Polaris Summary | Preamble | Intro Missions | Diplomacy Branch | Technology Branch | Rise of Ory'hara | Fall of the Polaris |
During the Fall of the Polaris, you barely survive an encounter with an inhuman mind, assist in an experiment to free telepaths from enslavement devices and sedate the most powerful telepath for your salty runback. Fortuitously, the Rebels have captured Commander Krane and a mind-reader might come in handy for her trial. Unfortunately, the Bureau remnants have fled to Moash space and the rest of the Aurorans need to be warned. One quick journey with a Rimertan in tow later and the Moash have been discredited and Heraan is the first family. The only thing left to do is help the Vell-os ascend, for which they need a few popsicles released. You ask Krypt kindly to do so. While you were away the Polaris gave the Federation and the Empire their technology and they're preparing for all out war. You suggest that the Nil'kemorya annihilate both factions. Shockingly, they agree. One victory lap later and the Polaris surrender to the disarmed factions so that they have to govern jointly over the Polaris like Germany post-World War II. You immerse yourself in the universe and are never seen again.
From "Return to Mu'ar Haro"[]
Find Vellos (Polaris 32)[]
mission #181
P'aedt |
![]() P'ar Aed |
Bar: 100% |
AvailBits: (P0 & b303) & !b347
"As you make your way to the bar you sense the familiar presence of P'Jeena waiting for you long before you walk in the door."
Offer |
When you do enter he stands up and waves you over to his table.
"We were wondering," he continues almost pleadingly, "if you could go on another journey for us to see if we can gather some more information? I warn you, this mission may be very dangerous." |
""Thank you, Ory'hara," P'Jeena tells you sincerely after you agree to help out."
Briefing |
"You probably don't know this, but most P'aedt are grateful to you for starting the recent boom in advancements due to the opening up of the border with the Wraith, led by your efforts, and your recent contact with the Aurorans.
"We hope that if this Krypt is as curious as the Vell-os claim it is," he tells you quietly, "that it will somehow try to make contact with you. Of course, we know that this might be dangerous, but of anyone alive, you are perhaps the most capable of dealing with any danger it might present. "When you have finished," he finishes a little tiredly, "return here with your findings." |
S862 S863 S864 S865 S866
While active[]
Mission Log Entry |
Locate the planet Vellos and attempt to make contact with the 'Krypt-mind' while you are there before returning to P'ar Aed in the P'aedt system. |
Lose your mind[]
Krypt Mind Attack (K-006)[]
mission #862
K-006, K-012, K-020, VNP-001 or Dellor |
4 ships of type Krypt in K-006, K-012, K-020, VNP-001 or Dellor
| |||
Q25068 G339 A863 A864 A865 A866 S867 S868 S869 S870 S871
"You find yourself under attack by a curious Krypt-mind, and you are slowly drained of strength!"
Observing these ships grants a Krypt Mind Attack.
Vellos |
![]() Vellos |
D339 A863 A864 A865 A866
Krypt Mind Attack (K-012)[]
mission #863
Krypt Mind Attack (K-020)[]
mission #864
Krypt Mind Attack (VNP-001)[]
mission #865
Krypt Mind Attack (Dellor)[]
mission #866
Regain your mind[]
Krypt Mind Retreat (Ganorran)[]
mission #868
Ganorran, Nestin, Kanius, SPC-2710 or South Manchester |
2 ships of type Krypt in Ganorran, Nestin, Kanius, SPC-2710 or South Manchester
| |||
Q25069 D339 A867 A868 A869 A870 A871 S862 S863 S864 S865 S866
"Upon reaching the edge of Krypt space, the attacks upon your mind suddenly cease..."
Observing these ships deletes your Krypt Mind Attack.
Krypt Mind Retreat (Nestin)[]
mission #867
Only this mission has 4 pods, the rest have 2.
Krypt Mind Retreat (Kanius)[]
mission #869
Krypt Mind Retreat (SPC-2710)[]
mission #870
Krypt Mind Retreat (South Manchester)[]
mission #871
Found Vellos[]
Loading Cargo[]
Vellos |
![]() Vellos |
2 ships of type Krypt in Vellos
| |||
"You are amazed by the god-like depths of intelligence you sense in the weavings of the Krypt-mind during your journey."
Loading Cargo |
As soon as you enter the physical space occupied by this intelligence, you find yourself constantly under attack by the Krypt, and it slowly works away at your defenses. As soon as you begin piloting down to the surface of Vellos, the attacks stop, offering you some respite. And as you make your way through the atmosphere of this destroyed world you can feel Krypt focus its attention down to the surface.
"What are you?" she asks abruptly, and instantly you can sense Krypt's enormous intelligence in the figure before you. "Why did you come here?" Suddenly you are forced to defend your mind against a potentially deadly intrusion as Krypt tries to weave her way inside your head. You instantly merge with the universe and twist the conditions around you to thwart her attempts, but even then her weaves are almost too intricate to unravel, and you only barely manage to survive. Then, just as suddenly, the attacks stop. "You are interesting," she announces thoughtfully. "I will watch you." With that her body dissipates into dust and you are left panting with exertion. |
P'aedt |
![]() P'ar Aed |
"Every spare moment you have on the long journey back to meet P'Jeena you spend meditating and training to see if you could better survive another such attack."
Dropping Cargo |
Never before have you felt such an enormously powerful force try to unravel your mind. The more you study the incident, the more frightened you become. Even the smallest moment of hesitation at any time would have left you dead in an instant.
As you fly down through the polluted atmosphere of P'ar Aed you vow to keep meditating on her weaves and keep practicing so as not to have to struggle so desperately the next time you meet her. |
""So what did you learn?" asks P'Jeena when you exit your craft and you reply that you learned that you are not yet ready to deal with Krypt."
Completion |
"Is it that powerful?" he asks, going pale, and you nod grimly.
