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A set of filler missions in the Bureau Storyline.

Meet With Merrol DockMaster

No desc reqd
Mission Log Entry
Look for the <RST> dockmaster in the bar during his off-duty hours to give him the data crystal.
As soon as you finish your post-flight routine, you decide that you had better head to the bar to find this off-duty dockmaster...

Rebel Food Drop

You ask the barmaid to point out the off-duty dockmaster, and she points out a stocky fellow enjoying a quiet drink.

He looks up as your shadow falls across his table. "What can I do for you?" he asks politely.

You explain your situation, saying that you were directed here to do something useful for the Rebellion that doesn't require you to have an enormous security clearance. He looks at you and runs his hand through his graying hair.

"Well, we could use some help getting foodstuffs onto the planet," he muses. He goes on to explain, "The Bureau is trying to starve us out of the Federation, and people's belts are starting to look a little tighter.

"You willing to become a freight courier?"

"All right then," he says squaring his shoulders, "if you could go to <DST> in the <DSY> system and pick up <CQ> tons of <CT> and bring it back here, it would be much appreciated. Ask for Jay when you return, and I'll make sure it gets distributed to the right people.

"When you're on <DST>," Jay continues, "make sure you get your produce from a guy named Burton. He's willing to sell his food to people he hasn't seen before so he's your man."

You thank him sincerely but he merely eyes you askance, leaving you wondering what you did wrong. He must have read your face because he goes on to say, "Next time," he warns picking up his drink, "don't bring everyday business to the bar. I like my time off."

You nod your head and start heading back to your beloved <PSN> leaving Jay to savor the rest of his drink in peace.

Mission Log Entry
Go to <DST> in the <DSY> system, pick up <CQ> tons of <CT> and bring it back to <RST> in the <RSY> system.
Loading Cargo
As soon as you land you go looking for this Burton guy. Surprisingly he's not too hard to find. The <DST> marketplace is very well organized, and within a half-hour, you're standing in front of the man you want, haggling over the price.

The two of you quickly reach an agreement, and you get your <CQ> tons of <CT> no questions asked. He even gets one of his men to give you a hand loading the stuff onto your ship.

After a casual look around to ensure that none of the Federation authorities are paying you any obvious attention, you run through a quick pre-flight checklist before heading off-planet.

Dropping Cargo
As soon as you open the hatch you are hailed by a smiling Jay walking along the concourse towards you.

"I take it you got it," he states with a grin and a wink.

You show him your holds and he claps you on the shoulder.

"Come with me to my office," he says, "and we'll see what can be done about payment and a regular run. We'll leave the unloading to the people who get paid for it."

You follow Jay into his spartanly furnished office and he sits you down on a comfortable chair.

"I take it," he states, "that you will be wanting to move your way up the ranks to the more exciting missions."

When you nod he grins and claps you on the shoulder again.

"Good to hear," he says with an approving smile. "Of course, we live in times when trust is at a minimum, and if you want to become involved in the more exciting missions, then you have to prove yourself worthy by doing plenty of the tedious, lower risk runs.

"To get you started," he goes on, "I'm going to make these food drops a regular occurrence, and each one you do will go a little way to proving yourself to the Rebel High Muck-Mucks."

You nod in understanding.

"In the meantime, here's 15000 credits to play with," he hands over a credit chip, "have a few drinks on me."

Repeating Rebel Food Drop

Jay needs you to get <CQ> tons of <CT> to <DST> in the <DSY> system and bring it back to <RST>. Payment is 15000 credits.
Mission Log Entry
Go to <DST> in the <DSY> system, pick up <CQ> tons of <CT> and bring it back to <RST> in the <RSY> system.
Loading Cargo
You go over to the now-familiar Burton marquee and get down to business. Like last time, he strikes a fair deal and speeds you on your way with your <CQ> tons of <CT> for the Rebellion.
Dropping Cargo
You gain the attention of some dockworkers and quickly get your cargo unloaded before heading off to check in with Jay and get your payment.
You find Jay in his office hard at work on his computer.

"Come in, come in," he says brusquely in response to your knocking. "Back already? Oh well it's good to see you, we were looking a little short again, but your shipment should see us right."

He fumbles around inside the draws of his desk finally pulling out a slightly dirty credit chip.

"I believe that this is what you are looking for?" he says with a grin. "Keep checking the Mission BBS, it won't be long until we'll be needing you services again."

Drop By Merrol Bar

Mission Log Entry
Keep dropping into the bar on Merrol in the Aldebaran system to see if the Rebellion is prepared to increase your security clearance.

Rebel Equipment Drop

"Captain <PN>!" you hear yelled from the back of the bar in greeting as you enter. "Over here!"

You turn towards the voice and see Jay the dockmaster sitting enjoying a drink. He kicks out a chair at his table and indicates that you should join him with a grin.

