EVN Wiki


Nova pict 6117

Nil'kemorya Jammer on an unidentified ship

"Unlike their civilian counterparts, the ships of the Nil'kemorya are forced to deal with hostile forces quite often. To help them deal with the problem, P'aedt scientists and Ver'ash engineers have come up with this system that detects the electron movements common to most guidance systems and then shorts them out by creating an electromagnetic field in the surrounding space that is directly inverse to the fields of the incoming missiles."

The military forces of the Polaris are continually pitted against aggressive, numerically superior opponents. Therefore, they depend on skill and exotic technology to win these battles. The Nil'kemorya Jammer is an excellent example of the latter, as it combines a range of missile countermeasures into one comprehensive, highly effective defensive system.


"The Nil'kemorya Jammer is the best jammer in the game. With it, you'll see missiles just fly right by, with only a few realizing that you are there and turn towards you."

This system baffles radar and IR-guided missiles, as do most jammers, but it is also effective against newer weapons such as Gravimetric Missiles.

You must earn the trust of the Nil'kemorya to gain access to this outfit.

See Also[]

IR Jammers[]

Radar Jammers[]

IR & Radar Jammer[]

