EVN Wiki

This is a list of ships in Escape Velocity Nova.

Unique Models[]

Civilian Ships[]

  • Cargo Drone thumb Cargo Drone: A drone for carrying cargo. Easily destroyed. Used as cannon fodder or as part of an early trading fleet.
  • Shuttle thumb Shuttle: The weakest manned ship, used as a light transport.
    • Heavy Shuttle thumb Heavy Shuttle: A marginal but affordable upgrade over the Shuttle.
  • Viper thumb Viper: A light starfighter.
  • Asteroid Miner thumb Asteroid Miner: A weak ship specialized for blasting space rocks and carrying the debris back, but hindered even in that application by it's slowness.
  • Terrapin thumb Terrapin: An average cargo hauler.
  • Lightning thumb Lightning: A medium starfighter with missiles.
  • Thunderhead thumb Thunderhead: A heavy starfighter. Notable for its beam weaponry.
  • Valkyrie thumb Valkyrie: A fast and low-tech freight-courier.
  • Star Liner thumb Star Liner: A high capacity transport used for charter flights.
  • Starbridge thumb Starbridge: A nimble and high-tech freight-courier.
  • IDA Frigate thumb IDA Frigate: The heaviest civilian warship. Can be used as a freighter, a light carrier or as a heavy weapons platform.
  • Pegasus thumb Pegasus: A large bulk freighter.
  • Leviathan thumb Leviathan: The largest bulk freighter.
  • Escape Pod thumb Escape Pod: Eject! Eject!

Federation Ships[]

Pirate Ships[]

Rebellion Ships[]

Auroran Ships[]

  • Firebird thumb Firebird: A light starfighter.
  • Phoenix thumb Phoenix: A medium starfighter with missiles.
  • Argosy thumb Argosy: An armored freight-courier.
  • Abomination thumb Abomination: An extra-heavy starfighter.
  • Enterprise thumb Enterprise: A durable medium freighter.
  • Cruiser thumb Cruiser: A bulky heavy warship that serves as an artillery piece.
  • Aurora Carrier thumb Aurora Carrier: The longest and slowest ship. It's a carrier and artillery piece.
  • Thunderforge thumb Thunderforge: A heavy warship notable for its shield piercing beam weaponry.

Polaris Ships[]

  • Manta thumb Manta: A fast and nimble light starfighter with a powerful beam weapon.
  • Sprite thumb Sprite: A large freighter.
  • Striker thumb Striker: A strong light warship.
  • Zephyr thumb Zephyr: A stealthy freight-courier.
  • Dragon thumb Dragon: An medium ship without a raison d'être.
  • Arachnid thumb Arachnid: A fast destroyer built around an overpowered beam weapon.
  • Cambrian thumb Cambrian: A large bulk freighter that is cost-effective for its capacity.
  • Scarab thumb Scarab: A relatively nimble battlecarrier with overpowered beams, torpedoes and fighter complement.
  • Raven thumb Raven: A titanic warship with earth-shattering weaponry. Defies inertia.

Vell-os Ships[]

  • Dart thumb Dart: A telepathic light starfighter with a strong fixed beam. Defies inertia.
  • Arrow thumb Arrow: A telepathic light warship with a strong turreted beam. Defies inertia.
  • Javelin thumb Javelin: A telepathic medium battlecarrier with an overpowered turreted beam. Defies inertia.

Alien Ships[]

  • Hyperioid thumb Hyperioid: Space ghost that feeds on stars. Has a solar lance. Can't FTL. Barely corporeal.
  • Wraith Adult thumb Wraith: Stealthy spacebourne critter. Has a strong graviton beam.
    • Wraith Youth thumb Wraith Youth: Stealthy spacebourne critter. Has a graviton beam.
    • Wraith Child thumb Wraith Child: Spacebourne critter. Has a weak graviton beam.
  • Pod thumb Pod: A telepathic globe that fires shield-piercing nanites. Do not provoke.
  • Kestrel thumb Kestrel: A mysterious battlecarrier from another dimension.

