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The Nil'kemorya is the Polaris warrior caste. The Nil'kemorya think of themselves as warriors whose lives are forfeit, and fondly await the day that they fall in combat.

The translation of their name in the Polaran language is "Falling Leaf." This is symbolic of the Nil'kemorya philosophy in that they consider themselves already dead, already detached from the tree and falling, so to say, with the destination and trajectory of the fall the only decision left to them.

They wear gray cloaks and are headquartered on the planet Nil'ar Kemorya in the Nil'kemorya System. Their leader always takes the name Iuso, meaning "Disciple of Iusia." Iuso appears in-game flying a unique Raven. Unlike most Polaran ships, this Raven carries non-Polaran weapons such as EMP torpedoes and Etheric Wake Missiles, as well as more heavy Polaran armaments than any other non-ATMOS ship in the game. .

They have a dedicated hospital and shipyard on the planet Ver'ar Sho in the Ver'ashan system.


  • The Nil'kemorya are the blazing falling Autumn Leaves. We are searching for the best place to fall.
  • We, the Nil'kemorya, stand ever ready to protect the Polaris from any who would do it harm.
  • The Nil'kemorya are all followers of Iuso, the disciple of Iusia. We will remember his sacrifice forever.
  • We warriors are those who float between the life we have left behind and the true death of a warrior protecting his people.
  • We, the Nil'kemorya have two weapons with us at all times. Our bodies, and more importantly, our minds.
  • Decisions of the leaf; where to fall?
  • We, the Nil'kemorya have two weapons with us at all times. Our bodies, and more importantly, our minds.
  • The Nil'kemorya are the blazing falling Autumn Leaves. We are searching for the best place to fall.
  • The Nil'kemorya are all followers of Iuso, the disciple of Iusia. We will remember his sacrifice forever.
  • We warriors are those who float between the life we have left behind and the true death of a warrior protecting his people.
Nova Polaris
Castes: Kel'ariyMu'hariNil'kemoryaP'aedtTre'piraVer'ash
Polaris Ships: Manta (v) (i) 250k, Sprite (v) (i) 500k, Striker (v) (i) 1M, Dragon (v) (i) 1.1M, Zephyr (v) (i) 2M, Arachnid (v) (i) 2M, Cambrian (v) (i) 2.5M, Scarab (v) (i) 7M, Raven (v) (i) 10M
Polaris Storyline (PreambleIntro MissionsDiplomacy BranchTechnology BranchRise of Ory'haraFall of the Polaris)
Polaris OutfitsPolaris Weapons