"I've been told to move you up the chain," he begins smiling, "but don't get carried away," he cautions, "it is only a small step up from food drops to equipment drops. What it does mean is that some of the head sheds have noticed you. If you keep this up, before long you will be up there with the best of them."

Jay leans forward resting his heavily muscled arms on the table as he asks more seriously, "...that is, if you're still interested?"

"Well, it's pretty simple really," Jay continues expansively. "No different to what you are doing now, except that the Bureau now reckons that what you will be smuggling is worse than what you were smuggling before.

"All we want you to do is to go to <DST> in the <DSY> system," he indicates with a casual wave of his arm, "get <CQ> tons of <CT> and bring it back here."

Jay leans forward again. "The man to go and see about getting this stuff no questions asked is a guy named Arpad. He knows his work and is very competent. He'll make sure you're looked after.

"Good luck, Captain <PN>."

Mission Log Entry
Go to <DST> in the <DSY> system, pick up <CQ> tons of <CT> and bring it back to <RST> in the <RSY> system.
Loading Cargo
As soon as you land you go looking for this Arpad guy. He is a lot harder to find than Burton was on Las Vegas, as the <DST> marketplace is not nearly as well organized. However, after just over an hour of searching, you're standing in front of the man you want, haggling over the price.

The two of you quickly reach an agreement, and you get your <CQ> tons of <CT> no questions asked. He even gets a couple of his men to give you a hand loading the stuff onto your ship.

After a casual look around to ensure that none of the Federation authorities are paying you any obvious attention, you run through a quick pre-flight checklist before heading off-planet.

Dropping Cargo
As soon as you open the hatch you are hailed by a smiling Jay walking along the concourse towards you.

"I take it you got what we wanted," he states with a grin and a wink.

You bring him aboard and show him your holds and he claps you on the shoulder.

"Excellent work!" he says. "Come with me to my office, and we'll see what can be done about payment and another regular run. There are enough people around here who get paid to do the unloading, so why don't we leave them to it."

Once again you follow Jay into his spartanly furnished office and he sits you down in the same comfortable chair.

"It looks to me," he states with a mischievous grin, "as though the people in charge of this are starting to look your way."

He claps you on the shoulder again.

"Well, you're on the way," he says with an approving smile. "Of course, it will take some time, and things won't happen overnight, but I think that you have begun your long journey to the top. Keep putting in the hard yards and you should get there.

"To help you out," he goes on, "I'm going to clear you to receive these equipment drops from the Mission BBS so that you can clock up a few more brownie points."

You nod, understanding that your willingness to do this sort of grunt work will go a long way towards impressing the people in charge of your loyalty.

"In the meantime, here's a whopping 25000 credits to play with," he hands over a credit chip, "have a few drinks on me."

Repeating Rebel Equipment Drop

Jay needs you to get <CQ> tons of <CT> to <DST> in the <DSY> system and bring it back to <RST>. Payment is 25000 credits.
Mission Log Entry
Go to <DST> in the <DSY> system, pick up <CQ> tons of <CT> and bring it back to <RST> in the <RSY> system.
Loading Cargo
You quickly make your way through the disorganized <DST> markets to find Arpad's office and get down to the business of getting your supplies. After haggling with him you almost feel cheated as you are sure that he somehow tricked you into parting with more than necessary for what you are getting. But once the deal is made he gets two of his men to help load up your beloved <PSN>. Then you head off on your way with your <CQ> tons of <CT> for the Rebellion.
Dropping Cargo
You gain the attention of some dockworkers and quickly get your cargo unloaded before heading off to check in with Jay and get your payment.
You find Jay in his office hard at work on his computer like he normally is.

"Back again so soon?" he responds in a surprised voice in response to your knocking. "Good work! It's good to see someone who is prepared to do a little extra for the cause, and given the way things are going we are certainly going to need every little bit of what you just brought in."

He fumbles around inside the drawers of his desk finally pulling out a slightly dirty credit chip.

"I believe that this is what you are looking for?" he says with a grin. "Keep checking the Mission BBS, it won't be long until we'll be needing you services again."

Drop By Merrol Bar

Mission Log Entry
Keep dropping into the bar on Merrol in the Aldebaran system to see if the Rebellion is prepared to increase your security clearance.

Rescue Agent

You see a waving hand as you step into the bar and you recognize Jay sitting in his normal place.

You sit down and he grins at you.

"If you were going to start betraying the Rebellion," he says in jest, "now would be the time you could start."

You look at him wondering exactly what he meant by that.

"The head-sheds have decided to move you up a little further," he continues quietly, "they want you to go and pick up a Rebel Informant who believes that she has been compromised. Are you in, or do you need a little more time to prepare?"

"In reality this mission is fairly simple," Jay continues quietly, "not too different from the cargo missions you have been doing, except that you will be picking up a passenger rather than freight.