Numbered List[]

  1. Alien Hyperioid
  2. Alien Kestrel
  3. Alien Krypt Pod
  4. Alien Wraith Adult
  5. Alien Wraith Child
  6. Alien Wraith Youth
  7. Aurora Abomination
  8. Aurora Argosy
  9. Aurora Carrier
  10. Aurora Cruiser
  11. Aurora Enterprise
  12. Aurora Firebird
  13. Aurora Phoenix
  14. Aurora Thunderforge
  15. Civilian Asteroid Miner
  16. Civilian Cargo Drone
  17. Civilian Heavy Shuttle
  18. Civilian IDA Frigate
  19. Civilian Lightning
  20. Civilian Mod Starbridge
  21. Civilian Shuttle
  22. Civilian Starbridge
  23. Civilian Terrapin
  24. Civilian Thunderhead
  25. Civilian Valkyrie
  26. Civilian Viper
  27. Fed Anaconda
  28. Fed Carrier
  29. Fed Destroyer
  30. Fed Patrol Boat
  31. Fed RAGE Gunboat
  32. Fed Scout Ship
  33. Fed Viper
  34. Pirate Argosy
  35. Pirate Carrier
  36. Pirate Enterprise
  37. Pirate Manticore
  38. Pirate Starbridge
  39. Pirate Thunderhead
  40. Pirate Valkyrie
  41. Pirate Viper
  42. Polaris Arachnid
  43. Polaris Cambrian
  44. Polaris Dragon
  45. Polaris Manta
  46. Polaris Raven
  47. Polaris Scarab
  48. Polaris Sprite
  49. Polaris Striker
  50. Polaris Zephyr
  51. Rebel Destroyer
  52. Rebel Dragon
  53. Rebel IDA Frigate
  54. Rebel Lightning
  55. Rebel Starbridge
  56. Rebel Thunderhead
  57. Rebel Valkyrie
  58. Rebel Viper
  59. Sigma Leviathan
  60. Sigma Pegasus
  61. Sigma Star Liner
  62. Vell-os Arrow
  63. Vell-os Dart
  64. Vell-os Javelin

Full List[]