"I understand," he bows, acknowledging the skill required to have even survived. "I apologize for exposing you to such a powerful and uncaring being. We will analyze what information we can garner from your sensors, I can only express my deepest thanks for the efforts you went to in securing it. "Please Ory'hara," he concludes seriously, "do not return until you feel you are ready." |
b347 b6666 D339 A862 A863 A864 A865 A866 A867 A868 A869 A870 A871
| |
140,000 credits | |
+5 with Krypt |
Observe Experiment (Polaris 33)[]
mission #182
Random system |
Spaceport: 50% Combat rating: 400 (Good Ability) |
AvailBits: (P0 & b347) & !(b304 | b6666)
2 tons of Mu'randa |
"As you prepare to disembark from your ship you cannot help but smile in anticipation when you sense the bubbly presence of Mu'Randa waiting for you."
Offer |
You create a subtle weave to alert her to your imminent arrival and she greets you when you walk out the hatch and waves you over.
"You are of course aware that the Vell-os still suffer as slaves under the brutal guidance of the Bureau," she breathes, "and we have long wanted to find a way of freeing them from their onerous burden. Well, recently a young Ver'ash came up with a fairly reasonable theory as to how we might actually go about it. "Interested?" |
""I thought you might want to come along," she continues with one of her trademark smiles."
Briefing |
"The other reason why I'm glad you came along is that I need a lift to see it myself. They are conducting the experiments on the Ver'a Se station in the Ver'roqi system, so that's where we need to get to.
You grin at her not so subtle hint and you invite her to lead the way back to your beloved <PSN> to begin the journey. |
While active[]
Mission Log Entry |
Go to Ver'a Se in the Ver'roqi system to observe the P'aedt and Ver'ash experiments towards freeing the Vell-os. |
Ver'roqi |
![]() Ver'a Se |
2 ships of type Large Polaris in Ver'roqi
| |
"During the journey Mu'Randa asks you a number of questions regarding your abilities and your confrontation with the Krypt."
Dropping Cargo |
You end up training with her, and guiding her to a greater understanding of her own arts and abilities.
"You sense that they are trying to twist the weaves of the device against itself somehow, without much success."
Completion |
Acting on a whim you merge with the universe around you and casually divert its weaves towards yourself.
You look up to see all the Polaris looking at you in awe. "...and he shall show us the way onwards," says Ver'Lahir as if quoting from somewhere and every person in the room bows in your direction. Embarrassed, you quickly tell them how you did it, and how they might emulate it using a series of simple weaves before telling Mu'Randa that you are tired from the long journey, and heading back to the privacy of your ship. |
b304 b8906
| |
60,000 credits | |
+5 with Krypt |
Capture Vell-os (Polaris 34)[]
mission #183
Random system |
Bar: 60% Combat rating: 500 (Good Ability+25%) |
AvailBits: (P0 & b304) & !b305
"As you sit in the bar you sense the familiar presence of Mu'Randa approaching."
Offer |
"Ver'Lahir and her team have duplicated your success," she tells you with a smile. "Now we can move our operation up a notch."
"Now that you are with us," she tells you, "we must prepare for the reintegration of humanity; we cannot stick to our isolationist policy any longer. So we must begin preparing the way. "You see, now that we can free one Vell-os," she continues explaining, "we can aid the rebels in their efforts to destroy the Bureau. You see, without the enslaved Vell-os, the Bureau will no longer be able to put up show trials where 'supposedly free' Vell-os are meant to read the minds of the accused and make judgement on them. In reality, they are told precisely what their judgements are going to be ahead of time by their Bureau masters. The end result will be the discrediting of the Bureau (and hopefully its destruction) and so a more reasonable Federation government. "Interested in helping out?" |
""I knew I could count on you," Mu'Randa smiles at you in thanks before getting down to business."
Briefing |
"We have already told the Rebels to prepare for the Federation's sudden weakness, and we believe that they are planning a strike against the Bureau's headquarters on New England, but first we must remove the enslaving device from at least one Vell-os. Once we've done that, the freed Vell-os will be able to take the strain for at least one other, and in no time the entire race will be freed.
"Simply put," she summarizes quietly whilst handing you a small hypodermic syringe, "we want you to go and bring back Llyrell from his current home on Earth in the Sol system and take him to Ver'a Se in the Ver'roqi system. The sedative in that syringe should be strong enough to keep even a Vell-os unconscious for several weeks." |
While active[]
Mission Log Entry |
Go to Earth in order to capture the Vell-os Llyrell and take him back to Ver'a Se in the Ver'roqi system so that he can be freed from slavery. |
Sol |
6 ships of type Lone Big Federation Ship over Earth that attack the player
| |||
Loading Cargo[]
Sol |
![]() Earth |
1 ton of Vell-os Telepath, illegal to Federation |
"Llyrell greets you when you land."
Loading Cargo |
"You know that I must resist as strongly as I can," he tells you almost formally. You nod, and the two of you begin.
Finally, in an effort to protect your mind, you merge completely with the spirit of the universe, losing all sense of self. In that moment your intellect vastens to touch every point in the universe at one time, and for a second you know everything about the universe. In your last moments of union, before your mind shudders back from the inconceivable, you use your power to create a weave that smashes through Llyrell's defenses. "Ory'hara," he murmurs as he falls unconscious. You quickly drag him onto your ship away from the many bystanders who had stopped to watch the fight. |
Fed Pursuit[]
mission #854
5 ships of type Lone Big Federation Ship that follow and attack the player
| |||
Ver'roqi |
![]() Ver'a Se |
"As soon as you land your passenger is wheeled out into one of the many medical facilities on the station."
Dropping Cargo |
Mu'Randa watches the other Polaris wheel him away before coming over and placing a hand on your shoulder.
