Polaris Summary | Preamble | Intro Missions | Diplomacy Branch | Technology Branch | Rise of Ory'hara | Fall of the Polaris |
In the Technology branch, you make a holo-recording of a Wraith in flight then transport a scientist so that he can begin replicating their cloaking capabilities. You observe the prototype cloak-ship in flight, protect Polaris space from a Fed task force and finally observe an improved cloak-ship. Much later, you test a hyperspace drifting improvement by cheekily flying to the Federation and back.
After "Go to P'ar Aed"[]
Observe Wraith (Polaris 6b)[]
mission #601
P'aedt |
![]() P'ar Aed |
Bar: 100% |
AvailBits: b316 & !(b317 | b315)
8 tons of Holo-Scanning techology |
"As you sit sipping your drink you see the slim, somehow bookish figure and brown hair of P'Jeena enter the bar."
Offer |
You have to wave to attract his attention before he makes his way over to you.
"That's where you come in," he nods in your direction. "Are you prepared to help us out?" |
""Excellent!" he exclaims with a smile in his first break of decorum."
Briefing |
He continues more seriously. "At the furthest limit of our exploration to the North-West into Wraith space we have located a gas giant which we believe that they use as some sort of 'home base', although we have no idea why. It is one of the busiest systems in the region, and will allow us to garner highly accurate data by allowing us to observe numerous Wraith.
"Also," he tells you formally, "we have come to an arrangement with the Nil'kemorya so that you can purchase some of our ships which have a much longer range than your Federation technology vessel, which will be more than a little handy on this mission. I suggest that you get one. "Finally," he warns quietly, "the Wraith have a history of attacking ships without provocation, so keep your wits about you." |
While active[]
Mission Log Entry |
Observe Wraith behavior for the P'aedt before returning to P'ar Aed in the P'aedt system. |
Hot'A'Tanius |
1 ship of type Wraith (nasty) in Hot'A'Tanius
| |||
"A large enough sensor sample has been taken. Return to P'aedt when ready."
P'aedt |
![]() P'ar Aed |
"Upon landing you are greeted by several blue-robed Polaris scientists who begin poring over the sample you took."
Completion |
"Well done," P'Jeena congratulates you. "Very few have ventured into Wraith space and survived. They are possibly the most aggressive life-form we have ever heard of."
"What!?" he exclaims, drawing the stares of several of his colleagues. "Are you sure?" You tell him to check your sensor logs if he has any doubts. Which he does, looking very surprised. "This is most unusual," he tells you, looking slightly shocked. "We will have to explore this phenomenon further. Meet me in the bar in a few hours, and I will have something more for you." |
| |
50,000 credits | |
+10 with Wraith |
Take P'Jeena to Ver'a Se (Polaris 7b)[]
mission #602
P'aedt |
![]() P'ar Aed |
Bar: 100% |
AvailBits: b317 & !b318
2 tons of Passengers |
"You are sipping your second drink when you see the slim frame of P'Jeena enter the bar."
Offer |
"Your sensor logs have caused quite a stir," he informs you after making his way over and sitting down. "Always before the Wraith attacked every ship that they saw, and the only difference that we can see as being definitive is that you are not a Polaris pilot.
"I have all the data necessary to reproduce the effect," P'Jeena tells you in his quiet way, "but I still require transportation to pass this information on to those who can turn a laboratory experiment into a practical application. "Can you help me?" |
""Thank you," he accepts gratefully. "This may well prove to be one of the biggest advances in technology in decades in terms of how it could affect the political landscape of all Known Space."
Briefing |
If this information falls into the wrong hands somehow, and these people have the scientific know-how to understand the information I now have, it could mean serious changes to the balance of power throughout the galaxy.
"Hopefully," he concludes in his bookish manner, "this will prove to be another successful experimentation." |
While active[]
Mission Log Entry |
Take P'Jeena to Ver'a Se in the Ver'roqi system so that he can pass on information regarding the 'cloaking' capabilities of the Wraith. |
Ver'roqi |
![]() Ver'a Se |
"Upon landing you are greeted by a small crowd of people, most of whom are wearing the green flowing robes that you have learned belong to the engineer/healer caste, called the Ver'ash,"
Completion |
but there are a sprinkling of blue robes belonging to the scientists like P'Jeena and even one utilitarian black jumpsuit that belongs to a member of the Mu'hari.