  1. Shuttle thumb Shuttle; Version A (#128)
  2. Heavy Shuttle thumb Heavy Shuttle; Version A (#129)
  3. Cargo Drone thumb Cargo Drone; Standard model (#130)
  4. Leviathan thumb Leviathan; 31d Model (#131)
  5. Pegasus thumb Pegasus; 12b Model (#132)
  6. Starbridge thumb Starbridge; Class A (#133)
  7. Star Liner thumb Star Liner; 8e model (#134)
  8. Lightning thumb Lightning; Civilian Heavy Fighter (#135)
  9. Terrapin thumb Terrapin; Standard (#136)
  10. Valkyrie thumb Valkyrie; Class I (#137)
  11. Argosy thumb Argosy; Untitled (#138)
  12. Enterprise thumb Enterprise; Untitled (#139)
  13. IDA Frigate thumb IDA Frigate; 350NC (#140)
  14. Destroyer thumb Fed Destroyer; Destroyer Class (#141)
  15. Patrol Boat thumb Fed Patrol Boat; Gunboat Class (#142)
  16. Fed Carrier thumb Fed Carrier; Flagship Class (#143)
  17. Fed Viper thumb Fed Viper; Fighter Class (#144)
  18. Anaconda thumb Fed Anaconda; Heavy Fighter Class (#145)
  19. Manticore thumb Manticore; Original Version (#146)
  20. Pirate Carrier thumb Pirate Carrier; Standard (#147)
  21. Pirate Starbridge thumb Pirate Starbridge; Class B (#148)
  22. Pirate Valkyrie thumb Pirate Valkyrie; Class II (#149)
  23. Pirate Argosy thumb Pirate Argosy; Stolen Tech (#150)
  24. Pirate Enterprise thumb Pirate Enterprise; Stolen Tech (#151)
  25. Abomination thumb Abomination; Frunch'ek Class (#152)
  26. Aurora Carrier thumb Aurora Carrier; Ytrack Class (#153)
  27. Cruiser thumb Aurora Cruiser; Gjinchar Class (#154)
  28. Firebird thumb Firebird; Thamgiir Class (#155)
  29. Phoenix thumb Phoenix; Va Thamgiir (#156)
  30. Thunderhead thumb Thunderhead; Gunboat Class (#157)
  31. Arachnid thumb Arachnid; Untitled (#158)
  32. Dragon thumb Dragon; Untitled (#159)
  33. Cambrian thumb Cambrian; Untitled (#160)
  34. Manta thumb Manta; Untitled (#161)
  35. Scarab thumb Scarab; Untitled (#162)
  36. Striker thumb Striker; Untitled (#163)
  37. Raven thumb Raven; Untitled (#164)
  38. Mod Starbridge thumb Mod Starbridge; Class C (#165)
  39. Pirate Viper thumb Pirate Viper; Heavy Fighter Class (#166)
  40. Viper thumb Viper; Fighter Class (#167)
  41. Wraith Adult thumb Wraith Adult; alien (#168)
  42. Wraith Youth thumb Wraith Youth; alien (#169)
  43. Wraith Child thumb Wraith Child; alien (#170)
  44. Hyperioid thumb Hyperioid; alien (#171)
  45. RAGE Gunboat thumb RAGE Gunboat; Corvette Class (#172)
  46. Dart thumb Vell-os Dart; T3 Vellosian (#173)
  47. Arrow thumb Vell-os Arrow; T2 Vellosian (#174)
  48. Javelin thumb Vell-os Javelin; T1 Vellosian (#175)
  49. Pod thumb Krypt Pod; alien (#176)
  50. Rebel Viper thumb Rebel Viper; Fighter Class (#177)
  51. Rebel Starbridge thumb Rebel Starbridge; Class B (#178)
  52. Rebel Valkyrie thumb Rebel Valkyrie; Class II (#179)
  53. Rebel Dragon thumb Rebel Dragon; Heavy Destroyer Class (#180)
  54. Rebel Destroyer thumb Rebel Destroyer; Destroyer Class (#181)
  55. Sprite thumb Sprite; Untitled (#182)
  56. Rebel Dragon thumb Rebel Dragon; Heavy Destroyer Class, Rebel II (#183)