You look up into her kind blue eyes, your mind still reeling from being as one with the universe. You can feel the soft razor's edge of insanity dwelling not far away, even as you go over the events in your mind. "You will be happy to know," Mu'Randa continues happily, ignorant of your distress. "That the Bureau is in disarray after the Rebel attack on their headquarters, and all the subsequent drama." |
""You see," Mu'Randa explains jubilantly, "the Rebels were able to capture the leader of the Bureau, a woman who went by the name of 'Commander Krane'."
Completion |
"And now that we have Llyrell, we can free him, and therefore the rest of the Vell-os, which will mean that when this Krane woman is put on trial, she will be really put on trial before an unbiased Vell-os judge. Imagine how damaging the verdict will be!"
"Anyway," Mu'Randa concludes happily, "we are over the moon with the way things have gone, and Bis Andreya has given me permission to open the Polaris treasury to pay you a sizeable donation for your efforts. If you want, you can use it to buy our latest ship, the 'Raven', the most powerful vessel ever created." |
b305 b332 b1100 b6666 b8908
| |
750,000 credits | |
+10 with Polaris |
Polaris Upgrades VII[]
The Raven and Polaron Multi-Torpedo Tube are unlocked for purchase.
Pass on Info (Polaris 35)[]
mission #184
Random system |
Spaceport: 60% Combat rating: 600 (Good Ability+50%) |
AvailBits: (P0 & b305) & !(b306 | b6666)
"Upon landing you sense the bubbly Mu'Randa nearby, and as you prepare to disembark you can feel an underlying sense of urgency as she waits for you."
Offer |
When you finally exit your ship you casually merge with universe and bring into existence a weave which turns her head towards you. After a moment of awed shock she makes her way over.
You almost wince when you are reminded of how the Polaris have come to think of you, but you keep your face and mind blank. "Regardless," she says more seriously, "the reason I'm here is because I have urgent information that needs to get into the right hands. Can I count on you?" |
""Thank you, Ory'hara," she breathes sincerely, "this is something of an emergency. You see, since Dr. Pentecost was elected the new Federation President, he has generously been sharing intelligence with us."
Briefing |
Basically we have learned that just before they were discredited the Bureau had managed to forge an alliance with the Moash House, and we have reason to believe that they have fled to Moash Space with a sizeable fleet of Federation vessels in an effort to regain a toehold on the universe.
While active[]
Mission Log Entry |
Pass on intel to the Heraan House Elders that the Moash and Bureau forces are in alliance and may attack at any time. |
Heraan |
![]() Heraan |
6 ships of type Duellists in Heraan that attack the player
| |||
"You find yourself getting mildly irritated when you sense a number of young Auroran warriors eagerly awaiting your arrival so that they can test themselves against you."
Dropping Cargo |
As soon as you open the hatch you slip into the universe and create weaves so dense that they are powerful enough to throw grown men around like leaves. As you hold all ten young warriors motionless in mid-air you tell them in no uncertain terms that you are in no mood to deal with their silliness today. Only when you are certain that they understand you do you relent and lower them back down to the ground.
After a long climb the stairs open out into a large room in which a number of elderly looking warriors are seated around a large table talking in an orderly fashion. |
"As you stride over they catch sight of you and fall silent, watching you slightly suspiciously."
Completion |
"Why have you disturbed us Ory'hara?" asks Techerakh from his seat at the foot of the table. "I wouldn't think that you would barge in here so unceremoniously without reason."
"I will vouch for Ory'hara," states Techerakh quietly. "{G"He" "She"} is a warrior of the purest order, {G"his" "her"} words are as law." With that, the Elders look at you with renewed respect, and you realize that Techerakh's word obviously means a great deal to them. "Thank you for giving us this information Ory'hara," Techerakh again pipes up. "The Elders will now consider it and will prepare a plan of action. I will meet you in the bar in two hours to let you know what has been decided." |
| |
+10 with Family Heraan |
Alert Rimertans (Polaris 36)[]
mission #185
Heraan |
![]() Heraan |
Bar: 100% Combat rating: 600 (Good Ability+50%) |
AvailBits: (P0 & b306) & !b307
"As you sit, sipping your second drink, you cannot help smiling when you sense the approach of not only Techerakh, but also your old travelling companions Mu'Sentan and Drengar."
Offer |
When they enter the room you subtly direct their attention in your direction, and they make their way over.
"I had nothing to do with it," Techerakh smiles, gently shaking his head. "Young Drengar here sensed the disturbance you caused earlier at the docks and insisted on seeing you." You laugh and thank him anyway. "Anyway, before you get too carried away reminiscing about old times," Techerakh continues more seriously, "we need your help. We need someone to get the attention of the Dechtakar Elders on Rimerta, but because of the threat of invasion, we really can't spare any House warriors. Can you help us?" |
""All you have to do," he explains quietly, "is go to Rimerta in the Pimen system and explain to them that the Elders of the Heraan House wish for one of them to witness events of interest to the Ruling Council."
Briefing |
They will send at least one Dechtakar with you, and then you will take him or her to the Moash system to witness whatever is there. Once you have done that return here to pick me up and we will journey to Aurora to confront the First Family over their actions.
You spend the rest of the afternoon chatting and laughing with both the young Polarans, whom have become far more animated for their contact with the Auroran culture. Even the reverence they feel for you as 'Ory'hara' has been muted down to mere respect, and for the first time in many months you enjoy yourself. |
While active[]
Mission Log Entry |
Travel to Rimerta in the Pimen system to alert the Dechtakars that there is something the Elders of the Heraan House would like them to witness. |
Pimen |
![]() Rimerta |
8 ships of type Duellists in Pimen
| |||
"Without pausing to think you hold the ten young warriors itching to attack you in place with weaves thick enough to support the mighty tower you have landed on, and you start up the stairs you know will lead you to the Dechtakar Elders."
Completion |
Before long you are standing before a table headed by Du'Nakh whom you remember from when you visited here with Drengar and Mu'Sentan in tow.
