There are thirty-one ränk resources in the default scenario. Which of the ranks are granted depends on which storylines and minor mission strings the player completes. Rank benefits also apply to allies of the government to which each rank is affiliated. Note that Salaries and Price Mods both stack - if, for example, the player becomes both Director of the Bureau and Knight of the Red Branch, then the total salary is 1750 credits per day, and the total discount in affiliated outfitters and shipyards is 95%.
Bureau Ranks[]
Granted during the Bureau Storyline.
- Salary: 200 credits per day
- Price Mod: 15% discount
- Other Benefits:
- Will not be attacked by Federation (gövt 128)
- Can always land on Fed planets
- Can be repaired/refueled for free by Federation
- Sets contribute bits equivalent to a combination of the Heavy Weapons License, the Missile Weapons License, the Protective Technologies License, the Capital Ships License and the Capital Warships License.
Plenipotentiary Federation Ambassador to the Polaris Government[]
- Salary: 500 credits per day
- Price Mod: 40% discount
- Other Benefits:
- Will not be attacked by Federation (gövt 128)
- Can always land on Fed planets
- Can request battle assistance from Federation
- Can be repaired/refueled for free by Federation
- Sets contribute bits equivalent to the Exotic Ships and Weapons License
Director of the Bureau of Internal Investigation[]
- Salary: 1000 credits per day
- Price Mod: 90% discount
- Other Benefits:
- Will not be attacked by Federation (gövt 128)
- Can always land on Fed planets
- Can request battle assistance from Federation
- Can be repaired/refueled for free by Federation
- Sets contribute bits equivalent to the Exotic Ships and Weapons License
Ory'hara Ranks[]
Ory'hara (Polaran Version)[]
Granted during the Polaris Storyline.
- Price Mod: 20% discount
- Other Benefits:
- Will not be attacked by Polaris (gövt 130)
- Can always land on Polaran planets
- Can request battle assistance from Polaris
- Can be repaired/refueled for free by Polaris
Ory-hara (Rebel Version)[]
Granted during the Rebellion Storyline.
- Salary: 150 credits per day
- Price Mod: 20% discount
- Other Benefits:
- Will not be attacked by Rebellion (gövt 141)
- Can always land on Rebellion planets
- Can be repaired/refueled for free by Rebellion
Vell-os Ranks[]
Granted during the Vell-os string.
T5, T4, T3, T2, T1, T0[]
- Salary: None
- Price Mod: None
- Other Benefits:
- Will not be attacked by Vell-os (gövt 136)
- Can always land on Vell-os planets
- Can request battle assistance from Vell-os
- Can be repaired/refueled for free by Vell-os
- All Vell-os ranks have an associated outfit which adds to the player's ship. See main article.
Heraan Ranks[]
Granted during the Heraan Storyline.
Warrior of the Heraan House[]
- Salary: 150 credits per day
- Price Mod: 5% discount
- Other Benefits:
- Will not be attacked by Family Heraan (gövt 135)
- Can always land on Family Heraan planets
- Can be repaired/refueled for free by Family Heraan
KarHallarn: Leader of the pack[]
- Salary: 250 credits per day
- Price Mod: 20% discount
- Other Benefits:
- Will not be attacked by Family Heraan (gövt 135)
- Can always land on Family Heraan planets
- Can request battle assistance from Family Heraan
- Can be repaired/refueled for free by Family Heraan
Thurokiir of the Heraan House[]
- Salary: 500 credits per day
- Price Mod: 50% discount
- Other Benefits:
- Will not be attacked by Family Heraan (gövt 135)
- Can always land on Family Heraan planets
- Can request battle assistance from Family Heraan
- Can be repaired/refueled for free by Family Heraan
Thurokiir of the First House[]
- Salary: 500 credits per day
- Price Mod: 50% discount
- Other Benefits:
- Will not be attacked by Auroran Empire (gövt 129)
- Can always land on Auroran Empire planets
- Can request battle assistance from Auroran Empire
- Can be repaired/refueled for free by Auroran Empire
Pirate Ranks[]
Granted during the Association Storyline. It may be downgraded based on the player's response to Skinny in the Association Offshoot missions.