  57. Rebel Destroyer thumb Rebel Destroyer; Destroyer Class, Rebel II (#184)
  58. Wraith Adult thumb Wraith Elder; eldest wraith (#185)
  59. Zephyr thumb Zephyr; Wild Prototype (#186)
  60. Scout Ship thumb Fed Scout Ship; Heavy Fighter Class (#187)
  61. Shuttle thumb Shuttle; Version B (#188)
  62. Heavy Shuttle thumb Heavy Shuttle; Version B (#189)
  63. Leviathan thumb Leviathan; Armed Variant (#190)
  64. Lightning thumb Lightning; Wild Geese Variant (#191)
  65. Leviathan thumb Leviathan; Upgraded Engines (#192)
  66. Pegasus thumb Pegasus; Advanced Shielding (#193)
  67. Pegasus thumb Pegasus; Upgraded Engines (#194)
  68. Starbridge thumb Starbridge; Class B (#195)
  69. Starbridge thumb Starbridge; Class C (#196)
  70. Starbridge thumb Starbridge; Class D (#197)
  71. Starbridge thumb Starbridge; Class C #2 (#198)
  72. Starbridge thumb Starbridge; Class C #3 (#199)
  73. Star Liner thumb Star Liner; Armored Variant (#200)
  74. Star Liner thumb Star Liner; Armed Variant (#201)
  75. Terrapin thumb Terrapin; Upgraded Shielding (#202)
  76. Terrapin thumb Terrapin; Upgraded Engines (#203)
  77. Argosy thumb Argosy; Modified (#204)
  78. Argosy thumb Argosy; Modified, light (#205)
  79. Argosy thumb Argosy; Heavily Modified (#206)
  80. Argosy thumb Argosy; Heavily Modified, light (#207)
  81. Enterprise thumb Enterprise; Modified (#208)
  82. Enterprise thumb Enterprise; Heavily Modified (#209)
  83. Enterprise thumb Enterprise; Modified, light (#210)
  84. Destroyer thumb Fed Destroyer; Auroran Outfits Detected (#211)
  85. Destroyer thumb Fed Destroyer; Missile Variant (#212)
  86. Destroyer thumb Fed Destroyer; Heavy Missile Variant (#213)
  87. Destroyer thumb Fed Destroyer; Carrier Version (#214)
  88. Patrol Boat thumb Fed Patrol Boat; Auroran Outfits Detected (#215)
  89. Patrol Boat thumb Fed Patrol Boat; Close-Quarters Variant (#216)
  90. Patrol Boat thumb Fed Patrol Boat; Heavily Armed Variant (#217)
  91. Fed Carrier thumb Fed Carrier; Non-Missile Variant (#218)
  92. Fed Carrier thumb Fed Carrier; Heavy Missile Variant (#219)
  93. Fed Carrier thumb Fed Carrier; Heavy Fighter Variant (#220)
  94. Fed Carrier thumb Fed Carrier; Light Missile Variant (#221)
  95. Fed Carrier thumb Fed Carrier; Auroran Outfits Detected (#222)
  96. Fed Viper thumb Fed Viper; Heavy Fighter Variant (#223)
  97. Fed Viper thumb Fed Viper; Auroran Outfits Detected (#224)
  98. Anaconda thumb Fed Anaconda; Light Missile Variant (#225)
  99. Anaconda thumb Fed Anaconda; Auroran Outfits Detected (#226)
  100. Manticore thumb Manticore; Light Weapons Version (#227)
  101. Manticore thumb Manticore; Anti-Fighter Version (#228)
  102. Manticore thumb Manticore; Heavy Weapons Version (#229)
  103. Manticore thumb Manticore; Light Carrier Version (#230)
  104. Pirate Starbridge thumb Pirate Starbridge; Class C (#231)
  105. Pirate Starbridge thumb Pirate Starbridge; Class C #2 (#232)
  106. Pirate Starbridge thumb Pirate Starbridge; Class C #3 (#233)
  107. Pirate Starbridge thumb Pirate Starbridge; Class D (#234)
  108. Pirate Starbridge thumb Pirate Starbridge; Class C #4 (#235)