You quickly recite the formula given to you by Techerakh, including the part about it being of interest to the Ruling Council, at which point everyone in the room starts to pay attention. "If the Elders of the Heraan House want us to witness something of importance to the Ruling Council," Du'Nakh replies thoughtfully, "I would see it for myself. Wait for me in the bar, I will meet you there in an hour." |
| |
+5 with Rimerta |
Observe Bureau (Polaris 37)[]
mission #186
Pimen |
![]() Rimerta |
Bar: 100% Combat rating: 600 (Good Ability+50%) |
AvailBits: (P0 & b307) & !b308
1 ton of Du'Nakh |
"You sense Du'Nakh's keen intellect approaching and you immediately stand and walk out of the bar and move to meet him on the way back to your ship."
Offer |
"Why didn't you wait for me?" he asks, and you sense that he is mildly annoyed.
"I apologize for ever doubting your motives," he breathes sincerely and you wave it away, telling him you didn't mind. You quickly go through your pre-flight checklist, aware of Du'Nakh's eyes widening every time you use your abilities to flick switches and push buttons without moving from your seat in the command chair. |
While active[]
Mission Log Entry |
Observe the Moash and Bureau forces working together in the Moash system before heading back to Heraan in the Heraan system to pick up Techerakh. |
Moash |
8 ships of type RAGE Gunboat in Moash that attack the player
| |||
6 ships of type Large Moash War Ships in Moash that infinitely regenerate
| |||
RAGE Gunboats are titled 'Prodigal Son'.
Heraan |
![]() Heraan |
"As soon as you land you are met by a small battle group of warriors obviously prepared to repel any sneak attack by Moash warriors."
Dropping Cargo |
As soon as they see you they quickly back off, giving you a respectful amount of space.
When you reach the council chambers you gain the attention of every person in the room with a subtle weave. "Have you seen something of interest to the Ruling Council?" asks Techerakh a little obliquely. "What I have seen is a First Family that has treacherously and dishonorably allied itself with our most hated enemies," Du'Nakh confirms grimly, "in a greedy attempt to gain nothing more than mere power." |
""Do not worry," he continues, holding up his hands to forestall the questions of the Heraan Elders, "the forms have been followed, and what I have seen has not been contaminated by either your views or those of Ory'hara."
Completion |
You can be assured that my word will be as law before the Ruling Council, nobody can doubt its veracity.
You raise your eyebrows at the satisfied reaction of the Heraan Elders to Du'Nakh's last statement. "If the First Family has so disgraced itself that it has been removed from power," Techerakh explains in a low voice, "the Council of Thurokiirs decides on who will be the next First Family. Meet me in the bar in ten minutes, I will be ready to go then." |
| |
+10 with Auroran Empire |
Meet the Ruling Council (Polaris 38)[]
mission #187
Heraan |
![]() Heraan |
Bar: 100% Combat rating: 600 (Good Ability+50%) |
AvailBits: (P0 & b308) & !b309
"As you sit chatting with Du'Nakh you sense the business-like approach of Techerakh. You surprise Du'Nakh by predicting the exact time the Heraan Thurokiir will enter the bar."
Offer |
"Your abilities truly are amazing," Du'Nakh marvels after Techerakh joins the two of you. "Not even Techerakh here, who is widely acknowledged as the greatest Auroran martial artist in history, could sense such things."
"I may not be as talented as yourself," Techerakh smiles at your mild surprise, "but I'm not without my own abilities, and I am probably the most widely travelled person in the galaxy, with the possible exceptions of yourself and my Battle-Brother Archindar." |
""You may think that he has only had a peripheral role in all the recent goings on in the galaxy," Techerakh warns Du'Nakh, "but he has not."
Briefing |
More than that, anybody with the skill necessary to intuitively observe the weaves of life, has felt the disturbances he has made to the fabric of the universe on the odd occasions when he has unleashed his power, and it is frightening. His abilities approach the limitless."
You sit thinking for a moment, and you realize that if you really wanted to, you probably could. You shrug and nod noncommittally. "By the Gods!" Du'Nakh swears. "Well I am glad we have you on our side!" You smile wanly, wishing that Techerakh hadn't been so forthcoming about your abilities. You stand, suggesting that it is time to get moving. Both Du'Nakh and Techerakh sense your mood and nod in agreement. |
While active[]
Mission Log Entry |
Take Du'Nakh and Techerakh to Aurora in the Aurora system so that they can inform the Auroran Ruling Council of the treacherous actions by the Moash House. |
4 ships of type Large Moash War Ships in Aurora that attack the player
| |
Aurora |
![]() Aurora |
"Upon landing the three of you make your way to the chambers of the Ruling Council."
Dropping Cargo |
As you walk up to the door that opens into the chambers themselves, you sense the hostile intentions of twenty young warriors who leap out at the three of you in an ambush. Having long since merged with the universe, you launch into a series of brutally graceful moves that end with the bloody deaths of all your attackers.
"What is the meaning of this?" blusters the Emperor through his surprise. "It is another proof of the level to which the Moash House has sunk," replies Du'Nakh stonily. "My word is as law, and I have seen with my own eyes the ships of our most hated enemy, the Bureau, in your own home system, where, alongside your own ships, they attacked us." |
""All the forms have been observed," Du'Nakh submits grimly. "My word is uncontaminated, and I call to account the Moash House for treachery and deceit, and I call for the Council of Thurokiirs to be convened.""
Completion |
"You can't do that, you need a full vote of the Council first," sneers one of the Moash representatives.
The hands of the Emperor and the three Moash representatives go up, their faces going white when they receive no support. "For?" asks the same member and everybody else raises his or her hand. "The motion is passed. This Council is dissolved pending the decision of the Thurokiirs Council." As one, all the representatives, barring those from the Moash House, get up and leave. "Meet me in the bar," whispers Du'Nakh, "and I'll explain what happens next." |
b309 b6031
| |
+10 with Auroran Empire |
Return to Kel'ar Iy (Polaris 39)[]
mission #188
Aurora |
![]() Aurora |
Bar: 100% Combat rating: 600 (Good Ability+50%) |
AvailBits: (P0 & b309) & !b310
"After an hour of observing the Du'Nakh's movements to different parts of the arcology, he finally turns towards the bar, and his meeting with you."
