies:
Leader: Star Liner; 8e model (#134)
- 0 to 2 of Viper; Fighter Class (#167)
- 0 to 1 of Viper; Heavy Fighter Class (#335)
- 0 to 1 of Viper; Auroran Outfits Detected (#336)
Appears in systems of govt Federation.
225 Liner + Escorts[]
"Liner + Escorts" of govt Civvies:
Leader: Star Liner; 8e model (#134)
- 0 to 2 of Viper; Fighter Class (#167)
- 0 to 1 of Viper; Heavy Fighter Class (#335)
- 0 to 1 of Viper; Auroran Outfits Detected (#336)
Appears in systems of govt Federation.
226 Pirate Raiders[]
"Pirate Raiders" of govt Pirate:
Leader: Manticore; Original Version (#146)
- 0 to 1 of Pirate Valkyrie; Class II (#149)
- 0 to 1 of Pirate Starbridge; Class B (#148)
- 0 to 1 of Pirate Viper; Heavy Fighter Class (#166)
Appears in systems of govt Federation.
227 Pirate Raiders[]
"Pirate Raiders" of govt Pirate:
Leader: Manticore; Original Version (#146)
- 0 to 1 of Pirate Valkyrie; Class II (#149)
- 0 to 1 of Pirate Starbridge; Class B (#148)
- 0 to 1 of Pirate Viper; Heavy Fighter Class (#166)
Appears in systems of govt Auroran Empire.
228 Little Traders[]
"Little Traders" of govt Civvies:
Leader: Heavy Shuttle; Version A (#129)
- 1 to 2 of Shuttle; Version A (#128)
- 1 to 1 of Terrapin; Standard (#136)
- 1 to 1 of Viper; Fighter Class (#167)
Appears in systems of govt Federation.
229 Little Traders[]
"Little Traders" of govt Civvies:
Leader: Heavy Shuttle; Version A (#129)
- 1 to 2 of Shuttle; Version A (#128)
- 1 to 1 of Terrapin; Standard (#136)
- 1 to 1 of Viper; Fighter Class (#167)
Appears in systems of govt Federation.
230 Little Traders[]
"Little Traders" of govt Civvies:
Leader: Heavy Shuttle; Version A (#129)
- 1 to 2 of Shuttle; Version A (#128)
- 1 to 1 of Terrapin; Standard (#136)
- 1 to 1 of Viper; Fighter Class (#167)
Appears in systems of govt Auroran Empire.
231 Little Traders[]
"Little Traders" of govt Civvies:
Leader: Heavy Shuttle; Version A (#129)
- 1 to 2 of Shuttle; Version A (#128)
- 1 to 1 of Terrapin; Standard (#136)
- 1 to 1 of Viper; Fighter Class (#167)
Appears in systems of govt Auroran Empire.
232 Little Traders[]
"Little Traders" of govt Civvies (2):
Leader: Heavy Shuttle; Version A (#129)
- 1 to 2 of Shuttle; Version A (#128)
- 1 to 1 of Terrapin; Standard (#136)
- 1 to 1 of Viper; Fighter Class (#167)
Appears in systems of govt Auroran Empire.
233 Pirates[]
"Pirates" of govt Pirate:
Leader: Pirate Valkyrie; Class II (#149)
- 0 to 2 of Pirate Viper; Heavy Fighter Class (#166)
- 0 to 1 of Pirate Viper; Missile Variant (#333)
- 0 to 1 of Pirate Viper; Beam Variant (#334)
Appears in systems of govt Federation.
234 Pirates[]
"Pirates" of govt Pirate:
Leader: Pirate Valkyrie; Class II (#149)
- 0 to 2 of Pirate Viper; Heavy Fighter Class (#166)
- 0 to 1 of Pirate Viper; Missile Variant (#333)
- 0 to 1 of Pirate Viper; Beam Variant (#334)
Appears in systems of govt Auroran Empire.
235 Pirates[]
"Pirates" of govt Pirate:
Leader: Pirate Valkyrie; Class II (#149)
- 0 to 1 of Pirate Viper; Heavy Fighter Class (#166)
- 0 to 1 of Pirate Viper; Missile Variant (#333)
- 0 to 1 of Pirate Viper; Beam Variant (#334)
Appears in systems of govt Auroran Empire.
236 Pirates[]
"Pirates" of govt Pirate:
Leader: Pirate Valkyrie; Class II (#149)
- 0 to 1 of Pirate Viper; Heavy Fighter Class (#166)
- 0 to 1 of Pirate Viper; Missile Variant (#333)
- 0 to 1 of Pirate Viper; Beam Variant (#334)
Appears in systems of govt Auroran Empire.
237 Auroran Task Force[]
"Auroran Task Force" of govt Auroran Empire:
Leader: Aurora Cruiser; Gjinchar Class (#154)
- 0 to 1 of Abomination; Frunch'ek Class (#152)
- 1 to 2 of Firebird; Thamgiir Class (#155)
- 0 to 2 of Phoenix; Va Thamgiir (#156)
Appears in system SPC-050.
238 Auroran Task Force[]
"Auroran Task Force" of govt Auroran Empire:
Leader: Aurora Cruiser; Gjinchar Class (#154)
- 0 to 1 of Abomination; Frunch'ek Class (#152)
- 1 to 2 of Firebird; Thamgiir Class (#155)
- 0 to 2 of Phoenix; Va Thamgiir (#156)
Appears in system Xante.
239 Auroran Task Force[]
"Auroran Task Force" of govt Auroran Empire:
Leader: Aurora Cruiser; Gjinchar Class (#154)
- 0 to 1 of Abomination; Frunch'ek Class (#152)
- 1 to 2 of Firebird; Thamgiir Class (#155)
- 0 to 2 of Phoenix; Va Thamgiir (#156)
Appears in systems of govt Auroran Empire.