  109. Pirate Enterprise thumb Pirate Enterprise; Modified (#236)
  110. Pirate Enterprise thumb Pirate Enterprise; Heavily Modified (#237)
  111. Pirate Enterprise thumb Pirate Enterprise; Heavily Modified #2 (#238)
  112. Abomination thumb Abomination; Dechanik Class (#239)
  113. Abomination thumb Abomination; Va French'ek Class (#240)
  114. Abomination thumb Abomination; Va Themgiir Class (#241)
  115. Abomination thumb Abomination; Moash - Va Themgiir (#242)
  116. Abomination thumb Abomination; Dani - Va Themgiir (#243)
  117. Abomination thumb Abomination; Vella - Frunch'ek (#244)
  118. Abomination thumb Abomination; Tekel - Frunch'ek (#245)
  119. Abomination thumb Abomination; Heraan - Va French'ek (#246)
  120. Cruiser thumb Aurora Cruiser; Gjinchar Class #2 (#247)
  121. Cruiser thumb Aurora Cruiser; Se Gjunchek Class (#248)
  122. Cruiser thumb Aurora Cruiser; Va Gjencha Class (#249)
  123. Cruiser thumb Aurora Cruiser; Dechanik Class (#250)
  124. Cruiser thumb Aurora Cruiser; Moash - Dechanik (#251)
  125. Cruiser thumb Aurora Cruiser; Dani - Se Gjunchek (#252)
  126. Cruiser thumb Aurora Cruiser; Vella - Se Gjunchek (#253)
  127. Cruiser thumb Aurora Cruiser; Tekel - Gjinchar (#254)
  128. Cruiser thumb Aurora Cruiser; Heraan - Va Gjencha (#255)
  129. Zephyr thumb Zephyr;Cloaking, mk0 (#256)
  130. Zephyr thumb Zephyr;Cloaking, mk1 (#257)
  131. Zephyr thumb Zephyr;Cloaking, mk2 (#258)
  132. Arachnid thumb Arachnid;Cloaking (#259)
  133. Dragon thumb Dragon; Cloaking (#260)
  134. Scarab thumb Scarab;Cloaking (#261)
  135. Striker thumb Striker;Cloaking (#262)
  136. Raven thumb Raven;Cloaking, mk0 (#263)
  137. Raven thumb Raven; Underarmed (#264)
  138. Raven thumb Raven;Cloaking, mk2 (#265)
  139. Zephyr thumb Zephyr;Cloaking, mk2 and tunneling (#266)
  140. Arachnid thumb Arachnid;Cloak and Tunneling (#267)
  141. Cambrian thumb Cambrian;Tunneling (#268)
  142. Dragon thumb Dragon;Cloak and Tunneling (#269)
  143. Scarab thumb Scarab;Cloak and Tunneling (#270)
  144. Striker thumb Striker;Cloak and Tunneling (#271)
  145. Raven thumb Raven;Cloak and Tunneling (#272)
  146. Sprite thumb Sprite; Tunneling (#273)
  147. Rebel Lightning thumb Rebel Lightning; Rebel Upgrade (#274)
  148. Pirate Thunderhead thumb Pirate Thunderhead; Pirate Upgrade (#275)
  149. Rebel Thunderhead thumb Rebel Thunderhead; Rebel Upgrade (#276)
  150. Lightning thumb Lightning; Upgrade Class 1 (#277)
  151. Lightning thumb Lightning; Upgrade Class 2 (#278)
  152. Valkyrie thumb Valkyrie; Class III (#279)
  153. Valkyrie thumb Valkyrie; Class II (#280)
  154. Valkyrie thumb Valkyrie; Class II #2 (#281)
  155. IDA Frigate thumb IDA Frigate; 1150NC (#282)
  156. IDA Frigate thumb IDA Frigate; 1160NC (#283)
  157. IDA Frigate thumb IDA Frigate; 1170NC (#284)
  158. Pirate Carrier thumb Pirate Carrier; Upgraded (#285)
  159. Pirate Carrier thumb Pirate Carrier; Extra Fighters Detected (#286)
  160. Pirate Carrier thumb Pirate Carrier; Heavy Weapons Platform (#287)