Offer |
"Sorry for taking so long Ory'hara," Du'Nakh apologizes as he sits down, "but, as you can understand, I had a number of things I had to take care of."
"I guess you want to know what's going on?" he asks mildly, and you nod calmly. "The Emperor, his advisers and the three representatives of the Moash House have been sealed in the throne room which will never be opened again as long as the Auroran Empire survives. That is their punishment for their treachery, and as they starve over the coming weeks, they will have plenty of time to think on their misdeeds." You are a little surprised at the severity of the sentence, but one look at Du'Nakh's face tells you that he has no doubts about the suitability of their punishment. |
""In a fortnight the Thurokiirs' council will meet," he continues grimly, "and they will decide on who will become the new First Family, and although I don't want to preempt their decision, I will be surprised if the Heraan House doesn't assume that responsibility."
Briefing |
"In the meantime," he says quietly, "I have spoken with the representatives of all the houses, except obviously the Moash House, and they have all agreed in principle to opening diplomatic relations with the Polaris. Of course, this still has to be agreed to by the Polaris and it has to be ratified by the full Council when it next meets, but I would like you to pass on the offer.
As he walks away you realize that his last statement was no idle honor, and that he meant every word. |
While active[]
Mission Log Entry |
Take the tentative offer from the Aurorans to open diplomatic relations to the Polaris Ruling Council on Kel'ar Iy. |
Kel'ariy |
![]() Kel'ar Iy |
"As you meditate to pass the time in your many hours in hyperspace, you start to occasionally feel a desire to completely merge with the universe."
Dropping Cargo |
As you have only completely immersed yourself into the universe once, and were nearly driven insane by it, you resist the temptation, but you cannot help feeling that it will not be long before you are forced to do it again.
Never before have you taken so long to complete your post-flight routine. You do everything you can think of to put off having to face people who are so impressed by your abilities that they can no longer recognize your humanity. But you can only avoid it for so long, and soon you are ready to exit your ship. |
""Welcome back, Ory'hara," smiles a healthy looking Bis Andreya. "We understand that you have an offer for us.""
Completion |
You quickly summarize the events of your sojourn into Auroran space, ending with Du'Nakh's tentative offer to open diplomatic relations.
"But for now we wanted to thank you for your actions in not only destroying the remnants of the despicable Bureau," she continues, "but also for being a part of bringing to power a more reasonable Auroran government. You have our thanks and our admiration for your efforts, and we have placed a significant sum of money at your disposal, and it is our wish that you take the time to enjoy it." |
b310 b6666 b323
| |
1,500,000 credits | |
+10 with Polaris |
Find Krypt-tokh (Polaris 40)[]
mission #189
Random system |
Spaceport: 50% Combat rating: 600 (Good Ability+50%) |
AvailBits: (P0 & b310) & !(b311 | b6666)
"Over the past few months you have been keeping an eye on the locations of Mu'Randa, Llyrell and P'Jeena, because you knew that once they got together the day you had been dreading was fast approaching."
Offer |
A few weeks ago you felt them meet, and since then you have observed their search of the galaxy for you.
It seems like every head in the spaceport turns to watch you leave your ship, and more than one Polaris casts a sidelong look in the direction of the small group waiting for you before deliberately looking away. You walk over and nod in greeting, but none of them want to break the ice. "You know why we have come," states Llyrell, quietly pleading. "But you cannot know the whole story. We cannot evolve past the veil unless we have the Krypt-tokh to focus us, it is the way our mind is set up. More than that, we have no desire to leave them behind. "Will you help us?" |
"When you calmly nod, you cannot help but sense the surge of pride from everyone nearby as they try to observe the goings on."
Briefing |
"Thank you, Ory'hara," responds Llyrell. "Of all the people in this room, I am the only one besides yourself who has felt the Krypt-mind, and so I know the danger you are placing yourself in for us, but without you we would be lost."
"Our analysis from your last trip was again incomplete," he mutters uncomfortably, "but we were able to pick up some residual psychic phenomena embedded into parts of Vell-os, and Llyrell was able to identify the patterns as being similar to those of some of the members of the Krypt-tokh just before the end of the Vell-os War. "So we want you to go to Vell-os with Llyrell," he explains, shifting in his seat, "and then take it from there." "...and when you are finished," Mu'Randa pipes up sadly, "I will be waiting for you on Mu'ar Haro." |
Generic Passenger Cargo string mission[]
mission #872
| |
0 tons of Passengers
While active[]
Mission Log Entry |
Travel to Vellos in the Vellos system with Llyrell to see if you can find out what happened to the Krypt-tokh at the end of the Vell-os War. |
Loading Cargo[]
Vellos |
![]() Vellos |
"As soon as you entered Krypt space you were forced to defend Llyrell from constant attacks by the Krypt-mind."
Loading Cargo |
For weeks you stay immersed in the spirit of the universe until you are sure that you have gone insane. But after the first few moments it feels almost natural, and you can sense Krypt's rising panic as she cannot penetrate your defenses.
He returns to the ship, and you can sense his awe at what you have shown you can do. "I felt the word 'Korell'," he says quietly, aware that you already know, "and that was a planet once populated by us. I suggest we go there." You nod, and you take off again. |
Korell |
![]() Korell |
"Before you even land you can sense the faded remnants of the Krypt-tokh's psychic aura as you absent-mindedly pilot your ship down through Korell's atmosphere."
Dropping Cargo |
From the residue they left behind you deduce that they partially embedded their minds into their nanites in an effort to escape detection by the ravaging forces of the Colonial Council. With a sudden whiff of inspiration you realize that they actually created the Krypt in an effort to defend this world, and eventually all of what was Vell-os space whilst they waited for the spirit of the universe to awaken and return them to their natural state.