240 Auroran Task Force[]
"Auroran Task Force" of govt Auroran Empire:
Leader: Aurora Cruiser; Gjinchar Class (#154)
- 0 to 1 of Abomination; Frunch'ek Class (#152)
- 1 to 2 of Firebird; Thamgiir Class (#155)
- 0 to 2 of Phoenix; Va Thamgiir (#156)
Appears in systems of govt Auroran Empire.
241 Auroran Task Force[]
"Auroran Task Force" of govt Auroran Empire:
Leader: Aurora Cruiser; Gjinchar Class (#154)
- 0 to 1 of Abomination; Frunch'ek Class (#152)
- 1 to 2 of Firebird; Thamgiir Class (#155)
- 0 to 2 of Phoenix; Va Thamgiir (#156)
Appears in systems of govt Auroran Empire.
242 Auroran Task Force[]
"Auroran Task Force" of govt Auroran Empire:
Leader: Aurora Cruiser; Gjinchar Class (#154)
- 0 to 1 of Abomination; Frunch'ek Class (#152)
- 1 to 2 of Firebird; Thamgiir Class (#155)
- 0 to 2 of Phoenix; Va Thamgiir (#156)
Appears in system Nesre Secundus.
243 Auroran Fleet[]
"Auroran Fleet" of govt Auroran Empire:
Leader: Aurora Carrier; Ytrack Class (#153)
- 1 to 2 of Aurora Cruiser; Gjinchar Class (#154)
- 0 to 1 of Firebird; Thamgiir Class (#155)
- 0 to 2 of Phoenix; Va Thamgiir (#156)
Appears in system Aurora.
244 Auroran Fleet[]
"Auroran Fleet" of govt Auroran Empire:
Leader: Aurora Carrier; Ytrack Class (#153)
- 1 to 2 of Aurora Cruiser; Gjinchar Class (#154)
- 0 to 1 of Firebird; Thamgiir Class (#155)
- 0 to 2 of Phoenix; Va Thamgiir (#156)
Appears in system Aurora.
245 Auroran Fleet[]
"Auroran Fleet" of govt Auroran Empire:
Leader: Aurora Carrier; Ytrack Class (#153)
- 1 to 2 of Aurora Cruiser; Gjinchar Class (#154)
- 0 to 1 of Firebird; Thamgiir Class (#155)
- 0 to 2 of Phoenix; Va Thamgiir (#156)
Appears in systems of govt Federation.
246 Auroran Traders[]
"Auroran Traders" of govt Civvies (2):
Leader: Enterprise; Untitled (#139)
- 0 to 1 of Enterprise; Untitled (#139)
- 1 to 3 of Firebird; Thamgiir Class (#155)
- 0 to 1 of Phoenix; Va Thamgiir (#156)
Appears in systems of govt Auroran Empire.
247 Auroran Traders[]
"Auroran Traders" of govt Civvies (2):
Leader: Enterprise; Untitled (#139)
- 0 to 1 of Enterprise; Untitled (#139)
- 1 to 3 of Firebird; Thamgiir Class (#155)
- 0 to 1 of Phoenix; Va Thamgiir (#156)
Appears in systems of govt Auroran Empire.
248 Auroran Traders[]
"Auroran Traders" of govt Civvies (2):
Leader: Enterprise; Untitled (#139)
- 0 to 1 of Enterprise; Untitled (#139)
- 1 to 3 of Firebird; Thamgiir Class (#155)
- 0 to 1 of Phoenix; Va Thamgiir (#156)
Appears in systems of govt Auroran Empire.
249 Auroran Traders[]
"Auroran Traders" of govt Civvies (2):
Leader: Enterprise; Untitled (#139)
- 0 to 1 of Enterprise; Untitled (#139)
- 1 to 3 of Firebird; Thamgiir Class (#155)
- 0 to 1 of Phoenix; Va Thamgiir (#156)
Appears in systems of govt Federation.
250 Auroran Traders[]
"Auroran Traders" of govt Civvies (2):
Leader: Enterprise; Untitled (#139)
- 0 to 1 of Enterprise; Untitled (#139)
- 1 to 3 of Firebird; Thamgiir Class (#155)
- 0 to 1 of Phoenix; Va Thamgiir (#156)
Appears in systems of govt Federation.
251 Auroran Traders[]
"Auroran Traders" of govt Civvies (2):
Leader: Enterprise; Untitled (#139)
- 0 to 1 of Enterprise; Untitled (#139)
- 1 to 3 of Firebird; Thamgiir Class (#155)
- 0 to 1 of Phoenix; Va Thamgiir (#156)
Appears in systems of govt Federation.
252 Auroran Traders[]
"Auroran Traders" of govt Civvies (2):
Leader: Enterprise; Untitled (#139)
- 0 to 1 of Enterprise; Untitled (#139)
- 1 to 3 of Firebird; Thamgiir Class (#155)
- 0 to 1 of Phoenix; Va Thamgiir (#156)
Appears in systems of govt Federation.
253 Vell-os Armada[]
"Vell-os Armada" of govt Federation:
Leader: Vell-os Javelin; T1 Vellosian (#175)
Appears in systems of govt Federation.
254 Hyperioids[]
"Hyperioids" of govt Hyperioid:
Leader: Hyperioid; alien (#171)
Appears in systems of govt Wraith.
255 Hyperioids[]
"Hyperioids" of govt Hyperioid:
Leader: Hyperioid; alien (#171)
Appears in systems of govt Wraith.