  161. Pirate Valkyrie thumb Pirate Valkyrie; Class II #2 (#288)
  162. Pirate Valkyrie thumb Pirate Valkyrie; Class III (#289)
  163. Pirate Valkyrie thumb Pirate Valkyrie; Class III #2 (#290)
  164. Pirate Valkyrie thumb Pirate Valkyrie; Class IV (#291)
  165. Pirate Argosy thumb Pirate Argosy; General Upgrades (#292)
  166. Pirate Argosy thumb Pirate Argosy; Destroyer Version (#293)
  167. Pirate Argosy thumb Pirate Argosy; Blockade Runner (#294)
  168. Aurora Carrier thumb Aurora Carrier; Va Ytreck Class (#295)
  169. Aurora Carrier thumb Aurora Carrier; Se Ytruck Gjinchar Class (#296)
  170. Aurora Carrier thumb Aurora Carrier; Va Ytreck Class (#297)
  171. Aurora Carrier thumb Aurora Carrier; Moash - Ytrack (#298)
  172. Aurora Carrier thumb Aurora Carrier; Dani - Ytrack (#299)
  173. Aurora Carrier thumb Aurora Carrier; Vella - Ytrack (#300)
  174. Aurora Carrier thumb Aurora Carrier; Tekel - Va Ytreck (#301)
  175. Aurora Carrier thumb Aurora Carrier; Heraan - Va Ytreck (#302)
  176. Firebird thumb Firebird; Themgaar Class (#303)
  177. Firebird thumb Firebird; Va Themgiir Class (#304)
  178. Phoenix thumb Phoenix; Va Themgaar (#305)
  179. Phoenix thumb Phoenix; Frunch'ek (#306)
  180. Thunderhead thumb Thunderhead; Heavy Gunboat Class (#307)
  181. Thunderhead thumb Thunderhead; Heavy Fighter Class (#308)
  182. Thunderhead thumb Thunderhead; Light Destroyer Class (#309)
  183. Raven thumb Raven; Nil'kimas (#310)
  184. Arachnid thumb Arachnid; Nil'kimas (#311)
  185. Dragon thumb Dragon; kemi (#312)
  186. Dragon thumb Dragon; Nil'kimas (#313)
  187. Manta thumb Manta; kemi (#314)
  188. Manta thumb Manta; Nil'kimas (#315)
  189. Scarab thumb Scarab; Nil'kimas (#316)
  190. Striker thumb Striker; Nil'kimas (#317)
  191. Striker thumb Striker; kemi (#318)
  192. Arachnid thumb Arachnid;Nil'kimas, cloaking (#319)
  193. Dragon thumb Dragon;Nil'kimas, cloaking (#320)
  194. Scarab thumb Scarab;Nil'kimas, cloaking (#321)
  195. Striker thumb Striker;Nil'kimas, cloaking (#322)
  196. Raven thumb Raven;Nil'kimas, cloaking mk0 (#323)
  197. Raven thumb Raven; Nil'kimas, uncloaking (#324)
  198. Raven thumb Raven;Nil'kimas, cloaking mk2 (#325)
  199. Arachnid thumb Arachnid;Nil'kimas, cloak and tunneling (#326)
  200. Dragon thumb Dragon;Nil'kimas, cloak and tunneling (#327)
  201. Scarab thumb Scarab;Nil'kimas, cloak and tunneling (#328)
  202. Striker thumb Striker;Nil'kimas, cloak and tunneling (#329)
  203. Raven thumb Raven;Nil'kimas, cloak and tunneling (#330)
  204. Mod Starbridge thumb Mod Starbridge; Class D (#331)
  205. Mod Starbridge thumb Mod Starbridge; Class E (#332)
  206. Pirate Viper thumb Pirate Viper; Missile Variant (#333)
  207. Pirate Viper thumb Pirate Viper; Beam Variant (#334)
  208. Viper thumb Viper; Heavy Fighter Class (#335)
  209. Viper thumb Viper; Auroran Outfits Detected (#336)
  210. Rebel Viper thumb Rebel Viper; Heavy Fighter Class (#337)
  211. Rebel Viper thumb Rebel Viper; Interceptor Class (#338)
  212. Rebel Viper thumb Rebel Viper; Light Gunboat Class (#339)