Pirate Guild-Master[]
- Salary: 750 credits per day
- Price Mod: 50% discount
- Other Benefits:
- Will not be attacked by Association of Free Traders (gövt 176)
- Can always land on Association of Free Traders planets
- Can request battle assistance from Association of Free Traders
- Can be repaired/refueled for free by Association of Free Traders
Pirate Guild-Master[]
- Salary: 350 credits per day (Salary Cap: 350,000)
- Price Mod: 25% discount
- Other Benefits:
- Will not be attacked by Association of Free Traders (gövt 176)
- Can always land on Association of Free Traders planets
- Can request battle assistance from Association of Free Traders
- Can be repaired/refueled for free by Association of Free Traders
Other Ranks[]
Knight of Red Branch[]
Granted at the end of one branch of the Wild Geese string.
- Salary: 750 credits per day
- Price Mod: 50% discount
- Other Benefits:
- Will not be attacked by Wild Geese (gövt 144)
- Can always land on Wild Geese planets
- Can request battle assistance from Wild Geese
- Can be repaired/refueled for free by Wild Geese
Sworn Enemy of the Wild Geese[]
Granted if the player boards Eamon Flannigan. If the player has the Knight of Red Branch rank, it is removed at the same time as this rank is granted. No other effect.
United Shipping Courier[]
Granted by completing the first United Shipping mission.
- Salary: None
- Price Mod: None
- Other Benefits:
- Will not be attacked by United Shipping (gövt 190)
- Can request battle assistance from United Shipping
- Can be repaired/refueled for free by United Shipping
Member of the Guild of Bounty Hunters[]
Granted by completing the first Bounty Hunters mission.
- Salary: None
- Price Mod: None
- Other Benefits:
- Will not be attacked by Bounty Hunters (gövt 190)
- Can request battle assistance from Bounty Hunters
- Can be repaired/refueled for free by Bounty Hunters
- Rank disabled if player destroys or disables a Bounty Hunter
Have Access to Hypergate System[]
Granted after the third Sigma Shipyards mission.
- Salary: None
- Price Mod: None
- Other Benefits:
- Can always land on Hypergate planets (gövt 183)
Cunjo Hunter[]
Granted if the player completes the Cunjo Hunt mission when the Cunjo are mating. No other effect, however the rank will be acknowledged by NPCs in certain circumstances.
Invisible Rebel Rank[]
Granted during any mission in which the player is required to contact the Rebellion or otherwise enter Rebel space - prevents the Rebels from attacking unless the player attacks first.
- Salary: None
- Price Mod: None
- Other Benefits:
- Will not be attacked by Rebellion (gövt 141)
- Rank disabled if player destroys or disables a Rebel ship, or commits a crime against the Rebellion
Inivisble Nil'kemorya Rank[]
Granted during any mission in which the player is required to contact the Polaris or otherwise enter Polaris space - prevents the Nil'kemorya from attacking unless the player attacks first.
- Salary: None
- Price Mod: None
- Other Benefits:
- Will not be attacked by Nil'kemorya (gövt 147)
- Rank disabled if player destroys or disables a Nil'kemoryan ship, or commits a crime against the Nil'kemorya
Invisible Duel Protector Ranks[]
There are six Duel Protector ranks, one for each of the Family Houses: Auroran Empire, House Dani, House Heraan, House Moash, House Tekel and House Vella, depending on which House's space the player is in when the Duel mission is accepted. Granted during the Duel missions - prevents other House Family ships from coming to the rescue of the ship with which the player is duelling.
- Salary: None
- Price Mod: None
- Other Benefits:
- Will not be attacked by corresponding Family House (gövt 129, 131-135)
- Rank disabled if player commits a crime against the corresponding Family House