"The Wraith have learned to fold space around them so that they are physically impervious to harm," replies P'Jeena quietly. "So it is as though they 'cloak' themselves in space/time?" asks one of the scientists. P'Jeena nods before turning to you. "We have a fair amount of work ahead of us to take this knowledge out of the laboratory and into the real world," he tells you quietly. "But if you could keep checking back here, we will probably have need of your services before too long." With that he disappears into the station talking rapidly to his colleagues. |
b318 b6666
| |
50,000 credits | |
+2 with Polaris |
Observe Cloak-Ship (Polaris 8b)[]
mission #603
Ver'roqi |
![]() Ver'a Se |
Spaceport: 100% |
AvailBits: b318 & !(b319 | b6666)
10 tons of Holo-Scanning techology |
"As soon as you step off your ship you are met by P'Jeena and a woman in flowing green robes who introduces herself as Ver'Lliana."
Offer |
"Ver'Lliana has come up with a design," P'Jeena informs you in his quiet, somehow formal manner, "that should allow us to duplicate the capabilities of the Wraith.
""Thank you," murmurs P'Jeena gratefully at your acceptance of the mission. "I'll let Ver'Lliana explain the nature of the experiment.""
Briefing |
"We have built a ship designed specifically for being under cloak," she informs you after you turn your head slightly to face her. "We have named it the Zephyr, and as we speak it is currently undergoing space testing of its flight systems.
"We will be loading the very same holo-scanning technology on board your ship," she finishes quietly, "that you were carrying during your voyage into Wraith space. "Anyway, we will be ready when you are." |
While active[]
Mission Log Entry |
Observe the cloak-ship named the Zephyr fly around the Ver'roqi system before returning to land on Ver'a Se. |
Ver'roqi |
1 ship of type Zephyr in Ver'roqi
| |||
"Sensors record anomolous ship presence... ship identified as Zephyr."
Ver'roqi |
![]() Ver'a Se |
"As soon as you land your ship is overrun by the green-robed engineers and their blue-robed colleagues who pay you and your ship scant regard."
Dropping Cargo |
In irritation you throw them all off your ship, telling them that the ship comes first, and that their data can wait a few more minutes. Many of them look very ashamed as you pointedly upbraid them about their poor manners. Out of the corner of your eye you think you catch a gray-cloaked warrior smile slightly, but when you turn in her direction her face is without expression.
You nod and tell him that when you have finished your post-flight routine you will allow them full access to your ship, but not before. |
"You take your time as you shut your ship's computers down, as you want the Ver'ash or the P'aedt waiting outside to know just how much they offended you."
Completion |
As soon as you finish you step out of your beloved <PSN>, and indicate with a wave of your hand that they may begin.
"Thank you for doing this, Captain <PN>," says P'Jeena contritely, "and thank you for pointing out our poor manners and etiquette. We are all truly sorry for the irritation we caused, and are grateful that you brought it to our attention, so that we might learn to conduct ourselves better. "I have made sure that your account has been suitably recompensed," he continues quietly, "and I will make sure that we do not harm your ship in any way. Even from our preliminary scans we have seen that the Zephyr ship itself is capable, even if the cloak could do with a little more work, so we have made it available to you. Drop back here in three or so months, because once we have analyzed this data, we will be needing someone to gather more data for us. In the mean time, keep an eye out in the mission BBS's, as I have heard that Mu'Randa might have something for you before too long." |
| |
60,000 credits | |
+3 with Polaris |
ATTN: Captain (Polaris ActionMan 1)[]
mission #843
Random system |
Mission Computer: 40% |
AvailBits: (b281 | b319) & !b5758
Offer |
We have uncovered a piece of information suggesting that the Federation may be mounting a probe on our defenses soon - we would like you to go and learn more. |
"Message to: <PN>"
Briefing |
Message from: Mu'Randa
Good luck! |
While active[]
Mission Log Entry |
Head over to the Kania system to see if the Federation are indeed building up their forces in a precursor to a raid. |
Kania |
4 ships of type Federation Carrier in Kania
| |||
"Holographic recording complete. Return to Nil'a Mjolnir."