  213. Rebel Starbridge thumb Rebel Starbridge; Class C (#340)
  214. Rebel Starbridge thumb Rebel Starbridge; Class C #2 (#341)
  215. Rebel Starbridge thumb Rebel Starbridge; Class D (#342)
  216. Rebel Starbridge thumb Rebel Starbridge; Class E (#343)
  217. Rebel Valkyrie thumb Rebel Valkyrie; Class III (#344)
  218. Rebel Valkyrie thumb Rebel Valkyrie; Class IV (#345)
  219. Rebel Valkyrie thumb Rebel Valkyrie; Class V (#346)
  220. Rebel Dragon thumb Rebel Dragon; Carrier Class (#347)
  221. Rebel Destroyer thumb Rebel Destroyer; Heavy Destroyer Class (#348)
  222. Rebel Destroyer thumb Rebel Destroyer; Super Heavy Destroyer Class (#349)
  223. Rebel Destroyer thumb Rebel Destroyer; Carrier Class (#350)
  224. Scout Ship thumb Fed Scout Ship; Fighter Class (#351)
  225. Rebel Thunderhead thumb Rebel Thunderhead; Rebel Upgrade #2 (#352)
  226. Rebel Thunderhead thumb Rebel Thunderhead; Rebel Upgrade #3 (#353)
  227. Pirate Thunderhead thumb Pirate Thunderhead;Upgraded After Capture (#354)
  228. Rebel Dragon thumb Rebel Dragon; Heavy Destroyer Class, Cloaking (#355)
  229. Rebel Destroyer thumb Rebel Destroyer; Destroyer Class, missing cloak (#356)
  230. Rebel Dragon thumb Rebel Dragon; Carrier Class, Cloaking (#357)
  231. Rebel Destroyer thumb Rebel Destroyer; Heavy Destroyer Class, Cloaking (#358)
  232. Rebel Destroyer thumb Rebel Destroyer; Super Heavy Destroyer Class, Cloaking (#359)
  233. Rebel Destroyer thumb Rebel Destroyer; Carrier Class, Cloaking (#360)
  234. Shuttle thumb Shuttle; Poorly maintained Second-hand (#361)
  235. Shuttle thumb Shuttle; Well maintained Second-hand (#362)
  236. Heavy Shuttle thumb Heavy Shuttle; Poorly maintained Second-hand (#363)
  237. Heavy Shuttle thumb Heavy Shuttle; Well maintained Second-hand (#364)
  238. Pegasus thumb Pegasus; Poorly maintained Second-hand (#365)
  239. Pegasus thumb Pegasus; Well maintained Second-hand (#366)
  240. Starbridge thumb Starbridge; Poorly maintained Second-hand (#367)
  241. Starbridge thumb Starbridge; Well maintained Second-hand (#368)
  242. Terrapin thumb Terrapin; Poorly maintained Second-hand (#369)
  243. Terrapin thumb Terrapin; Well maintained Second-hand (#370)
  244. Valkyrie thumb Valkyrie; Poorly maintained Second-hand (#371)
  245. Valkyrie thumb Valkyrie; Well maintained Second-hand (#372)
  246. RAGE Gunboat thumb RAGE Gunboat; worse stats (#373)
  247. Pirate Carrier thumb Unrelenting; Heavily Upgraded (#374)
  248. Zephyr thumb Zephyr; Prototype, mk0 (#375)
  249. Zephyr thumb Zephyr;Prototype, mk1 (#376)
  250. Pegasus thumb Pegasus; Upgraded Weapons (#377)
  251. Kestrel thumb Kestrel; Extradimensional (#378)
  252. Asteroid Miner thumb Asteroid Miner; Prospector (#379)
  253. Thunderforge thumb Aurora Thunderforge; Vell-os Class (#380)
  254. Dart thumb Vell-os Dart; Pilotable Variant (#381)
  255. Arrow thumb Vell-os Arrow; Pilotable Variant (#382)
  256. Javelin thumb Vell-os Javelin; Pilotable Variant (#383)
  257. Abomination thumb Abomination; Frunch'ek, Duelist (#384)
  258. Abomination thumb Abomination; Moash - Va Themgiir, Duelist (#385)
