Tre'ar Pira is a planet in the Tre'pirana system.
Tre'ar Pira
Small Class M
"This is the homeworld of the Tre'pira, or worker class. In the Polaris language, the word Tre'pira can be translated as meaning 'the highest', 'the brightest' or even 'the purest', depending on its context. This is reflected by the way the Polaris view the Tre'pira. They have far more members than any other caste, and the vast majority of young Polarans wish to join the worker class. That and the fact that the Tre'pira hold the most seats on the Polaris Ruling Council ensure the pre-eminence of the working caste. Tre'ar Pira is both rich in minerals, and extremely fertile. It is well mined and cultivated, but is still beautiful in a pastoral and mountainous way." ― Landing description
"This large establishment is full of Tre'pira who have obviously just finished working for the day. The atmosphere is happy yet still restrained. They all seem to be mindful that they have to be at work early again tomorrow, so nobody seems to be overdoing it." ― Bar description
This stellar object is an inhabited planet that you can land on as long as you have a legal status of 5 with the Polaris.
Food | Low |
Industrial | Medium |
Medical | Medium |
Luxury | Low |
Metal | Low |
Equipment | Medium |
Tre'ar Pira's defence fleet has 120 ships from dude 138: Large Polaris that launch in waves of 6. When dominated, Tre'ar Pira pays a tribute of 242 credits per day.