With a subtle inclination of your head, you tell Lyrell to follow you as you head in that direction. |
"You sense Llyrell's growing wonder and Krypt's apprehension as you enter the cave. Inside you see six bodies, perfectly preserved in cryogenic tubes."
Completion |
"They must move on," you tell Krypt with quiet assurance. "You must find your own way."
"You did it!" exclaims Llyrell. "And she destroyed herself to do it." You shake your head, telling him that she just gave back to them what they had given to her, but that she remains, although it will be centuries before she relearns how to project herself so intensely again. You give him a few instructions on how to operate the cryogenic machinery, before heading back to your ship. With relief, for the first time in weeks, you dissolve your union with the universe, allowing your mind to return to its limited senses with relish. While you were immersed in the universe you sensed Mu'Randa waiting for you on Mu'ar Haro, and whenever the Polaris ask for your help, you know it won't be long until you are once again immersing your consciousness in the universe... |
b311 b330 S839 A872
| |
+5 with Polaris |
Head Back to Mu'ar Haro[]
mission #839
Mission Log Entry |
Head back to Mu'ar Haro in the Mu'hari system to see what Mu'Randa wants. |
Ferry Mu'Randa (Polaris 41)[]
mission #190
Mu'hari |
![]() Mu'ar Haro |
Spaceport: 100% Combat rating: 600 (Good Ability+50%) |
AvailBits: (P0 & b311) & !b312
1 ton of Mu'randa |
"Throughout your trip back, you can feel the spirit of the universe calling to you."
Offer |
Several times the need grows so great that only with an enormous act of will can you withstand it. But soon, you know that it will grow too powerful, and you will cease to exist as a human being and instead will become one with the universe.
Finally you land on Mu'ar Haro, and you sense the relieved Mu'Randa waiting for you. You know that she wants you to give her a lift to Kel'ar Iy to pass on to the Polaris leaders that their unspoken debt to the Vell-os is now paid. "I will take you," you tell her before she can speak, and you almost wince at the wonder in her eyes. |
"Without a word you indicate with a subtle weave that she should follow, and you lead her back to your beloved <PSN>."
Briefing |
She watches, her eyes widening in wonder, as you go through the preflight checklist without moving a muscle.
"I believe that there will be one more thing," she answers reluctantly, the wonder in her eyes being replaced by shame. "We have placed ourselves in an untenable position, and only you can extricate us from it. "But it was not my doing," she tells you quietly, "and I will leave the telling of it to those who were responsible." With a single nod you turn back to your internal struggle against the call of the universe. You know that soon enough, all this will be over. |
While active[]
Mission Log Entry |
Take Mu'Randa to Kel'ar Iy in the Kel'ariy system to find out what the Polaris leaders have done that has placed them in an awkward position. |
Kel'ariy |
![]() Kel'ar Iy |
1 ship of type Large Polaris in Kel'ariy
| |||
"You sense the presence of the entire Polaris Ruling Council plus the caste leaders awaiting your arrival."
Dropping Cargo |
Without digging too deep you can feel the irritation of the caste-leaders and the anxiety of the council members.
"It took us over six centuries," intones Bis Andreya formally, "but, with your help, we have finally been able to pay our debt to the Vell-os. "But we have another problem," she continues, and you can sense her nervousness. "You may not be aware that we have recently entered into secret alliances with both the Federation and the Auroran Empire. The reasoning was that we could use our new position as allies to bring to bear some leverage on both parties in order to bring them closer together. "Unfortunately," she tells you, her voice on the verge of breaking, "things didn't go quite as planned." |
""As part of our agreements with them," Bis Andreya explains in a small voice, "we shared some of our technology with both of them."
Completion |
We had hoped that it would be used to raise the standard of living in both realms, but it is going to be put to use on the battle-field first. "We protested," she sighs sadly, "but they would not listen. Both of them proclaimed that they could not trust the other, and that the weapons would only be used in defense of their own nation, but soon their technology will begin to outstrip their tactical ability, and it will be possible for one side to breach the defenses of the other easily and cause enormous amounts of damage. We are within a few months of what could be the most terrible war in the history of mankind." You shake your head at the naivete of the Polaris before announcing that you will go to the bar for a quiet drink. You tell them that in one hour you will tell them what you will do. |
| |
750,000 credits | |
+20 with Polaris |
Travel to Ar'Za Iusia (Polaris 42)[]
mission #191
Kel'ariy |
![]() Kel'ar Iy |
Bar: 100% Combat rating: 600 (Good Ability+50%) |
AvailBits: (P0 & b312) & !b313
"Exactly on the hour, all the leaders of Polaris society file in with expectant expressions on their faces."
Offer |
You smile inwardly, knowing that they aren't going to like your solution.
You smile an empty sad smile, knowing that you are going to manipulate them into destroying their own beautiful civilization. "Join me on the <PSN>," you say quietly, "there is something I want to remind you of, and it is best that you see it for yourselves." With that you get up and lead back to your ship before heading out into space on your way to Ar'za Iusia in the Za'iuso system, to remind them of the sacrifice of one of their historical heroes, Iusia. With luck they will understand the significance of what you are trying to say. |
Generic Passenger Cargo string mission[]
mission #872
| |
0 tons of Passengers
While active[]
Mission Log Entry |
Take the Polaris leaders to Ar'Za Iusia in the Za'iuso system to remind them of Iusia's sacrifice in the hope that they will prove noble enough to sacrifice themselves for the whole of humanity. |
Loading Cargo[]
Za'iuso |
![]() Ar'Za Iusia |
"When your passengers recognize the planet your are landing on a few look puzzled, others look sad, but only three, Iuso, Mu'Randa and Bis Andreya, look grim."
Loading Cargo |
As soon as you touch down you usher everyone off the ship.