"The lady in question, whose name is Anna, lives on <DST> in the <DSY> system," he tells you seriously. "Make sure you aren't spotted on the way out as the Bureau would really like it if they stumbled onto a Rebel extraction."

Jay leans forward to emphasize his next point, "The Rebellion prides itself on looking after its people when it can. You are now an integral part of that idea. Our leaders have made a vow to extract any agent in trouble if it is possible without further compromising security. It is one of the things that allows the Rebellion to employ so many people, otherwise many would simply not pluck up the courage to join, and we would be struggling even more than we are."

"I leave it in your capable hands," he leans back confidently. "Good luck, Captain <PN>."

Mission Log Entry
Go to <DST> in the <DSY> system, extract a rebel agent and take them to <RST> in the <RSY> system.
Loading Cargo
You land and go through your normal post-flight checklist as usual. When you are finished you head outside to stretch your legs and await the arrival of this passenger.

You do not have to wait long; within ten minutes a plump looking middle-aged matron walks up and introduces herself as Anna. The ability of the Rebels to spread information through the galaxy must be very good if she was able to be here almost as you landed.

You take her inside and show her around before heading back up to your cockpit to begin preparing to head back out into space.

Dropping Cargo
Over the course of your journey, you learn that Anna is really only an informant. She only relays information regarding Federation and Bureau activities on to other members of her cell-network. You are a little impressed at the way the Rebels have set up their informants. If any one person was 'turned', they could only ever incriminate a maximum of three others, and even then, unless they acted within two days, they could not even do that.

Anna thanks you for helping her out as she leaves and you watch her walking away. You realize that you never did find out the story behind her removal, but then you doubt that she would have told you. She didn't seem like the blabbing type.

You look over to see the muscular figure of Jay walking towards you.

"You did good out there," he states seriously. "Come to my office, I have someone I want you to meet."

You walk in to see a vaguely familiar figure with short hair and a military bearing.

"Allow me to introduce myself," the man says easily, reaching forward to shake your hand. "My name is Cade Smart, retired General."

You realize that you are talking to one of the founding members of the Rebellion. You remember vaguely that General Cade 'Sundown' Smart, as he was called, took command of the Federation's forces when the Aurorans had wiped out whole fleets of the Federation Navy under the incompetent command of his predecessor. His brilliance kept the Federation alive at a time when its destruction looked a virtual certainty.

"I want you to know that we have been following your career carefully," General Smart continues, "and I wanted to pass on my appreciation for what you are doing. We are truly grateful for your efforts.

"Jay tells me that he is going to make similar missions available to you through the mission BBS, and I can think of no-one better for the job. Thank you, Captain <PN>."

Drop By Merrol Bar

Mission Log Entry
Keep dropping into the bar on Merrol in the Aldebaran system to see if the Rebellion is prepared to increase your security clearance.

Receive Instructions from Krane

You feel a familiar tap on your shoulder and you turn to see a young soldier who informs you that you have to go to <DST> in the <DSY> system. Commander Krane will meet you there.
"Oh well," sighs Krane quietly. "I'm not going to say I'm not a little disappointed in you, but I'm sure you have your reasons. I guess we'll have to find someone else instead.

"Keep an eye out for me," she finishes, as she turns away, "I may need your services for something else soon..."

Mission Log Entry
Go to <DST> in the <DSY> system to meet Commander Krane to find out what she wants, and then follow any instructions she gives.
Loading Cargo
As you step off your ship you see the {G"stunning" "disgustingly attractive"} figure of Commander Krane waiting for you.

"You took your time <PN>," she begins in her beautiful voice. "Tell me what's been happening."

You make your report and she is very interested to hear about the appearance of General Smart and that you are now rescuing agents. She asks you to expand on a few points and after another ten minutes or so of grilling you she relaxes, satisfied.

"Good work," she congratulates with a pretty smile, "you have done well! Now we must start using your position to best advantage.

"From here on in," she states, "I want you to bring any rebels you pick up here and we will do a quick body switch, so that we can start planting a few agents in amongst their network. Hopefully they will start getting you to place agents in future, and then we will be really getting somewhere.

"In the mean time," she continues meaningfully, "I want you to deliver this message pod to my man on Earth, you know who he is. Good luck!"

Dropping Cargo
As you exit your ship you see the soldier who has been your link to Krane sitting nearby in a seat that affords excellent visibility. You walk up and drop the message pod in front of him. Without a word he punches a long string of numbers into the encryption lock and reads the contents.

He looks up and in clipped tones says, "Commander Krane wants you to continue as planned with your infiltration and await the usual 'Prodigal Son' signal before returning here."

With that, he closes the message pod and returns to looking around ignoring you. Obviously, as far as he is concerned this conversation is over.

