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EVN Wiki

A Missile Jammer is a generic term for a defensive outfit that seeks to confuse the guidance system of attacking missiles.

There are 4 jamming types. Some missiles are resistant to their type of jamming, so less of them will be affected and be misled.

Jammer comparison
Name Weight Type 1 (IR) Type 2 (Radar) Type 3 (Grav) Type 4 (EWake)
Civilian IR Jammer 1t 20%
Military IR Jammer 2t 30%
Cheap Military IR Jammer 2t 25%
Rebel IR Jammer 2t 35%
Auroran IR Jammer 4t 35%
Civilian Radar Jammer 2t 15%
Military Radar Jammer 4t 25%
Cheap Military Radar Jammer 3t 20%
Rebel Radar Jammer 4t 30%
Auroran Radar Jammer 10t 20%
Pirate Jammer 5t 30% 20%
Polaris Jammer 1t 40% 40% 20% 10%
Nil'kemorya Jammer 2t 50% 50% 45% 20%
Distract Sensors 0t 45% 25% 40% 35%


The more jammers a ship has been outfitted with, the less missiles will hit that ship. These do stack, so try to reach 100% effectiveness in every category.

See also[]

  • Jammer, for a comparison

IR Jammers[]

Radar Jammers[]

IR & Radar Jammer[]



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