You smile a sad smile, and shake your head. "It is not Ory'hara's place to sacrifice {G"himself" "herself"} to get us out of our problems," lectures Iuso quietly. "It is not {G"he" "she"} that will be sacrificed for humanity. That honor is saved for ourselves." "Soon the Polaris will be no more," agrees Bis Andreya sadly. "We must destroy ourselves for the good of humanity. "Thank you, Ory'hara," she says, turning to you. "You have shown us the way. We remain in your debt." You shake your head, before indicating that everyone should return to your ship for the trip back to Kel'ar Iy. |
Kel'ariy |
![]() Kel'ar Iy |
1 ship of type Large Polaris in Kel'ariy
| |||
"Upon landing, it saddens you to see the once proud Polaris leaders file off, looking like broken men and women."
Completion |
But they now know as well as you that the days of their civilization are numbered. Soon their entire culture will have passed away under the weight of upcoming events.
"We will require a little time Ory'hara," says Mu'Randa quietly, seeing the distress on the face of Bis Andreya. "But when we are ready, we will find you. We will need your abilities to get us through this." You nod, wishing that there was something you could say to soften the blow to the very fabric of their lives. Instead, you smile a sad, empty smile, and head back to your ship to feel again the thrills of being human, for you know that your own time also grows short. |
b313 A872
| |
+10 with Polaris |
Wage War[]
Any system |
Spaceport: 100% Combat rating: 600 (Good Ability+50%) |
AvailBits: (P0 & b313) & !b314
"When you sense the approach of Mu'Randa, you know the time has come and you finally give in to the call of the universe and once again sink into the now comfortable union."
Offer |
Mu'Randa watches with awe as you sweep up her mind on one of your weaves and carry it out to where you are focusing your mind. You know it is time to lead the Polaris into the war in which they will cease to exist as a nation. You must decide which force you will lead, the one which will launch against the Federation, or the one which will try to smash through the Aurorans... |
Lead Attack on Federation | Lead Attack on Aurorans |
Attack Federation | Attack Aurorans |
Wage War on Federation[]
Head to Port Kane (Polaris 43a)[]
mission #192
"As you centre yourself in the universe, almost absent-mindedly you set a course for Port Kane in the Kania system to begin the destruction of the Federation war-machine..."
b315 S880 S881 G209
Choosing the Federation grants T2 strength.
Polaris Scarabs[]
Mission #880
1 ship of type Scarab that jumps in after a delay and protect the player
| |||
Polaris Smaller Ships[]
Mission #881
3 ships of type Small Polaris that jump in after a delay and protect the player
| |||
While active[]
Mission Log Entry |
Head to Port Kane in the Kania system to begin the destruction of the Federation military. |
Kania |
![]() Port Kane |
6 ships of type RAGE Gunboat in Kania that attack the player
| |||||
3 ships of type Lone Big Federation Ship that infinitely regenerate
| |||||
"As soon as you land on the station the Nil'kemorya start laying waste to the infrastructure for the military in the sector."
Completion |
Within minutes they are finished, and you have them announce on the Federation Holo-Net that you will next be coming to Earth, so that they have time to send their entire Navy to meet you. In one fell swoop you will destroy their ability to make war... |
b314 S882 S883
Fed Interception Fleet (Tichel)[]
mission #883
5 ships of type Lone Big Federation Ship in Tichel that attack the player
| |||||
3 ships of type RAGE Gunboat that follow the player and infinitely regenerate
| |||||
Head to Earth (Polaris 44a)[]
mission #882
While active[]
Mission Log Entry |
Head to Earth in the Sol system to finish the destruction of the Federation military. |
Sol |
8 ships of type Lone Big Federation Ship in Sol that attack the player
| |||||
4 ships of type RAGE Gunboat in Sol that infinitely regenerate
| |||||
Fed Interception Fleet (Sol)[]
mission #884
5 ships of type RAGE Gunboat that follow and attack the player
| |||
Sol |
![]() Earth |
"As soon as you land the warriors start almost delicately destroying the infrastructure used by the Federation Navy."
Completion |
Within hours, while the Kane Band has retained its ability to build basic ships, all of the components used to build weapons and military grade outfits have been destroyed.
For the first time since you began this war you concentrate your perceptions towards the Auroran operation, to find it faltering at the last hurdle. You quickly pass on to the remainder of your fleet your intention to meet up with the Auroran half of the Polaris operation in the Aurora system, and help them destroy the ships there. Those warriors that remain capable of joining you, do so, in the final act they will take as members of the Polaris government. |
S885 S886 A883 A884
Polaris Raven[]
Mission #886
1 ship of type Polaris cruiser that jumps in after a delay and protect the player
| |||
Head to Aurora (Polaris 45a)[]
mission #885
While active[]
Mission Log Entry |
Head to Aurora in the Aurora system to help the Auroran operation meet its goals... |
6 ships of type Large Auroran War Ships in Aurora that attack the player
| |||||
4 ships of type Small Auroran Interceptor in Aurora that infinitely regenerate
| |||||
Aurora |
![]() Aurora |
"As your mind sinks deeper into union with the universe, you struggle to maintain your defense of the Polaris ships."
Completion |
More than once, only Mu'Randa's mental cries are all that keep you from forever losing your sense of self.
Satisfied, you power up your ship after painfully withdrawing one last time from the union. You want to visit the memorial to the man who inspired all this. Once more you go to Ar'Za Iusia, this time to leave behind your humanity. |
S887 A879 A880 A881
Head to Ar'Za Iusia | |
Return to Ar'Za Iusia |
Wage War on Empire[]
b314 S880 S881 S888 G209
Choosing the Aurorans grants T2 strength.