As you head back to your ship you cannot help but grin. It is always good to be working for an organization that is not only professional, but is also ruthless. Ruthless not only with those it is striving against, but also with its own members. You cannot wait to get into these rebel agent replacement missions.

Rescue Rebel

Another rebel agent has reported in that he might have been compromised and needs extracting.
Message to: Captain <PN>

Message from: Jay

I have been informed that another agent needs extracting. He is located on <DST> in the <DSY> system. Return him to Merrol.

Good luck!

Mission Log Entry
Go to <DST> in the <DSY> system, extract a rebel agent and take them to <RST> in the <RSY> system.
Loading Cargo
You land and go through your normal post-flight checklist as normal. When you are finished you head outside to stretch your legs and await the arrival of your passenger.

Within five minutes he arrives and you bring him on board giving him the regulation five minute tour. Then you head back up to your cockpit to begin preparing to take him off to <RST> in the <RSY> so that Commander Krane can start to organize the infiltration of the Rebel network.

Your passenger exits straight into the arms of the waiting Bureau 'investigators'. He looks confused for a second before going red and turning on you, enraged. He lunges only to be forcefully restrained by the pick up team.

"You're going to pay for this!" the rebel agent yells with impotent fury.

"Well I doubt it will be by your hand," you state sardonically. "Enjoy your all expenses paid for holiday my friend, care of the Bureau."

One of the men restraining the rebel club him over the head with a short baton and he slumps unconscious.

"Good thinking," nods the leader and the man is dragged away. She turns to you, "Commander Krane isn't around at the moment, but I'll make sure she hears about this. We will have a replacement for you to take back to the rebels in a few hours. Meet us in the bar."

Insert Bureau Agent

As you sit in the bar enjoying a quiet drink you are startled to see a man who appears to be the rebel agent you just brought in casually walk into the bar. You quickly realize that he is just a Bureau agent surgically modified to look like the person you captured. He spots you and comes over.

"You are <PRK> <PN>, Captain of the <PSN>?" he asks and you nod slowly. "I believe that you are supposed to take me to <RST> in the <RSY> system. I'm ready to go when you are."

You down the remnants of your drink and the both of you head towards your ship.

Mission Log Entry
Take the Bureau agent to <RST> in the <RSY> system.
Dropping Cargo
Your passenger thanks you for helping him out as he leaves. You wish that you could have gotten to know a little more about him, but you doubt that you would have found out much. These spooks never seem to like talking much. You wonder what he will end up doing for the Bureau.

You look over to see the muscular figure of Jay walking towards you.

"Good work," he states cheerfully. "Come to my office, I have a credit chip with your name on it."

When you get into his office he goes over and starts rummaging through his desk drawers.

"Here it is," he says at last pulling out a credit chip. "This should keep you eating for a few more days.

"I'll see to it that the General Smarts of this universe hear about this," he promises more seriously as he hands you the chip, "it never hurts to get in a little good PR."

Rebel Insertion

You see a waving hand as you step into the bar and you recognize Jay sitting in his normal place with a young slightly overweight woman next to him.

You sit down and he grins at you.

"The guys at HQ want to move you another link up the chain," he says in earnest, "it looks like you're on your way."

He gives you a wink.

"Realistically though," he continues sardonically, "your next step isn't any different from your last step. But think of it as another rung passed to make it to the top. Are you in, or do you need a little more time to settle yourself in?"

"We're talking now about insertion missions," Jay continues quietly, "where you take an agent from here and plant them wherever they need to go to start their new lives as informants.

"Allow me to introduce Fiona," he indicates the woman next to him. "She needs to get to Dunroamin in the Journey's End system. The usual deal applies in keeping away from the Federation and the Bureau. Good luck to the both of you."

You nod in agreement thinking that Krane will be more than happy to replace this young lady with a Bureau agent. That way she can learn a lot more about the way these rebels operate. You resolve to take her to <RST> straight away.

Mission Log Entry
Take the rebel mole on <RST> in the <RSY> system, to be replaced by an agent for the Bureau.
Fiona looks a little confused when she sees the Bureau strongarms when she steps out of your hatch. Comprehension comes slowly as she turns to you in despair. You have no wish to hear any of her whining so you give a push and she stumbles into the arms of the waiting Bureau team..

"Thanks," says one of them casually as another smashes her over the head a few times with the short batons they all seem to carry.

"Commander Krane left a message that she will make contact with you soon and that you are being temporarily relieved from active duty," says the attractive team leader as her team drags away the unconscious rebel. "She says to keep an eye out in bars and mission BBS's around the place in case she needs to get in contact with you. We will take care of the rest of this operation to replace her with one of our own."

You {G"take a few moments to savor the sight of" "spend a few moments thinking on the necessity of your actions as"} the team leader {G"walking" "walks"} away from you and you wonder why Krane has taken you off the active duty list.

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