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"Be weary of the Krypt Pod's nanites. They will go straight through your shields and start attacking and eating away at your armor." ― EVula Survival Guide

Nanites ignore the shields of their target to do damage directly to armor. This is devastating to low armor ships, especially Vell-os craft. Divide your ship's armor by 10. That's how many Nanite shots you can take. Even the heaviest of Auroran ships (a Heraan - Va Ytreck Carrier) can only withstand 22.

The standard Krypt Pod comes with one Nanite Colony Launcher which, although devastating to most ships without point defence, can be shot down by a Quad Light Blaster Turret or Storm Chaingun. Failing that, move fast and hit hard. Burn in quick with an Afterburner, destroy the Pod with quadruple Thunderhead Lances, and burn out before the Nanites can reach you.


Nova pict 6101

Nanites and a Krypt Pod

"Krypt has no weapons; why should she have? As far as she is concerned, she is the only life-form in the universe. Krypt is, however, very curious. She will send out colonies of nanites from her roving spheres to explore strange asteroids and other phenomena. These colonies will latch on to material in space, and start exploring the composition. This has a devastating effect on ships."

Nanites are a weapon only used by Krypt Pods. They are extremely lethal. Aggressors will soon discover that Krypt does not tolerate attacks on her body and will respond in kind. Given the extreme durability of a Pod, she is likely to come out on top.

Nanites actually begin as a turreted projectile that quickly submunitions into a homing missile. That's what gives them their unique 360° firing dispersion.