Polaris Scarabs[]
Mission #880
1 ship of type Scarab that jumps in after a delay and protect the player
| |||
Polaris Smaller Ships[]
Mission #881
3 ships of type Small Polaris that jump in after a delay and protect the player
| |||
Head to Neilha Memorial Station (Polaris 43b)[]
mission #888
Refusal |
As you centre yourself in the universe, almost absent-mindedly you set a course for the Neilha Memorial Station in the Neilha system to begin the destruction of the Auroran war-machine... |
While active[]
Mission Log Entry |
Head to Neilha Memorial Station in the Neilha system to begin the destruction of the Federation military. |
6 ships of type Large Auroran War Ships in Neilha that attack the player
| |||||
6 ships of type Large Tekel War Ships in Neilha that infinitely regenerate
| |||||
Neilha |
![]() Neilha Memorial Station |
"As soon as you land on the station the Nil'kemorya quicly put down the Auroran resistance."
Completion |
Within minutes they are finished, and you have them announce on the Auroran Holo-Net that you will next be coming to Aurora, so that they have time to send their entire Navy to meet you. In one fell swoop you will destroy their ability to make war... |
S889 S891
Auroran Interception Fleet[]
mission #891
Player's location |
5 ships of type Large Heraan War Ships that follow and attack the player
| |||
Auroran Interception Fleet[]
mission #892
Player's location |
5 ships of type Large Heraan War Ships that follow and attack the player
| |||
Head to Aurora (Polaris 44b)[]
mission #889
While active[]
Mission Log Entry |
Head to Aurora in the Aurora system to finish the destruction of the Aurora military. |
Aurora |
8 ships of type Large Auroran War Ships in Aurora that attack the player
| |||||
3 ships of type Large Heraan War Ships in Aurora that infinitely regenerate
| |||||
Auroran Interception Fleet[]
mission #890
5 ships of type Large Heraan War Ships that jump in after a delay and attack the player
| |||
Aurora |
![]() Aurora |
"As soon as you land the warriors start almost delicately destroying the infrastructure used by the warriors loyal to the central Auroran seat."
Completion |
Within hours, while the Aurorans have retained their ability to build basic ships, all of the facilities used to build weapons and military grade outfits have been destroyed.
For the first time since you began this war you concentrate your perceptions towards the Federation operation, to find it faltering at the last hurdle. You quickly pass on to the remainder of your fleet your intention to meet up with the Federation half of the Polaris operation in the Sol system, and help them destroy the ships there. Those warriors that remain capable of joining you, do so, in the final act they will take as members of the Polaris government. |
S893 S894 A890 A891 A892
Polaris Raven[]
Mission #894
1 ship of type Polaris cruiser that jumps in after a delay and protect the player
| |||
Head to Earth (Polaris 45b)[]
mission #893
While active[]
Mission Log Entry |
Head to Earth in the Sol system to help the Federation operation meet its goals... |
Sol |
![]() Earth |
6 ships of type Lone Big Federation Ship in Sol that attack the player
| |||||
3 ships of type RAGE Gunboat that infinitely regenerate
| |||||
"As your mind sinks deeper into union with the universe, you struggle to maintain your defense of the Polaris ships."
Completion |
More than once, only Mu'Randa's mental cries are all that keep you from forever losing your sense of self.
Satisfied, you power up your ship after painfully withdrawing one last time from the union. You want to visit the memorial to the man who inspired all this. Once more you go to Ar'Za Iusia, this time to leave behind your humanity. |
S887 A879 A880 A881
Return to Ar'Za Iusia (Polaris 46)[]
mission #887
Mission Log Entry |
Travel to Ar'za Iusia in the Za'iuso system to pay your respects to the man who inspired the events of the past few weeks. |
Za'iuso |
![]() Ar'Za Iusia |
"After landing you take a few moments to enjoy your last minutes of mortality before you begin to slip into the seductive embrace of the universe, and you turn your attention to the unfolding events of the galaxy."
Dropping Cargo |
You watch as the remnants of the Nil'kemorya limp back to Kel'ar Iy, and watch as both their Federation and Auroran prisoners are released. You watch the sad drama unfold as Bis Andreya surrenders her nation to both of them jointly. You almost chuckle when you realize that only Techerakh understands the gesture.
With a sigh, you smile sadly and let yourself go. As your consciousness dissipates and you lose yourself in the enormous depths of the universe, in one final act you weave into existence a memorial to your acts as Ory'hara, to remind future generations that you will one day return when you are once again needed. |
"With Ory'hara gone, the Polaris were quickly and kindly assimilated into the cultures of the Auroran Empire and the Federation."
Completion |
Their act was never forgotten, and slightly less than two centuries later, humanity was once again united and the 'First Period of Disunity', which had started with the Polaris exploratory expedition and the Vell-os War, was finally bought to a close. Only the 'Second Period of Disunity', which, due to the two century long Shard War, resulted in many more deaths despite being much shorter, marred humanity's development from ape to god.
Scoffed at that is, until the day, 50000 years later, when humanity finally joined their Vell-os cousins beyond the veil and learned the truth. In a final act of thanks, they left the word Ory'hara attached to every construction they had ever made. When, after millions of years, other youthful races finally developed interstellar technologies and stumbled onto the moldering remains of the ancient human civilization on a thousand worlds, they could not help but wonder at the single word telepathically embedded in every stone. And so the legend of Ory'hara lived on... |
b148 b332 b333 b334 b335 b613 b9995 b9500 M472 Q25048
| |
Clean status with Federation |
This is the final Polaris mission.
Completing this mission will cause the pilot to be transported to S7evyn.
"A mysterious force transports you to an unknown location..."
Castes: Kel'ariy • Mu'hari • Nil'kemorya • P'aedt • Tre'pira • Ver'ash Polaris Ships: Manta (v) (i) 250k, Sprite (v) (i) 500k, Striker (v) (i) 1M, Dragon (v) (i) 1.1M, Zephyr (v) (i) 2M, Arachnid (v) (i) 2M, Cambrian (v) (i) 2.5M, Scarab (v) (i) 7M, Raven (v) (i) 10M Polaris Storyline (Preamble • Intro Missions • Diplomacy Branch • Technology Branch • Rise of Ory'hara • Fall of the Polaris) Polaris Outfits • Polaris Weapons |