The pilot is not actually carrying any holo-recorder.
Mjolnir |
![]() Nil'a Mjolnir |
| |
+2 with Nil'kemorya |
Defend Nil'a Mjolnir (Polaris ActionMan 2)[]
mission #844
Mjolnir |
![]() Nil'a Mjolnir |
Spaceport: 100% |
AvailBits: b5758 & !b5759
"As soon as you land your hatch is opened and a gray-cloaked Nil'kemorya warrior bursts into your ship."
Offer |
"It appears that the reports of the Federation probe were accurate," he begins seriously. "Apparently they either saw you and tailed you to this system or they were coming here and left not long after you did. Regardless, they are about to jump into this system.
""Somehow," he nods approvingly, "you begin to fit the legend more closely the longer you stay amongst us."
Briefing |
"Meet us in orbit," he finishes, leaving you with a thousand unanswered questions, "and together we will show the Federation that we will not be treated in this manner. If you survive, return here and you will be recompensed." |
While active[]
Mission Log Entry |
Chase off the Federation raiding task force before landing on Nil'a Mjolnir once again. |
Mjolnir |
4 ships of type Federation Carrier in Mjolnir that jump in after a delay and attack the player
| |||
Ships are subtitled 'Fed Task Force'.
"Nil'kemorya Fleet Master: The Federation ships have been turned back. Thank you for your help."
Mjolnir |
![]() Nil'a Mjolnir |
"After completing your post-flight routine you head out to see if you can find a few answers. You are met by the same warrior who talked with you before the battle."
Completion |
"Do you realize," he asks rhetorically, "that you are the first outsider in around six centuries who has helped us defend our borders? Maybe what they are beginning to say about you is true.
With that he bows and begins to move away, but turns back after taking a few steps. "I am honored to have met you," he says, almost nervously. "If you do become the one spoken of in the legends, I will be a glad man, for you have a good heart." As he walks away, you find yourself left with more unanswered questions than ever. |
| |
100,000 credits | |
+20 with Nil'kemorya |
Defend Nil'a Mjolnir (Repeatable)[]
Return to Ver'a Se (Polaris 8bi)[]
mission #753
Random system |
Mission Computer: 100% |
AvailBits: (b320 & b5759) & !b178
"To: Ory'hara"
Offer |
From: P'Jeena
While active[]
Mission Log Entry |
Return to Ver'a Se in the Ver'roqi system to continue helping with the testing of the new Cloak-Ship. |
Observe Cloak-Ship (Polaris 9b)[]
mission #604
Ver'roqi |
![]() Ver'a Se |
Spaceport: 100% |
AvailBits: (b320 & b5759) & !b321
10 tons of Holo-Scanning techology |
"Upon exiting your ship you are greeted by P'Jeena and Ver'Lliana."
Offer |
"Ver'Lliana has come up with a new design," P'Jeena begins in his quiet, somehow formal manner, "that incredibly reduces the energy signature of folding space/time. It should leave no trace for most sensor types to pick up."
"Would you be prepared to help us out again?" |
""Thank you," exclaims Ver'Lliana with grateful exuberance. "We have removed the old cloaking organ from a Zephyr and grown a new one with the new capabilities."
Briefing |
"When you are ready," she continues pleasantly, "if you could take off from the station and try to observe it as it flies around the system cloaking and un-cloaking. When you have observed it for a while, return to the station."
"Anyway, we will be ready when you are." |
While active[]
Mission Log Entry |
Observe the cloak-ship named the Zephyr fly around the Ver'roqi system before returning to land on Ver'a Se. |
Ver'roqi |
1 ship of type Zephyr in Ver'roqi
| |||
"Sensors record anomolous ship presence... ship identified as Zephyr."
Ver'roqi |
![]() Ver'a Se |
"You take your time going through your post-flight routine, knowing that all the P'aedt and Ver'ash will be eagerly waiting outside your ship."