  259. Abomination thumb Abomination; Dani - Va Themgiir, Duelist (#386)
  260. Abomination thumb Abomination; Vella - Frunch'ek, Duelist (#387)
  261. Abomination thumb Abomination; Tekel - Frunch'ek, Duelist (#388)
  262. Abomination thumb Abomination; Heraan - Va French'ek, Duelist (#389)
  263. Phoenix thumb Phoenix; Va Thamgiir, initiate (#390)
  264. Shuttle thumb Shuttle; Economy at Work (#391)
  265. Heavy Shuttle thumb Heavy Shuttle; Economy at Work (#392)
  266. Cargo Drone thumb Cargo Drone; Economy at Work (#393)
  267. Sprite thumb Sprite; economy at work (#394)
  268. Abomination thumb Abomination;Hune's Heraan - Va French'ek (#395)
  269. Aurora Carrier thumb Aurora Carrier;Karrod's Heraan - Va Ytreck (#396)
  270. Cruiser thumb Aurora Cruiser;Duradar's Moash - Dechanik (#397)
  271. Starbridge thumb Starbridge; Class A, extra pirates (#398)
  272. Valkyrie thumb Valkyrie; Class I, extra pirates (#399)
  273. Pirate Starbridge thumb Pirate Starbridge; Class B, extra pirates (#400)
  274. Pirate Valkyrie thumb Pirate Valkyrie; Class II, extra pirates (#401)
  275. Pirate Argosy thumb Pirate Argosy; Stolen Tech, extra pirates (#402)
  276. Pirate Enterprise thumb Pirate Enterprise; Stolen Tech, extra pirates (#403)
  277. Pirate Viper thumb Pirate Viper; Heavy Fighter Class, extra pirates (#404)
  278. Rebel Dragon thumb Rebel Dragon; Carrier Class, Cloaking, Ambassador (#405)
  279. Raven thumb Raven;Nil'kimas, cloak and tunneling, wartime (#406)
  280. Scarab thumb Scarab;Nil'kimas, cloak and tunneling, wartime (#407)
  281. Arachnid thumb Arachnid;Nil'kimas, cloak and tunneling, wartime (#408)
  282. Dragon thumb Dragon;Nil'kimas, cloak and tunneling, wartime (#409)
  283. Striker thumb Striker;Nil'kimas, cloak and tunneling, wartime (#410)
  284. Raven thumb Raven;Nil'kimas, cloak, tunneling and inertia, Jason Cook (#411)
  285. Rebel IDA Frigate thumb Rebel IDA Frigate; Rebel Upgrade I (#412)
  286. Rebel IDA Frigate thumb Rebel IDA Frigate; Rebel Upgrade II (#413)
  287. Rebel IDA Frigate thumb Rebel IDA Frigate; Rebel Upgrade III (#414)
  288. Escape Pod thumb Escape Pod; survival craft (#895)
Escape Velocity Nova
Portal IntroTimelineUniverseShips
Concepts Ory'haraFrandallHyperspace
Technical MissionsSpace ObjectsSpace Object TypesOutfitsWallpapersTech LevelsRanksSoundsPersonsDudesShipsFleetsScan Masks
Gameplay StarshipShieldsArmorCreditsBoardingEscorts
Strategy Monty Python Maneuver (how to outrange and destroy pursuing craft) • Not the Nine O'clock News Maneuver (how to evade a blockade to land) • Qaanol maneuver (how to help your escorts do your dirty work) • Close Combat Guide (how to fight in close quarters) • AgGro's New Pilot GuideMaking MoneyMass TrickCommon Abbreviations
History HypergatesHumanDeimos-Class Colony ShipColonial CouncilArmetisEarth GovernmentThe Creature That Lives In Deep SpaceThose Who Came Before
Outfits Projectile WeaponsBeam WeaponsMissile WeaponsLife UpgradesJammersFuel OutfitsOther Outfits
Development Word of ATMOSWho was involved in making EVN?