Completion |
As soon as you finish you step out of your hatch and invite them to begin their work with a smile and a nod to acknowledge their new-found manners.
"This is Iuso," P'Jeena introduces the lean man with obvious respect, "he is the leader of the Nil'kemorya, and wants to have a word with you." "I have heard quite a lot about you," he begins smoothly. "From what I've heard about you from Mu'Randa, Bis Andreya and P'Jeena here, you are a fairly resourceful {G "man" "woman"}, and you are the closest thing we have to an expert on the universe outside Polaris space. There is a fairly important scouting mission going to occur soon, and I'm going to recommend that you be the one to take it. "In the mean time," he adds significantly, "I've removed my objections to you having access to some of our more basic warrior technology. "I want you to keep an eye out," he finishes quietly. "I'll be keeping an eye out for you." |
| |
60,000 credits | |
+3 with Polaris |
Return to Main Story[]
A 30 day wait ensues...
Back to the main story | |
Scout Wraith Space |
Make fast-jumping available (Polaris Spinoff 1)[]
mission #598
100 days after "Observe Cloak-Ship"
Ver'roqi |
![]() Ver'a Se |
Spaceport: 100% Combat rating: 800 (Competent) |
AvailBits: b320 & !b3721
"You are not surprised to be once more greeted by P'Jeena and Ver'Lliana when you step off your ship."
Offer |
"After watching the sensor readings we have gotten from the Wraith," P'Jeena begins in his quiet, somehow formal manner, "we discovered that they were tunnelling into hyperspace rather than wrapping hyperspace around them before moving. The end result is that they can enter hyperspace much faster than we can.
"Would you be prepared to help us out with our experiments again?" |
""Thank you," exclaims Ver'Lliana with grateful exuberance. "We have grown a few Tunnelling Organs and have seeded them in different ships to observe their effectiveness. We have kept one here for you."
Briefing |
"When you are ready," she continues pleasantly, "go and grab it from the outfitting area."
"I guess we will see you when you return." |
A temporary zero cost version of the Tunneling Organ is unlocked. You will have to get it from the outfitter yourself.
While active[]
Mission Log Entry |
Head to Port Kane to test the new 'tunneling organ'. |
Return to Ver'a Se (Polaris Spinoff 2)[]
mission #599
Kania |
![]() Port Kane |
Spaceport: 100% Combat rating: 800 (Competent) |
AvailBits: b3721 & !b322
"As you go about your usual post-flight routine you take special care to check out your new Tunnelling organ."
Offer |
It appears to be fine, and you can appreciate just how effective this little organ could be in terms of both combat and general efficiency.
While active[]
Mission Log Entry |
Return to Ver'a Se to give the P'aedt and the Ver'ash working there the information they need to begin cultivating mass organ farms. |
Ver'roqi |
![]() Ver'a Se |
"You quickly go through your post-flight routine, knowing that all the P'aedt and Ver'ash will be eagerly waiting outside your ship."
Completion |
As soon as you finish you step out of your hatch and they bow to acknowledge your efforts on their behalf.
"Thank you once again," P'Jeena begins respectfully. "This might have seemed trivial to you, but I assure you the ramifications of this technology are enormous." "Yes," agrees Ver'Lliana smiling. "But it won't stop there. I already have a few ideas of how to use this technology in other ways. Keep an eye out around here. We may need you again." |
| |
40,000 credits | |
+5 with Polaris |
Castes: Kel'ariy • Mu'hari • Nil'kemorya • P'aedt • Tre'pira • Ver'ash Polaris Ships: Manta (v) (i) 250k, Sprite (v) (i) 500k, Striker (v) (i) 1M, Dragon (v) (i) 1.1M, Zephyr (v) (i) 2M, Arachnid (v) (i) 2M, Cambrian (v) (i) 2.5M, Scarab (v) (i) 7M, Raven (v) (i) 10M Polaris Storyline (Preamble • Intro Missions • Diplomacy Branch • Technology Branch • Rise of Ory'hara • Fall of the Polaris) Polaris Outfits • Polaris Weapons |